Status: I hope you enjoy it, it's a bit of a slow-start story.

The Blue Eyes That You See

The Gift

Once, perhaps in the future, perhaps in the past, or perhaps in a different place altogether, there was an enchanted Koi fish. The Koi was sleek and large, his scales a shimmering gold. He lived far from civilization, from anything having to do with man. His home, a large pond deep in a forest, had been where he had been born centuries ago.

And where he was supposed to die.

But Mother Nature does things her way every so often, and this Koi whom she had blessed was called to something different, something more than his sheltered life. For one month she made it rain in the forest, day and night, seemingly without end. His pond began to rise up, and up, and up, until it flowed into the mountain river.

The Koi was pushed from his sheltered pond and down into the rapids. Being enchanted, he did not fear the large rocks or steep drops. Whenever he was hurt, the wound would glow brightly, then heal without a scar. Knowing that the sudden change in his life had been decided by something greater than himself, he went and followed the river.

Days passed, and the scenery changed with each day. The wild salmon became fewer, and the river began to stink of ammonia and rot. The trees became smaller and more sparse, with dead leaves clinging to branches for nourishment that did not come. The soil was dry, the air unforgiving. This land was dead.

Then the day came when he saw them for the first time...


Innately, he knew what they were. He could sense the essence of all things, and call them by name. The river took him to many places inhabited by these humans. Most never came near the water, knowing it was poisonous. Some were desperate and drank; others were just foolish or careless. Dead bodies scattered the banks, fat crows picking at their skin. These birds eyed him with greedy expressions.

What is this awful place? How long has this rot and ruin existed here?

He could feel the ache of the land, hear its screams and understand the agony. The heart of all the pain was nearing, and he felt it was his final destination. There is where he would find his destiny.

Soon he saw the machines. Massive, cold things, plundering the earth of all her resources. Humans sat inside the cockpits and behind the wheels, oblivious to the damage.

This is a species absorbed in only themselves, satisfying only their needs and wants...
Very soon the city came into sight. It was huge, so big you could not see where it ended to the East and the West, the top of the towers concealed by smog. The stench of the dead was unbearable, the air and the water putrid. It was all so hopeless, and he found that his powers were being drained by the negativity. He wriggled in the water as his scales began to fall off, one by one, the gold dulling to brown.

Is there no hope here?

Eventually he was sucked into the sewer system of the city. Too weak to fight the currents, he had no choice but to let himself be carried. He traveled through the city, seeing the vehicles and machines as he was swept past. Finally, the current slowed. A group of boys, all of them unbelievably thin, spotted him. Their dead eyes lit up.


They charged into the water, but he had already been sucked into another system of pipes. Round and round he went, round and round till he did not know where he was. Too weak, too lost to see any good. He had but one golden scale left when the current dropped him into a small, measly puddle, not even deep enough for him to be completely submerged. He shuddered at the sight of the gathering crows.

Why? Was I brought here only to die alone and in despair? All this wreckage, all this death, it has drained me. Mother Nature has only brought me here to punish me for my ignorance and laziness. I wasted my gift, and this is now how I will die.

He saw something stir in the corner of his eye. There was a small figure in the shadows under an overhang. He watched the figure, but it did not move for a long time. Then it stirred again, this time to move closer.

It was a young girl. She was scrawny, with matted brown hair and greasy skin. She had only a dirty, brown shawl to cover her frail body. She inched over to the Koi, a look of surprise on her face. She sat by him, analyzing him with her large, bright blue eyes. The Koi watched her, waiting for her to devour him. Waiting, wishing for the end. Her small hands scooped him up.

Just end it.

His surprise was great when he felt himself being placed into cool water, cleaner than the muck he hand been swimming in before. Looking up, he saw the girl looking down at him. She was smiling.

"I see your golden scale. It seems you have lost much as well."

The girl had placed him in a large bin of water. She sat next to him.

"This water should be cleaner. It's my drinking water, but I won't be needing it soon. I'm going to die. I figured you could use it, since you would benefit more from it. At least we will both die knowing we were not alone in the end, hmm?"

The Koi knew what he had to do. Fueled by the mercy and the sacrifice of the girl he returned to more than his former state had been, his scales glowing hot and white. The girl looked afraid, but was too weak to move.

"Do not be afraid, child. Your kindness has revived me, and now I will repay you with a gift. Put your hand in the water."

Amazed, she placed her bony hand in the water. It was warm to the touch. The Koi touch his nose to her hand.

"I give you the gift of life. You will be hope in the darkness, a light to show a better way."

A bright light shimmered in the girl's eyes, but she did not blink.