Status: Tbh I don't think I'll write more but who knows.

I Lost My Turtle

with all of his little mexican might

Vic, Jaime, and Mike all walked around the current venue they were at. The three Mexicans could not find their fourth Mexican companion that they desperately needed to be able to play the show they were scheduled for in less than an hour.
"TONY!" The younger Fuentes brother yelled as loud as he possible could.
"TONY?" Called Jaime as he strolled around in circles looking for the heavily tattooed man.
"TONY." Vic shouted with all of his little Mexican might.
Tony Perry had been missing for several hours by this time. The band was worried sick that something had happened to their lovable guitarist.
After exploring the venue separately for a few more minutes the three regrouped.
"Any luck?" Vic asked sadly.
"Nope." Mike and Jaime said simultaneously.
The group looked down, saddened that their efforts had gone to waste.
"Where's Perry?" They whispered ominously.
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help me