Dirty Little Secret

Numero Ocho.

It had been a rough past few weeks. Shane had gotten in a terrible accident and had to have various surgeries over the past few weeks. He was finally going home and so were we. My family stayed with the McMahons the entire time excluding my dad who had to go back on the road to wrestle. We all stayed in the beach house while Linda, Vince, my mom, Morgan, and Ricky took turns staying at the hospital with Shane.
We pulled up to the McMahon mansion and Vince, Morgan, and Ricky all helped Shane out of the car and into the house. My mom, Linda, myself, and Stephanie all got all the bags and everything out and carried them inside. They all walked Shane up to his room and carried his bags to his room.
I followed them and watched them as they laid him down on his bed. Morgan turned on the television to Soul Plane which is one of Shane's favorite movies. Linda brought Shane something to snack on and drink and Stephanie got him some extra pillows and blankets. After all was done, the guys and Linda and Stephanie went downstairs leaving Shane and me in the room alone.
"We need to talk." I said sitting on the bed beside him.
"Nothing to talk about. I get it. You don't like me like that. I should have never kissed you. It was a big mistake. I'm sorry. I just don't want this to ruin anything." He replied.
"It's not that, it's just..complicated right now Shane." I said.
"Because of Kaleb right?" He asked.
"What if it is?" I said with a bit of attitude.
"He's no fucking good for you, Allyson." He said. "He's just a fucking player."
"You're just jealous that you can't get a girl." I said. Maybe I was a bit harsh.
"Oh..haha." He said laughing. "You're so fucking clever." He said glaring at me.
"I'm sorry. That was harsh." I said.
"But true." He said looking away from me up at the tv. I was harsh. I didn't want to hurt him.
"No it's not Shane." I said. "You just haven't found the right girl yet." I replied.
"I love you" He blurted looking at me. I looked him deep in the eyes. Maybe I did love Shane McMahon. He was the total package. Good looks, intelligence, kindness. Everything any girl could want in a guy.
I grabbed him and started to kiss him with passion. He reacted by deepening it as much as possible. I pulled him on top of me as we were kissing. I proceeded to pull off his shirt and kiss his chest and torso all over as I heard him groan with pleasure. I then came back up and kissed his lips more before peeling my own shirt off and then my bra. He smiled widely at the sight and I just blushed and moved back to his lips. Next I unbuckled his belt as well as mine while we grinded on each other and i took off our pants then our underwear. After that, we had a passionate love making session.
Later on that day, I woke up in the bed next to Shane who was still asleep. Oh shit. I'd slept with my best friend's big brother! Shit! Shit! Shit! I stumbled to my feet quickly and got dressed then ran down to my room. How would I ever face Stephanie again? How would I ever face Shane again? What was I going to do?