Status: In- Progress. Warning, sexual content.

Invasion: Red Dawn

Betrayed, Shot, Tears

We all sat in complete silence for what seemed like forever. Robert's hands were shaking as he held the gun to his shoulder. I placed a hand on his shoulder and he didn't even make eye contact just, sighed.
Soon we heard the engine cut off, a gun was fired and we all ran out.
“No! NO! Hold your fire!” Jed yelled.
Matty put down his gun. “I thought they were the Koreans.” Jed became infurieated.
“Don't you listen! I said hold the cabin and wait until I tell you!” Jed yelled.
“I'm sorry! I was trying to help!” Matty exclaimed.
A woman with red hair hugged Matty and Jed relaxed slightly. Matty hugged her and said, “Hey Toni.” She sniffed.
“Have you seen Erica?” She whispered. Matty sighed.
“No. You?” She just cried on his shoulder.
A large black man came from the truck. “Hey, Jed your dad sent us here.” Jed nodded.
“Is he with you?” He asked.
“No, last I saw he was trying to help some people.” He answered.
“Thanks Danny.” Matty said. Jed started to walk to the cabin.
“Everyone back inside. Let's go.” We walked back into the cabin and then turned some lights back on but not all.
“Who fired the shot earlier?” Jed asked.
“Pete.” Everyone said.
“Why?” Jed asked.
“We were trying to help man, we thought they had already killed you.” Jed stood.
“Don't ever shoot again without my say so, you can get us found and innocents killed.” Pete's nostrils flared.

We all fell asleep. I layed down on a blanket next to Robert and played with my pistols. Robert snored next to me but he murmored often. I knew he was scared. So was I. We were all ripped from our lives and then our parents and siblings were all taken from us. I heard rustling and noticed Matty and Jed had wandered outside.
I stayed awake as watch for indoors and once I heard Jed's heavy footsteps again I fell asleep.

“Everyone up! C'mon!” I heard Jed bellow.
“Robert! Wake up your friends c'mon!” Jed kicked Robert's hand. He shot up and put his finger on the trigger but retracted.
“Amelia, c'mon. Up.” He shook my shoulder and I opened my eyes.
“Pete and his buddies ran off in the night with all our food. We're gonna have to find some.” Jed said.
“What?” Matty exclaimed.
“Yep. Someone's got quite the temper.” Daryl said stretching.
Jed opened the door and looked outside.
“Matty c'mon. We can hunt for food. Everyone else stay here and be quiet.” Jed grabbed a rifle and they made their way out.

About half an hour later Koreans made their way on the camp. Everyone flipped out, but silently. I looked around and wandered through the cabin and Robert followed close behind.
“Hey there's a back door!” He whispered.
“Everyone!” I whispered to the living room. “Grab your shit and let's go out this back door, try and fine Jed and Matty.” They all gathered their guns and blankets and we left, filing out one-by-one.
We wandered out into the woods and eventually we ran into Jed.
“They found the cabin.” Greg said out of breath. He held his wife's hand tightly. Jed sighed and rubbed his face with his left hand.
“Hurry, let's get into cover.” We found a log and we all perched to look at the group.
We saw Pete standing beaten in front of them. “They were all here I swear! They must have moved into the woods!” He exclaimed.
Captain Cho had him removed and put into a car. He nodded his head and pulled a black man out.
“That's my dad!” Daryl whispered.
“Shh!” Jed quieted him.
Cho gave him a bullhorn and the man spoke, “Son? Son, Captain Cho promised me no one would be hurt if you came out here. He said you hurt a lot of his men and he needs you to work to pay that off. He said no one would get hurt. Please son, come on out.” He shook his head, knowing it didn't work.
Soon a man in a police uniform emerged. Cho gave him the bullhorn and he spoke. “Jed? Matty? Boys, I know you're out there. Please just hear me out. I want you to run. To kill this son of a bitch and get everyone's lives back. Or die trying.” He shut off the bullhorn. Cho took it from him and then pointed a gun at his head.
Matty fidgeted and Jed hushed him.
Cho waited and looked around and then pulled the trigger.
Matty almost screamed but Jed wrapped his hand around his mouth. Matty let tears slip and Jed hugged him and quieted him at the same time. I cried for them. I knew their father, but not in a friend kind of way. More like as a mutual person that lived in our community.
I turned to Robert and he scooted near me and hugged me. I cried.
“C'mon, we need to move.” Jed said in a cracked voice.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second Chapter, up.