Winter Is Coming


“So are you ever going to wake up?”

“No,” I muttered against my pillow and then heard my dearest sister sigh, “Go away, Anna.”

“No can do big sis, mom said to get yer ass up!”

“Go away,” I muttered, pulling the pillow on top of my head.

“Nope,” she laughed and then started to jump on my bed, and then I felt her butt land hard on my back.

“Bitch!” I growled and she laughed and jumped off of me.

“Are you making fun of your sister again, Jess?” I heard and then groaned again, knowing that that voice belonged to my best friend, Cynthia.

“Why can’t you people go away?” I whined and I heard Cynthia, or Cindy, or Cyn (Sin) laugh. She ripped the pillow from my head and I sighed.

“Smell that,” she said and I whiffed in the scent and then smirked, “There’s my girl.”

“My hero,” I said as I sat up and batted my eyes towards her, “You brought me coffee.”

“One mocha double shot latte with extra cream, extra sugar and extra umff,” Cynthia said and I laughed leaning back onto the headboard and taking the cup full of warm caffeine liquid into my hands.

“I love you,” I said and then took a sip, “Taste like sex.”

“You two are weird,” Anna, my younger sister said as she rolled her eyes and then walked out of the room.

“So what’s on the agenda today bff?” I smirked and Cynthia snorted, taking a seat on the end of my bed.

“Well it’s nerd day at that old library on 35th street,” she said and I laughed a little, “No it’s not really nerd day, that’s tomorrow, but I wanted to check out some books.”

“You’re definitely a nerd,” I laughed and then took another sip of coffee.

“Knowledge is power my friend.”

“No, money is power, mon ami. Welcome to the 21st century,” I smirked and Cynthia rolled her eyes, “So, library?”

“Library,” she smirked and I sighed.

“Hmmm, it’s noon on a Saturday in July,” I said and looked out the window, “What’s the weather like?”

“Hot as hell,” Cynthia said and then stood up, showing herself wearing jean shorts, a tank top and flip flops.

“Wardrobe consultant, por favor,” I smirked and Cynthia rolled her eyes and walked over towards my closet.

“You are one lazy ass bitch, Jessica Vonderheid,” Cynthia said and I laughed and placed the cup of coffee on my night stand and got up, stretching and then walking over towards me closet, “Here, wear this.”

“All right, I’m gunna take a quick shower,” I said and she nodded her head.

“I’ll be taking a nap-“

“I’ll make it quick!” I yelled and heard Cynthia laughing as I walked out of the room, down the hall and to the bedroom.

When I had finished doing my business in the bathroom, I walked into my room to see Cynthia reading a book that I had borrow, but never read.

“What?” I asked as I looked at her.

“You ever read this?” she asked and I smiled innocently at her.

“Busted,” I smirked and she sighed and motioned for me to walk over towards her, “What?”

“Sit down,” she said and I sighed, but nodded my head and sat in front of her. I breathed a sigh of relaxation when she started to brush my wet, mid back length, hair, “Your hair is so long and thick, I love it.”

“You love playing with it,” I smirked.

“Oh shut up, you love me playing with your hair!”

“Yes I do,” I smirked and leaned my head forward, “What are you in the mood for today?”

“Braid,” she said plainly and I nodded my head.

My hair was long enough to braid and then she threw it over my shoulder and it stopped on top of my breast. I loved my long hair, it took me forever to grow, but I would never want it to be short again.

“Come on, I want to get there before all the good books are taken,” Cynthia said as she stood up and kicked my butt, literally.

“All right, all right,” I laughed and then stood up and threw my flip flops on, “We driving or walking?”

“Walking, please, when have you known me to drive into the city?” Cynthia laughed and I sighed.

“But, Cyn,” I whined, “It’s too hot to walk.”

“You know, you’re the laziest, skinniest, food hoggingest girl I’ve ever known! And how the hell do you not gain any weight? Don’t say that you exercise- because you don’t!”

“Wow, is ‘hoggingest’ even a word?”

“That’s all you got out of that?!” she yelled annoyed and I laughed.

“Sorry, you lost me after food, now I’m hungry,” I said and she growled as we walked into the kitchen to see my mom chopping carrots at the counter.

“Is she being a pain, Cindy?” my mom asked and I snorted as I walked over towards the fridge and grabbed two bottles of water and an apple.

“Yes,” Cynthia said plainly and I threw her a water.

“I am not!” I defended, but my mom threw a carrot at me, but I caught it in my mouth.

“I’ll never know how you can do that,” mom laughed and I smirked towards her.

“I’m just that good,” I laughed and looked towards Cynthia, “Come on.”

“Uh, where are you going?!” mom called as we walked out of the kitchen.

“To the library, the nerd here wants more books!” I called and then turned around to see my mom walking out of the kitchen, wiping her hands.

“Oh, get her a dictionary, Cindy, she’s losing her touch on vocabulary,” mom said and I scoffed.

“Sure thing Momma V,” Cindy said and I rolled my eyes.

“Can we borrow the car, mom?” I asked just as mom was about to walk into the kitchen, but when I asked that, she stuck her head back out.

“Excuse me?”

“Car, borrow, please?” I said and tried to give my sweetest smile, and when that didn’t work, I elbowed Cynthia’s side and she assisted.

“I hate when you two do that.”

“Sista from another mista!” I cheered and Cynthia and I high fived each other.

“Crazy, you’re both crazy,” mom laughed and I smirked, “Keys are in the bowl.”

“Yes!” I cheered and ran over towards the bowl that was placed next to the door.

“Be careful! I don’t like you driving in the city!”

“We will!”

“And I want Cindy driving! She’s more responsible!” mom yelled and my eyes went wide and I heard Cynthia laugh out as she snatched the keys from my hand.

“Love ya Momma V!”

“Have fun girls!” mom yelled and I felt Cynthia dragging me out of the house.

“I love how she trusts you more than me, her own daughter,” I whined and Cynthia laughed and hopped into the driver’s seat.

“I’m just that good,” she mocked and I snorted as I buckled myself.

It took about a half hour, but we made it into the city, and that’s when I heard all the honking, all the cursing, saw all the middle fingers and ass cracks from the moonings. I smirked and looked over towards Cynthia who was muttering curses to herself because she was trying to make it into the next lane, but the jerk next to us wouldn’t let us in.

“Man I love the city,” I smirked.

“I hate it,” Cynthia said and I laughed, “Freaking assholes! That’s what they all are,” she growled and I rolled down my window, “ASSHOLE!!!”

“Can ya say it any louder, Cyn?” I asked and then looked to see the guy flip Cynthia off, and she returned the finger, “Ah, gotta love New York.”

“You’re crazy to love this hell hole, I can’t wait to graduate and move out of here.”

“Where are you going to college?”

“Not here,” she said and I sighed.

“We’ve been together all of our lives, now we’re gunna be separated because of school,” I said, staring at the floorboard.

“Jess, you knew this was gunna happen,” she said calmly, but the laid on her horn, er, my mom’s horn, “Come on, ya sons a bitches!” I smirked and looked at Cynthia glaring at the people in front of her, “Ah, come on!” at least a half a dozen people just decided to walk in front of the moving vehicle, “Fucking New York!”