Status: Done.

With Eyes Wide Shut

The Beautiful Beast

He was gorgeous.

Shortish brown hair full of gel made all of the girls wish they could run their fingers through it. He had sea green eyes that I swear someone could have swam in. He was muscular but lean, and tall. Probably 6'2 to say the least. His face was squarish, but not in a way that made him look like a blockheaded douche bag. He was intelligent. Straight 'A's put him at the top of every class.

He was every girl's dream.

Yet he was usually alone. Not because he didn't have anyone to talk to, he just wouldn't really talk back. Every single popular girl in that college had asked him for his number, on a date, or if he had a girlfriend.

A smile and a head shake would be all they got.

He always parked his black Ford truck in the same spot in the back of the gym. Nobody really went back there, so nobody really knew that he did it.

As far as anyone could tell, he had no friends or family. It wasn't clear where he lived. In fact, nothing about him was clear. He rarely spoke to anyone.

But when he did, it made all the girls swoon.

His voice was deep and smooth like honey. It never cracked or showed the slightest sign of weakness. It was authoritative. It was demanding. In a way, he sounded like he could control empires by word.

Over all, he was considered strange, despite the fact that he was coveted by everyone.

Shouldn't he be on the football team, with all those muscles?
He should totally ask me out.
Is he reading... Edgar Allen Poe?
If he was in our friends group, we would automatically be the most popular people here.

What made him so quiet?

His name was Liam, and he was a serial killer.