Dirty Little Secret

Numero Nueve.

Something I'd been dreaming of just happened and it was amazing. I'd slept with Allyson and it was amazing. She was a really good love and it was amazing because I loved her. I'd loved her for a long time but I'd been fooling myself. Allyson was a gorgeous girl with a great personality, contagious smile, and just a great outlook on life. She had a confidence that couldn't be matched either.
I opened my eyes and looked around. Typical. She was gone. She probably regretted it. Great. I sighed getting up and pulling on my boxer shorts and basketball shorts as well then I got up limping. I still wasn't 100% from my accident a couple of weeks ago. I put on a t-shirt and walked downstairs. I could see my father getting all his paperwork together so he could go on the road, my mom was folding clothes, and Stephanie was watching a movie with Paul. Stephanie looked at me.
"Hey bubba, how ya feeling?" She asked me.
"Uh. I'm alright." I said. "Where's Allyson?" I asked.
"She went home earlier, why?" Stephanie asked.
"Um no reason." I said starting to walk upstairs.
"Son, it's time for dinner. Come on back down here." Mom said and then I made my way to the dinner table followed by Paul, Steph, mom, and dad.
All through dinner, all I could feel is pain and guilt. I couldn't believe all this. It killed me. I thought last night actually meant something. It was all just a game to her. Not to me. I was in love and thought we were getting somewhere. I'm tired of her hurting me. I'm tired of this shit.
"Okay so tonight I'm heading to Stamford to take some business at the office then I've got a flight to Toronto Canada tomorrow for the show then it's off to San Diego then Vegas then Dallas then Tampa and that's what's up for this week then next week we are headed to Europe." My father said as we were eating our dinner.
"Can I come with you dad?" I asked him. He looked up at me.
"Shane, you're in no condition to be traveling, son. You're not 100% from your accident." My dad said to me.
"C'mon dad, I'm fine. Please?" I asked. I saw dad scratch at his chin and think about it.
"Alright Shane, you can come. But, just meet me in Stamford tomorrow." He said.
"Thanks dad. You're the best." I replied finishing my dinner.
I ran upstairs to pack my bags for tomorrow. I was going to go to Toronto tomorrow and I was pretty stoked. I loved going on the road with dad's show. This was my favorite thing to do since I was a kid. The only thing I hated knowing right now was the fact that Kaleb Hart was going to be there. He's always on the road with Bret as well as Adam is with Owen. Adam was a close friend of mine but I really just wanted to choke Kaleb out. I started to pack as I thought about this. I wondered what life was going to throw in my direction next.