Status: In progress but looking for feedback. The Prologue has been trimmed! More chapters coming soon :)

Always Anyways...

Prologue: Hope Springs Eternal

My heart...our hope has renewed all that is good in the world. Like Spring renews the earth, and bright flowers burst from the earth reborn. Our love cannot be so easily swayed and ignored. Together, we are reunited and strong. Once we spoke, and our voices caressed each other's ears, our love could not be held back. It overran its banks, swelled over the dam, and rushed back into our lives. Together, we move forward, onto our future, leaving old pasts and hurts behind. I know my scars were shown to you that day, my weaknesses and my fears. All the things that shame me in your presence, but you loved me regardless. I slid my hand into yours, and you held it tight, urging me onward, at your side. Leave the past in the past, forgotten and forgiven...our future is too special, too wonderful to let us be halted. I slept that night knowing your love will always continue to surround me, and in your love I will be safe and protected, cherished and wanted, loved and honoured.

This morning I awoke to a beautiful day, sun shining down its warmth, the breeze soothing against my skin. It represented how my heart felt, bright and happy again. I await your return to my side, when we can be together again and I can tell you again how I love you.

While hate leaves ugly leaves beautiful ones.
♠ ♠ ♠
Written to her love