My Beloved Victim

Chapter 7

He paced around the now empty apartment, rage boiling inside of him, how could she leave? he gave her everything! he landed his fist against the wall feeling a slight release, he continued to land hit after hit on the solid wall until tears began to spill down his flushed cheeks.

He sat on the sofa as the anger was slowly replaced by sadness as the feeling of loss sunk in to his system.

She pushed the key in tot he lock and slowly walked in to the flat a smile stretching across her face as she walked further in, she was home, she lay down on the large cream sofa still smiling, a warm happiness filling her stomach as she gently stroked the swelling. She was safe.

5 Years Later

He marched through the crowds of bustling people as he walked quickly towards his destination, he despised walking in the streets during the day, he couldn't handle the ill mannered people that often shoved and barged their way through the crowds not caring much for who ever they knocked over or hurt, the only people who gained any space in these streets where pensioners and considering he was neither he was forced in to acting as uncivilised as they did.

The smells of hot dog and pretzel vendors made his stomach turn, that was another thing he couldn't grasp about the people who roamed these streets, how they could eat food that was prepared outdoors, it baffled him.

As he drifted away from the streets encased by angry thoughts involving a lot of people that currently surrounded him, a violent hard knock brought him crashing back to reality, he buried his hands further in to the pockets of his black sweater. A voice made him look up

"Oh god sorry!, Mylie c'mon pumpkin"

His heart skipped a beat as he locked eyes with the woman, those blue eyes, the long slender body, her long now brown hair, he had found her. He glanced at the child, she had thick dark hair and doe like brown eyes, she looked up at him, her eyes boring in to him, heart swelled as he locked eyes with his daughter for the first time.

She picked the 4 year old up and rushed away, her heart racing and stomach churning after all of this time, after finally getting her life back on track she had seen him again and she had a horrible feeling he wasn't going to go away any time soon.

She rushed up the flights of stairs towards her apartment her child in tow, she tried to remain calm as not to upset Mylie, children can smell fear and she knew that, time passed and she carried on as normal, cooking dinner watching kids tv and bathing her daughter, as night began to fall she began to feel uneasy, she changed in to her pyjamas and settled Mylie to bed, she tucked the pink duvet under the child's chin kissed her forehead as left the room a small voice behind her made her turn around

"Mommy? why are you scared?"

"What makes you think I'm scared sweetie?"

"Cause you're acting funny"

"I'm fine sweetie, don't worry about me, I'm a big girl I can take care of myself"

She smiled and laughed it off, pulling the door to, she wandered in to the front room her mind racing, she pulled her hair in to a loose bun and closed the window.

Dread struck her suddenly as she noticed figure in the glasses reflection, she turned slowly and stared him down defiantly with fear gripping her insides, he took a few wide strides before he was face to face with her, she didn't take her eyes off of him, he cupped her cheek stroking her face with his thumb,

"Brunette is a good look for you" he whispered "Is that my daughter?"

She nodded still unable to stay a word as shock and fear set in, his brown eyes scanned the room and set on to Mylie's bedroom door, he smirked in the same way he did when he first laid eyes on her, she recognised that look, she began to fear for the safety of her child.

HE looked back at her his smirk growing, he took a few small steps in the direction of the childs room, for the first time she spoke out against him,

"Don't! Leave her" she hasn't needed you for this long she can go with you you now, she's never even asked about you!"

He laughed at her and continued to walk towards the room, she followed him taking small brisk steps, He opened the door and looked at the small child sleeping peacefully, she stopped at the door her heart not allowing her to take another step, she had always been a strong believer in family and she couldn't come between a child and her father.

She watched as he crouched next to the bed, and stroked her hair out of her face, as the tears sprung to his eyes and as he gently planted a kiss on her forehead.

His heart ached with love for the tiny human that lay before him, he never thought he would be capable of creating perfection, he stood slowly unable to take his eyes off of her. as he tore himself away he closed the door behind him and returned to stand face to face with Rayne.

She looked at his face absorbing all of his features as she did the first time she fell for him, he swept her hair out of her eyes, she began to let her guard down and looked in to his eyes.

"I've missed you"

She muttered as he placed his lips softly on hers she fell under his spell once more.
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Mylie Gray -