Sequel: In Unexpected Places

Against the Odds

Chapter Sixty Five Part Two

A/N: I have to say, this chapter is emotional for me to post. I've been with Harry, Alex, and Emma for over a year and a half. They're my babies. And the moment I've been working toward for all of that time.

So to my readers, thank you for sticking with me and for loving Harry, Alex, and Emma.


When Alex stepped from the car in front of Westminster Abbey, it was easily the most unbelievably surreal moment of her life. No matter how many times she had watched Will and Kate’s wedding, no matter how many times Kate had told her about this very moment, stepping out of the car in a one of a kind designer wedding dress, in front of one of the iconic churches in the world, to the roar of the crowds cheering – it felt like an incredible dream.

Alex couldn’t help the wide smile and small laugh that fell from her lips as she turned to smile and offer the crowd a wave. All of those people had gathered to catch a glimpse of her, of Harry, and probably of Emma too. They had come out in support of their wedding day and Alex really wished that she could just hug them all and thank them personally.

“Are you ready, Boot?” Mike’s voice was soft and deep as he came around the car and offered his arm to her along with a warm, supportive smile.

“Yes,” Alex smiled and nodded. She took a deep breath and slid her hand into the curve of her father’s arm and turned her gaze from the crowd, immediately finding her daughter standing there in front of her.

“Mum,” Emma smiled wide, not appearing a bit nervous as she waited to take her place as her mother’s maid of honor, holding her train as they entered the church. Emma’s voice was barely audible above the crowd but Alex couldn’t help the way it made her tear up anyway.

“Oh Emma,” Alex sighed. “You look beautiful.”

“Mum,” Emma laughed with only the slightest roll of her eyes, so small that only Alex would have ever caught it. “You just saw me.”

“I know,” Alex laughed. “And it’s just as true now as it was then.” She could almost hear Emma roll her eyes and she couldn’t help the giggle that slipped from her lips. Then with a look up to Mike and a nod, they began the walk up to the doors.

As soon as they stepped through the glass doors and they closed behind them, Alex almost felt as if they had stepped into an entirely different world. The noise outside faded, the extent of the beautifully decorated Abby came into view, and a certain sort of calm settled inside of her.

The Bishop came over, offering a few kind, calming words to Alex and to her father. Charlotte moved around to check Alex’s veil and gave her wink and smirk, making Alex laugh lightly. And then, Emma, Charlotte, and the pageboys took their place behind her. The Bishop took his place in front, all waiting for the carefully selected music as their cue to start moving.

“Hey, Boot?” Mike said so softly that Alex wasn’t quite sure she actually heard him until she turned and saw him looking at her with a look in his eyes that made her want to cry.

“Yeah?” she whispered with a bit to her lip, trying to keep the tears at bay.

He smiled and reached over to pat the hand that was tucked into his arm. “I’m so incredibly proud of you.”

“Daddy…” Alex breathed just as the music began to play, signaling the start of the procession. She blinked quickly, pushing the tears back and looking forward as smile tilted her lips. She took a deep breath and then, she took the first step.

The first step down the aisle.

The first step towards her new life.

The first step towards Harry.

And as she took that step – and the next one and the one after that – she couldn’t help the brilliant smile that spread across her face. All the time that Melanie had spent making Alex practice smiling in case her nerves took over was useless; there wasn’t a single thing in the world that could have pulled the smile from her face in that moment.

And then, just as they moved into the nave, Alex’s eyes shifted slightly, taking in the new part of the Abbey and for the first time down the aisle, she started to recognize some of the faces seated on either side of her. The Beckhams were there, along with Sir Elton John and his husband. Even though she had never met him, she spotted Harry’s close friend Prince Seeiso, whom she’d heard so much about. He met her eyes and offered her a nod and a warm smile and Alex had the fleeting thought that she knew she liked him already.

But as her eyes shifted back to center, as her attention pulled back to where her feet where leading her, all of her thoughts that weren’t of Harry disappeared. Because that’s when she found him; that’s when her eyes fell on him and she felt her breath suck in and she had to fight the urge to hike up her dress and run at full speed down the aisle to him.

She had to swallow back the giggle that bubbled up in her throat at the thought of bolting down the aisle and screwing up the pace she had been so worried about keeping two days before and how it just didn’t seem to matter as much anymore; not with Harry standing at the end waiting for her. But still she stayed on pace, a wide smile in place and holding on to her father’s arm tightly as she moved.

Her eyes stayed steady on Harry, watching as he rocked on his heels slightly – a tell that she knew meant that he was anxious and ready to turn around and see her, to have her with him. Her lips tipped up even higher when she saw William turn slightly and smile at her, warm and affectionate with just a pinch of humor, loving that he had the task of letting Harry know that she was there – with words he had planned out in advance to bring the most reaction from his brother she had no doubt.

Alex wouldn’t find out until hours later exactly what Will had said, but just as she thought it would, his words made Harry forget he was supposed to wait to turn and see her until she moved up the steps and stood beside him.

And the look on his face when he turned and found her almost took her down.

His lips parted, he blinked once, and then the biggest, happiest smile that Alex was sure she’d ever seen spread across his handsome face. She couldn’t help but match his grin as she stepped closer and closer, seemingly inching towards him. His eyes flickered away from hers and moved behind her, and she knew he had found Emma. His face softened, he threw a wink, and Alex couldn’t help but tear up slightly, loving that he found a way to bring Emma into this unbelievably special, intimate moment.

And just as the tears threatened to surge to the surface she realized that they had finally reached the end of the aisle.

Her breath sucked in.

Just a few more steps until she was there; until she was standing next to Harry.

She held tight to her father’s arm as he guided her up the steps, asking her softly if she was okay, making sure she remained steady.

And she was; she was steady and beyond ready for this.

And just as the music reached its climax, Alex stepped right into her place right beside Harry.

It was less than a second before he leaned in, his voice low as he spoke to her, not being able to wait any longer than that to connect with her. “Right on time, my love.”

Her lips curled up at his words, at the comment that was so innately Harry – cheeky but filled with adoration. Her eyes slid to his and she felt her cheeks flush as their gazes met. “I almost broke into a run halfway down.”

His lips twitched and he bit his lip, holding back laughter before his face turned a bit serious. His voice dropped even lower and he dared to speak again – the music was nearing its end and along with it his chance to say his last words to her before they took their vows, before they pledged their entire lives to each other. “I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as you are right now, Alexandra.”

Her lips trembled. “Harry…”

“And I’m so proud…”

And his words were forced to fade out as the music slowed to a stop. But Alex didn’t need to hear the words to know what he was going to say. He was proud to be standing there with her, proud to be marrying her, proud to be on this journey with her and Emma.

And it made her incredibly proud to be standing right there next to him; proud and emotional. She took a deep, calming breath and blinked back tears as she turned and found Emma, smiling and calm and waiting to take Alex’s bouquet as part of her duties as maid of honor.

“Thank you,” Alex breathed softly as she handed the bouquet to her daughter. Her lips pulled into a smile when she saw Emma glance towards Harry quickly and then giggle before turning to move back down the steps and to her seat. Then she turned again and faced her father and the sting of tears threatened again as her eyes met his.

“You’re doing amazing, Boot,” Mike whispered low as he smiled warmly at her, everything about his words and his voice moving to calm and sooth her as she felt the emotions surging heavy within her.

She took another deep breath as she smiled, nodded, and then dipped slightly so he could lift her veil over her head. And just as her veil was in place, music began filling the Abbey once more and her dad was smiling encouragingly to her one more time before she moved to face forward again.

Her gaze immediately snuck to the right and found Harry as he reached in front of them for one of the wedding programs. He turned to hand it to her as they would be expected to sing along with the congregation. When she reached out to take it from him, his hand brushed hers and Alex’s cheeks flushed immediately when she found herself wanting to gasp at the contact. She glanced down for only a second before her gaze was sliding to the side again and their eyes met. His lips pulled immediately into a cheeky grin, his cheeks flushed just as much as hers had, and Alex knew that he had felt the heat flow between them too at the simple touch.

And that was all she needed to get the surge of emotions under control; that simple interaction with Harry where there were no words spoken but he told her that he was right there with her; feeling everything she was feeling. That was the moment she relaxed and forgot about the TV cameras and the millions of eyes that were watching them. And as the voices of the congregation filled the Abbey around her and she began to sing along to the music as well, everything just became easier.

Because she was with Harry.

They snuck glances at each other through the song, small smiles tilting their lips as they sang and occasional light flushed spreading across their cheeks. To everyone and anyone who watched, it was undeniable how happy and excited the couple at the Altar was.

When the song came to an end, silence settled over them for a moment as the Reverend stepped up to them to start his part of the ceremony. And the light, playful moments between them faded out into complete seriousness. They both wanted to respect this; this ceremony that would make them man and wife.

“Dearly beloved…”The Reverend’s deep, wonderful voice began to fill the Abbey around them, but in that moment, both Harry and Alex felt like he was speaking only to them. “We are gathered here today in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join together this woman and this man in Holy Matrimony…”

Alex had known what he would say; had studied the readings for the wedding many, many times. She knew he would tell them of the importance of marriage and how serious those entering into the institution of marriage should take it. She knew he would go over the reasons that marriage was created. Bust as she listened, she felt the words resonate heavy in her heart and in her soul; more than she ever had before.

“…Therefore, if any man can show any just cause why they cannot lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace.”

The Abbey fell completely silent for a few moments and then the Archbishop of Canterbury stepped forward and the Reverend stepped away. Alex’s breath sucked in and she felt Harry do the same next to her. The Archbishop would be marrying them. He would be overseeing their vows to each other and by the time he stepped away from them, they would be man and wife.

“I require and charge you both, as ye will answer at the dreadful day of judgment when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed, that if either of you know any impediment why ye may not be lawfully joined together in matrimony, ye do now confess it. For be ye well assured, that so many as are coupled together otherwise than God’s word doth allow are not joined together by God, neither is their matrimony lawful.”

Alex felt all the emotions swell again inside of her again as the Archbishop took a breath and then turned to Harry. She could almost feel Harry stand up taller, ready to say words he had been waiting for so long to say.

“Henry Charles Albert David, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together according to God’s law in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?”

There wasn’t even a blink of silence before Harry answered; loud, clear, and proud. “I will.”

Alex couldn’t help but turn to take a quick peek at him; her heart swelling and her lips curving into a smile at the look of complete pride and confidence on his face. And then the Bishop was turning to her and she pulled her focus forward, already aching to speak the words Harry had spoken a moment before.

“Alexandra Mae, wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to live together according to God’s law in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?”

Her lips curved, her shoulders straightened, and she answered, clear and certain. “I will.”

The Archbishop took a breath and then spoke again, “Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?”

Alex turned warm eyes to her father as he reached for her right hand. He squeezed her fingers gently, nodded encouragingly, and then he passed her hand to the Archbishop and then he was passing her hand to Harry. And for the first time all day, they were touching; connected. His fingers curved soft and warm around her as she turned to face him, her bottom lip pulling in between her teeth for just a brief moment as their eyes met and locked. His eyebrows lifted slightly, his lips twitched, and Alex knew exactly what he was thinking; she could hear it as clearly as if he spoke the words out loud.

“Think I could convince him to hurry it up?”

Her lips curved slightly but before she could find her own silent way to respond, the Archbishop’s voice filled the air again.

“I, Henry Charles Albert David…”

Harry squeezed her hand and took a deep breath; all humor replaced but complete seriousness and intent. “I, Henry Charles Albert David…”

“Take thee, Alexandra Mae…”

“Take thee, Alexandra Mae…” His eyes shone bright as he repeated the words and with a lump in her own throat, she realized the brightness was tears.

“To my wedded wife…”

“To my wedded wife…” Though his voice wavered a bit with emotion, that word – wife­ – was firm and clear. His wife.

“To have and to hold from this day forward…”

“To have and to hold from this day forward…” Tears gathered in the corners of his eyes, his thumb stroked over the back of her hand, and Alex blinked at the tears that formed in her own, though she knew it was helpless to try and stop them.

“For better, for worse…”

“For better, for worse…” He blinked at his tears and a smile began to form on his lips.

“In sickness and in health…”

“In sickness and in health…” He squeezed her hand as he saw her swallow against the tears, bringing her through it with him.

“To love and to cherish…”

“To love and to cherish…” His smile grew wider. He had always loved and cherished her and he simply couldn’t live a life where he didn’t.

“Till death do us part…”

“Till death do us part…” He was almost grinning now, though the tears were still there and she couldn’t help but smile with him.

“And thereto I give thee my troth…”

“And thereto I give thee my troth…” And Alex knew he’d never meant anything more in his entire life.

Regretfully, he released his hold on her hand and she dropped it to her side, but she was already lifting her other hand to find his. When his skin met hers again she almost sighed with being in contact with him again; needing it more than anything in the world right then.

The Archbishop began again, leading her into her vows; the most important words she would ever say. “I, Alexandra Mae…”

“I, Alexandra Mae…” She smiled bright, her eyes wide with love and certainty as they held firmly with Harry’s.

“Take thee, Henry Charles Albert David…”

His lips tipped up even as her eyes sparkled, thinking of her particular habit of using all four names. “Take thee, Henry Charles Albert David…”

“To my wedded husband…”

“To my wedded husband…” She spoke the word just as he had and watched as it made tears spring to his eyes again; making her swallow at the emotion that it brought.

“To have and to hold from this day forward…”

“To have and to hold from this day forward…” And in a way that only Harry would ever notice, her voice grew softer, letting him know just how much she meant those words; how deeply she believed in them.

“For better, for worse…”

“For better, for worse…” Through absolutely anything, she thought as she said the words. And the tears she thought she was going to be able to keep at bay sprang forward in her eyes.

“In sickness and in health…”

“In sickness and in health…” She squeezed his hand as her voice wavered, the waves of emotions rolling through her with the words.

“To love and to cherish…”

“To love and to cherish…” A tear slipped from the corner of her eye but it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered in the world but pledging everything to the man in front of her.

“Till death do us part…”

“Till death do us part…” Her lips pulled into a smile and she managed to blink back the rest of her tears as he rocked on his heels and his thumb swiped love back and forth over her hand; soothing and encouraging her.

“And thereto I give thee my troth…”

“And thereto I give thee my troth…” She would give him anything and everything. Always. Forever.

A wide smile was shared between the two of them and as much as she didn’t want to, her fingers loosened around his and she moved to let go of his hand. But instead of dropping his hand to his side, Harry reached up and quickly swiped the tear that had fallen during her vows from her cheek.

It wasn’t a long, drawn out motion. It was quick and simple and more reflex than anything. But unknown to either of them at the time, the entire world went crazy at his sweet, loving gesture; at the way he took care of his bride. It was the picture that would be published more than any other. It was the video clip that would be played over and over again. But the bride and groom remained unaware of any of that, firmly wrapped up in their moment as William pulled out the rings and handed them to the Archbishop so that he could bless them.

“Bless, O Lord, these rings, and grant that they who give them and they who shall wear them may remain faithful to each other, and abide in thy peace and favor, and live together in love until their lives’ end. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

The Archbishop handed Alex’s simple gold ring to Harry first, who turned to her with a bright, easy smile as he took her left hand in his. The Archbishop led him in his vow and Harry repeated them with ease; promising to honor her with his body and to share all of his worldly goods with her. It was all quite simple really; he would honor her with everything he was and give her everything he had. It was the easiest thing he ever promised to do.

And Alex felt lighter, more relaxed as she took Harry’s ring and did the same; repeating after the Archbishop as she slipped the gold band onto his finger. “With this ring I thee wed; with my body I thee honor; and all my worldly goods with thee I share.”

And then they were turning back towards the Archbishop, stepping forward on the Altar for the prayer. Harry’s hand held onto hers as they moved to their knees and then was forced to let go; despite his entire body aching to keep contact with her, with the woman he had just pledged everything to.

“Let us pray…” The Archbishop said, his deep voice booming out to the congregation.

They both bowed their heads, listening to the prayer in their honor; the hope that their message would be a blessed and happy one.

And it would be. Neither of them had any doubt. They believed it to the bottom of their hearts and deep down in their souls.

And then the Bishop motioned for their hands one more time. Their eyes met just as their hands did and the cloth of the Archbishop was wrapped around them. “Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder.”

Their hands were parted again, but this time it wasn’t the ache to be connected that either of them felt. There was a surge of energy; a rush of emotion. This was it. After the Archbishop’s next words…

“Forasmuch as Henry and Alexandra have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have given and pledged their troth either to other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving of rings, and by joining of hands; I pronounce that they be man and wife together, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

They were married. She was his wife. He was her husband.

Theirs. Together.

The cheering from the crowds outside could be heard inside the Abbey and tears surged forward into Alex’s eyes. It was not only a reminder that it wasn’t just the two of them at that moment; it was also a reminded that those watching were supporting them in this moment, were cheering them on as they became man and wife. And it meant so much to her.

And the Archbishop continued, “God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favor look upon you; and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace, that ye may so live together in this life, that in the world to come ye may have life everlasting. Amen.”

Then they were rising to their feet and Harry’s hand wrapped around hers, holding her steady. Alex’s eyes were still slightly teary as they met Harry’s and he smiled softly and his hand squeezed hers in a silent, “I love you.”

She nodded and then turned a quick, warm smile to her father and to William and they left them at the Altar to take their seats and then Harry was leading her to the side, to the seats that they would remain in for the rest of the ceremony. He helped her sit, took his seat next to her, and she swore she could feel him in every single inch of her body. She wished more than anything that she could talk to him, that she could touch him; that in some way they could be connected in these first moments after they became husband and wife.

As she pulled open her wedding program to follow along with the music, she turned to look at him. Her smile pulled wide and her cheeks flushed when she found him already looking at her. His eyes were heavy and full of everything they shared; their love, their passion, and their commitment to each other. And she simply couldn’t help herself; her bottom lip tucked into her teeth, she reached over, and wrapped her fingers around his where they rested on his leg. Harry’s lips moved into a soft smile as he moved to take her hand into his, covering her fingers warmly as they joined the congregation in the Hymn.

It was just that simple really; they had to be connected in that moment. No one could take that from them.

When the music began to fade out, Alex grinned wide when she saw her brother stand from his seat, tall and incredibly handsome in his morning suit as he moved to the front to deliver the reading of the Lesson.

His deep, Texas accented voice filled the Abbey as he began to read the beautiful passage Alex and Harry had chosen and Alex couldn’t help but let her eyes wander to the rest of her family as she listened to him. She smiled as her eyes met first her father’s and then her mother’s. Donna’s lips curved into a smirk of a smile and Alex was forced to bit her lip to avoid the giggle that threatened with the shared look between them. Her eyes traveled to Emma then, who was watching her Uncle Matt but must have sensed her mother looking at her, because she turned her head right then. Her eyes met Alex’s, who winked and smiled at her, bringing flushed cheeks and a giggle to the pretty little girl in the purple tiara. And then her eyes moved to Charlotte; her dear friend and now her sister-in-law. Her hand was resting on her baby bump and love was shining in her eyes as she watched Matt speak.

Alex felt so incredibly lucky and loved as they moved through Matt’s reading, the Anthem, and then the Address. She had these amazing family and friends, some of whom had flown from halfway across the world to support her as she married the wonderful, amazing man who currently held her hand so warmly and firmly in his.

The ceremony was beautiful and moved along quickly. Before Alex realized it they were standing from their chairs and moving back to High Altar for the Motet, the Blessing, and then finally, the National Anthem.

And when it was all done, just as the final notes to God Save the Queen faded, Harry’s eyes found hers again, he offered her his arm, and she slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow gladly. She squeezed gently and she smiled up at him as he began to lead them behind across the High Altar towards the door that would lead them into the Shrine of St. Edward the Confessor for the signing of the wedding registries.

They were barely behind the High Altar, just a few feet from being in view of the congregation and the entire world before Harry was turning to her, his eyes mischievous and determined, his hands searching. She grinned at him as his fingers danced up over her lace covered shoulders to her neck where he cupped her face in his hands, tilting her up to him, and his eyes meeting hers with such emotion that Alex nearly forgot how to breathe.

“Harry…” Her hands moved to him, her fingers curling around his wrists and holding him to her.

He stepped closer, his body pressing to hers. “Yes, my love?”

“We’re married…” It was a whispered statement, but the emotional impact was big. Her lips tilted up and her eyes filled with tears just as his did the same.

“We are,” he nodded, his voice low and filled with so much love and pride it made her lips tremble. “And Alexandra, I’m going to kiss my wife.”

Everything about him was steady and determined as he tilted his head over hers. And as much as she knew that she should stop him and make him wait, she simply couldn’t. After spending the better part of the morning sharing everything with the world, this moment of impropriety and impulsiveness and of love was theirs.

She moaned as his lips covered hers, warm and soft and sure. Her lips parted for him and when his tongue found hers it was slow and reverent and the sweetest thing Alex had ever experienced in her life; being kissed by her husband.

“Ooooooh no,” a small, whispered voice called out from behind them, bringing the kiss to an end. “You’re not supposed to be kissing in the church!”

Alex and Harry both laughed as they pulled apart and turned towards Emma, who was shaking her head at them. Harry bent forward and picked up Emma into his arms as their families began to file into the room as well.

“Well, good morning Princess Emma Rose,” Harry grinned as he leaned in and kissed her cheek. “You look beautiful today.”

Emma’s eyes widened a bit. “Am I a Princess now?”

“You’re a Princess now,” Harry nodded.

“Harry, I don’t remember you wearing that shade of lipstick during the ceremony,” William cracked, his eyes dancing wickedly as he messed with his brother.

“That’s cause they were kissing. I caught them,” Emma said, matter-of-fact and bringing a laugh from the group that was gathered.

“Of course,” Harry laughed. He narrowed his eyes playfully at Emma and then moved to set her down so he could wipe the evidence from his lips.

The Archbishop joined them then and although the mood remained jovial, it was time to get back to business for a moment, to fulfill the purpose for which they had all stepped into this private space. The Archbishop guided them to the large table where the documents they were required to sign were laid out for them; the marriage license, the Cathedral Registry, and the Royal Registry.

They signed each one in turn and it felt a touch surreal to Alex, to be signing her name in the Royal Registry under famous royal brides that had come before her. But she smiled as she added hers to the list, signing ‘Alexandra Mae Morgan’ for what was very likely to be the last time in her life.

Once they were done, they quickly lined up again, ready to step back into the Abbey and into the view of the public for the procession back up the aisle to the waiting carriages outside.

“Harry?” Alex whispered as their family began to file out ahead of them.

“Yes, love?” His head tilted closer to hers and his hand held hers tighter.

“I forgot to tell you how handsome you look today.”

Harry grinned and chuckled. “It’s the uniform, love.”

“No,” she smiled softly and shook her head. “It’s because you’re my husband.”

“Ah, now see,” he murmured, his eyes going soft and sweet on her. “That’s completely unfair, trying to make me cry just before we step out there again.”

Alex grinned and her eyes danced. “Well, I had to try.”

Laughter was fresh on Harry’s lips as they stepped back out onto the High Altar, back into the eye of the public. His hand held hers as he led her down the steps where they paused for a moment and turned to face the Queen. Harry bowed his head and Alex dipped into her curtsy, rising to see the Queen smiling gently at her. Her eyes met Prince Philip’s for a moment as they turned back to the aisle and the smirk of a smile was so much like Harry’s that it made smile.

The walk up the aisle – with the fanfare playing out around them – seemed so much faster than the walk down the aisle had been. It all seemed so easy now; so simple. Now she had Harry with her. Her hand was clasped in his, they were married, she was his wife.”

But no matter how easy it felt, nothing could have prepared her for the roar that went up the second they stepped through the door of the Abbey and in the view of the crowds. Alex’s smile was big and bright as they paused there for a moment, allowing for pictures and then for Harry to pull on his gloves and his hat. Her eyes traveled out over the crowd as she waited and as silly as she knew it sounded, she wished she could go over and hug every single person in the crowd and thank them for coming out and supporting her and Harry.

“Right then,” Harry grinned as he pulled on his second glove and made sure it was fastened. “You ready, love?”

“Always,” Alex responded, lifting her hand back to Harry’s. Her breath sucked in as they moved down the steps and she saw the magnificent carriage waiting in front of them. “Oh wow…”

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Harry grinned. “I’ve never gotten to ride in it before today.”

“Me either,” Alex joked, bringing a laugh from Harry as they stopped in front of the carriage.

The footman that was standing at the ready pulled open the door. Harry was the first to climb in before turning to take her bouquet and then offer a hand to help her into the carriage. He made sure she was seated before suddenly he looked up back towards the Abbey at their family standing there, waiting in groups for the carriages that would come around to get them after Harry and Alex’s had pulled away.

“Hold on,” Harry called out to the footman as he stood and, taking care not to step on Alex’s dress, moved right back out of the carriage.

“Harry, what are you…” She called out with a laugh, her words trailing off as she realized where he was going.

She watched as he moved quickly to where Emma stood next to Charlotte and he bent down, saying something to Emma which had her nodding her head and bringing a giant smile to her face. And then he was standing up again, taking Emma’s hand in his and leading her back to the carriage.

Alex felt tears move to her eyes at his gesture – bringing Emma into this moment with them. It wasn’t just about Harry and Alex. They were a family now, and that included Emma too. He wanted her with them. He wanted the entire world to see not only how happy the two of them were, but how happy they were as a family unit as well.

He was all smiles when they got back to the carriage and climbed back in again. And when he reached for Emma and pulled her inside with him and Alex, sitting her right in the middle of them, the cheers that went through the crowd were beyond compare.

“I had to,” Harry leaned over and murmured to Alex.

“It’s perfect,” Alex whispered, her smile beaming.

“This is so cool,” Emma breathed, bringing a laugh from both of them.

And then the horses began to move and their carriage pulled away from Westminster Abbey. Their hands lifted in delighted waves and their lips pulled into elated smiles as the crowds began to pass by, as they began their journey towards the next stop in their day, Buckingham Palace.