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Spring Fever

I Bet You Never Had A Friday Night Like This

"Ugh!" I groaned at the sound of my phone alarm. I wait a minute more in the warm safety of my comforter, and when I open my eyes again, it's been ten minutes. "Damn..." I curse under my breath as I go to wake up Lennox.

Lennox is already up, and putting even more kohl on. She was super thin, but she had perfect hips, I mean, how unfair is that? What I wouldn't give to be like her. Her blonde hair falls in a stick-straight sheet and she's wearing shredded short shorts, a Tonight Alive tank, and all-black Vans. I wish I looked like her. But, I trudge back to my own room and start getting ready.

I throw on my Aspire & Create cut-off, my shredded high-waisted shorts, and my tribal print Vans. Looking in the mirror, I can say that the only thing unique about me are my Caribbean-blue eyes. I mean, I'm always told by girls that they're jealous of my naturally black hair and my lanky frame, but I just don't feel like it fits me. Everyone expects this emo girl who files down her teeth and gets skull tattoos. I just love music. But, I decide I should stop criticizing myself and get ready.

I walk into the bathroom, straighten my hair until I'm sure it won't frizz back up, put on enough makeup to hide the bags under my eyes, and tell Lennox it's time to go. By the time we get to the car, it's 5:43 in the morning.

My mum would flip a table if she knew where we were going, but she thought we were going to band camp. The irony.

Lucky for us, our band teacher, Mr. Armstrong, vouched for us, even made us fake registration papers so we could go. You see, he loves All Time Low and Pierce the Veil. (I'm not a huge ATL fan, but whatever). He knows how much it means to us, so he helped us be able to go. All he asked in return was that we bring him a signed tshirt. Easy enough.

As we walked out the door, we felt something in the air change. This was going to be the best day of our lives.


We pulled into the Chicago venue about twelve hours later. Since we won free tickets AND backstage passes on the radio, we got into the venue early in the hopes of meeting some of the bands.

I stopped the car while Kellin was in the midst of his singing, grabbed my pass, and hopped out.

We walked up to the door, flashed our passes, and the extremely those-muscles-shouldn't-even-be-possible-looking bouncer let us in. He pointed us to the backstage area and I started walking, being dragged by Lennox.

God, what are the oods that I, Corlyn fucking Casper was going to meet Vic fucking Fuentes and-

I bumped into someone extremely attractive.

"Bloody-" said a slightly British accent. "Sorry. I wasn't really watching where I was going. My uh... my name's Alex."
♠ ♠ ♠
Song Credit: King for a Day - Pierce the Veil (feat. Kellin Quinn)

This is what I picture Corlyn looking like:

This is what I picture Lennox looming like: