Status: Done.

With Eyes Wide Shut

The Luring of Loners

Insanity doesn't have a cure. Once a person looses their mind, they are gone forever. It spreads like a poison until their body is entirely infected. The insanity kills them eventually... Maybe not in body, but in soul and conscience.

Liam was the perfect example of insanity.

He was 19 when his fiancé died. She was his foundation; his entire world. He loved that woman more than anyone else. When she was found dead in an alley, he was infected with madness. The foundation of his being was suddenly slipped out from under him, and there was nothing to catch his fall. No family member nor friend were able to reach him.

So Liam embraced the pain.

He learned to enjoy it.

The tears became sickening crackles of laughter. The long nights of thinking about her became times of cruel torture of the neighborhood cats.

Something needed to feel his pain. Somebody needed to be punished for her death.

The voice in his head telling him that this was all wrong died. He was careful to never leave a mess, only because if he was caught he couldn't continue this new game that he loved:

Lure them in, take them out.

He moved away from that town when the neighbors started wondering where their pets were going.

But it didn't stop at the felines. Oh, no.

It got worse.

His first victim was a girl that lived three blocks away. She would walk past the apartment building every morning on her way to her lectures at the college. She was a nerd stereotype: wide brimmed glasses, acne scattered across her forehead, a baggy pair of jeans and a tacky sweater. Her name was Anna Marie.

Being of such good looking nature, Liam found it easy to befriend her. They flirted for days on end. She couldn't quite comprehend that he acknowledged her presence, so it was easy to trick her into believing that he was a good, decent guy. Anna Marie fell hard and quick for that beautiful beast.

And Liam played his part well.

On her usual stop to see him, Anna Marie had to walk up to his apartment because he wasn't in his usual spot waiting for her. She knocked quietly on the door.

"Come in!" Came that heavenly voice.

She obeyed and entered.

The apartment was nice and neat, even for a bachelor. The plush couches were new, the kitchen was themed in clean black and red, and the walls were lined with movie posters and pictures of Liam with a strange woman.


The blonde girl traveled into the hall, peeking in multiple doors looking for the now vanished boy.

When she got to the end of the hall, a cloth was wrapped around her face.

She fell into his arms, consciousness disappearing.


Whether he lured them in this way or that, they all ended up the same - tied and gagged, with eyes sown shut.

You can't possibly imagine the mental pain they felt for being betrayed, or the physical hurting that their stitched eyelids caused.

The paralyzing terror of what was going to happen to them drowned out even those pains and thoughts.

As soon as they would start moaning or wriggling, his soothing voice would appear over them. Liam would shush them, telling his victim that although it wouldn't be alright, they would be dead soon and away from the torture.

"Maybe not too soon," he would add with a twisted grin.

Perhaps it was good that they couldn't see it.