The Candle's Flame

Chapter One

*Andy's POV*
I ran into the room, where a pale Ashley was glaring out the window. "Ash what the Hell happened? Why'd you scream!?" I questioned. Ashley turned to me, horrified. He motioned towards the window. I walked over next to him and peered out the thick glass, horrified by the scene before me. There was a dead body lying in the road, another man hunched over it, ripping off and eating it's flesh. Ashley looked ready to cry. I grabbed his arm, pulling him away from the window and closing it.
"What was that?" He whispered. I turned on the TV.
"Breaking news! We've all seen the movies and heard the rumors. The science fiction stories of the undead coming to and taking over. It seems that a virus has spread, bringing everyone's worst nightmares to life. Grab your loved ones and lock your doors. Always carry a weapon when being in the open is inevitable, stay behind locked doors whenever possible. Whatever you do, never try to save the bitten." I clicked the TV off and looked at Ash; a tear fell down his cheek. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him.
"Ash don't worry, we'll be safe," I assured him.
"I'm not interrupting anything am I?" I released Ashley and turned to see CC.
"C, listen. You're never gonna believe this but the zombie apocalypse.... is happening." The color drained from Christian's face. "We have to get the girls and go into hiding. Go get Jake and Jinxx, I'll call Juliet and have her round up Ella, Lauren, and Sammi. We'll go get them and head to the studio to hide out for now." Ash whimpered. "Don't worry Ash, we'll be alright," I told him. I turned back to CC. "Now go!" I pulled out my cellphone and called Juliet. "Juliet listen-"
"I know I saw the news Andy, I'm scared. Sammi and Ella are here, we have guns and knives but..." Juliet started crying.
"Jules what is it?" I asked her.
"I-it's Lauren," Juliet whispered. "They got her." My heart sunk.
"Oh no. Look, stay close to the girls, we'll be there in ten minutes," I told her. "I love you."
"I love you too," Juliet replied. I hung up the phone and shoved it in my pocket. Ashley was breathing really heavily, his face a ghostly pale shade.
"Ash calm down, don't have a panic attack or we're all screwed." I had never seen Ashley so scared. I wrapped my arms around him again. "Don't worry, we're gonna get through this and we're gonna be okay."
"What if we're not?" I pulled back, gripping Ashley's shoulders. I looked into his worried, chocolate brown eyes.
"We will be."

I knocked on the door rapidly. Juliet answered. "C'mon baby, get Ella and Sammi."
"Ella! Sammi! C'mon, hurry! Get the bags!" Ella and Sammi ran out, each carrying a large duffle bag like the ones the guys and I had packed. I lead them to the van and opened the back door. The girls crawled in and CC immediately looked for Lauren.
"Where's Lauren?" He questioned. I bit my lip, as tears came to Sammi's eyes. "Where the fuck is my girlfriend!?" He shouted.
"Christian..." Juliet whispered. "They got her..." She burst into tears. I wrapped my arms around her protectively.
"What?" CC whispered.
"Shit!" Ella exclaimed. "I left my gun in the kitchen! If I'm not back in two minutes... I love you Jake." Ella leaned over the seat and pressed a kiss to Jake's lips before jumping out of the car and sprinting to the house. I jumped into the driver's seat, waiting for Ella to return. A moment later Ella burst out of the house, her eyes almost white and her skin pale and yellowish. "Go! Now! Before I finish transforming!" Jake tried to get out of the car.
"Jake stop!" I shouted. CC grabbed him and held him back.
"I love you Ella!" Jake screamed.
"I love you too!" Ella shouted back. I started the car and throttled it, gunning down the street towards the studio. CC and Jake were both sobbing, clinging to each other. To be honest, I would be clinging to Ash like that if I lost Juliet. We pulled up outside the studio.
"Everyone out!" I exclaimed. "Into the studio, take your guns!" Everyone grabbed their guns and we ran into the studio. CC and Jake had mended themselves for the most part, but it was evident they were still torn apart. Sammi Doll and Juliet were upset too, but they were being tough for the circumstances. Ashley, well, he was being brave, but I think he was honestly the most scared one there.
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First chapter! ^-^ Good? Bad? Let me know c: