
Chapter III

A soft nuzzling of a dog’s nose woke me. The gentle touch roused me from what felt like a deep sleep.
The blood. The gashes, tears, cuts. All were gone. It was all gone. And yet my clothing was also gone.
I sat up slowly and looked at the dog that had woken me. It was not a dog as I had thought, but rather, it was a fully grown white wolf with bright blue eyes, looking at me, full of amusement at finding me in this state.
My immediate reaction was fear at having a wolf wake me. However, it soon occurred to me that the wolf was calmly standing near me, looking at me, but not attacking or threatening me.
I slowly reached my hand to the wolf, little by little, inch by inch.
When my hand was only a few inches away, the wolf cocked its head at an angle for a moment, then turned its head back to me and nuzzled my hand. I was so shocked I pulled my hand back and the wolf stepped back at my sudden movement.
The large blue eyes stared at me, looking both curious and intelligent.
“Do you have a name?” My rhetorical question made the wolf look a little amused.
The wolf just approached me silently and laid next to me.
“Are you here to help?” I asked, more to myself than anything.
“Oh what am I doing, I’m talking to a wolf,” I said, exasperated at myself. I looked down at my left wrist and saw a few words scrawled on it.
“Follow the wolf”.
I sighed. I really didn’t get much choice, did I?
I stood, covering my bare chest with my arms. “Can you please take me where I am supposed to go?”
The wolf stood and started walking slowly.
For the first time I got a good look around. We were surrounded by forest, and all around was nothing but tree after tree.
Above me was a green roof with little streams of like poking through and falling to the ground, which was a blanket of green underbrush.

Within minutes we reached what appeared to be a large log cabin. A very large log cabin. The wolf led me to the door and looked up at me.
I hesitantly lowered one hand from my breasts and opened the door, and the wolf trotted inside. I followed behind and saw that the wolf had disappeared.
I stood there for a few minutes in the doorway, unsure what to do, just observing the room before me. It was a large, spacious living room with two white couches and a white recliner, all perched on a dark red carpet. There was even a large glass chandelier.
“Well aren’t you going to come inside, idiot?” came an amused voice.
“Well duh,” he said, rounding the corner. “Who else has a voice this sexy?”
“No one,” I admitted quietly.
He smirked, then looked me over. “Not a bad figure, either.”
“Where can I get something to wear?” I asked anxiously.
“I’ll show you to your room,” he said and smirked. “Unless you still don’t want my help.”
“Just show me where to get something to wear.”
“You know you already completed one task, correct?”
“What?” I asked, surprised.
“Pride. You would have rather died than let me help you. I chose the easiest one first. You already have a very strong sense of pride, so I knew you’d pass that with flying colors.”
He turned and went back down the hallway he’d come from and I followed, ignoring his jibe about my being prideful. He led me to a large room with a royal blue canopy bed big enough for about ten and a dark door leading into another room. He led me to the door and smiled.
“Your closet awaits you,” he said, and ostentatiously swung the door open, revealing a room almost as big as the bedroom full of row upon row of outfits to choose from.
“Pick one and meet me back in the living room. We have some things to discuss.”
He left just as abruptly as he’d appeared, and I walked into the closet, eying all the clothes happily. I’d never had these many options before.
But on a closer look, not a single one of the outfits covered much more than was covered while I was wearing nothing.
I sighed and picked out a dark purple bra, black camisole, black panties and finally a pair of jeans, a blue so dark it was nearly black, and so tight my legs were about to burst through. It was one of the most modest outfits in the closet.
Walking back into the living room (practically waddling) I saw Lucifer sitting casually on the couch, and I sat on the other couch across from him and looked at him.
“What do I have to do now, Lucifer?”
“Well, your next challenge is envy.”
“What do I have to envy? I do not want anything.”
“You will by the time we get done with you,” he said and smirked.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you see, I have a little arrangement planned. You’re going to stay in your assigned room. And nightly I will have my activities as I always have. Staying here will not change what I am allowed to do, of course.”
“So we’re staying here together?”
“Yes. Don’t say it with such disdain. You know you don’t hate me nearly as much as your pretend to. But I digress. I will have my activities and you will grow envious. I can already tell by your personality.”
“What activities?”
“To be blatant, sex.”
“I don’t care if you are having sex with every demon in hell.”
“But you will once you fall in love with me.”
If I’d had anything in my mouth I surely would have choked. As it was I sputtered and was speechless for a moment before I regained some composure. “Lucifer, I am not going to fall in love with you. I am sorry, but that is not even a possibility.”
“We’ll see.”
“Where’d the wolf go?” I asked, trying to change the subject.
He smiled, knowing exactly what I was doing, but decided to answer anyways. He stood. “This wolf?” A moment later he turned into the white wolf with bright blue eyes.
“I like you better as the wolf,” I said bitterly, and the wolf trotted out of the room in the direction of my room, and reappeared as a man a few moments later, carrying to drinks in with him.
“Would you like a martini?”
I shook my head. “I’m underage.”
He laughed mirthlessly. “You think that matters here?”
I just sighed. “I think I would like to go to bed now.”
“Alright. Just know that our rooms are adjoined so if you ever start feeling that envy we discussed, just come on in, kill two birds with one stone and get lust out of the way.”
“You’re disgusting,” I muttered and went to my room, closing the door and sat down on my bed. I laid down, and feeling the blankets around me, I grabbed them and pulled them up, making an entrance underneath them, leaving just enough room for me to slip under them.
I knew that I wasn’t going to sleep well, but it was worth a try.
