Status: In progress but looking for feedback. The Prologue has been trimmed! More chapters coming soon :)

Always Anyways...

The Prince's Depature

It was a melancholy day for me because I knew that Nicolous must leave by the afternoon sun to be sure to continue on his way for our Father. His men were growing restless and were anxious to see this new business put behind them and over. We spent a long morning together and no one came to see after my duties. I knew my time with Nicolito was precious. I sat on the floor with my head in his lap by the fires as I once did as a small girl. He rubbed my head and told me of better days ahead. I believed every word he spoke, even as I did back then. He was always my brave, handsome and loving bigger brother. My other brothers were much older and too busy being knights and fighting wars to pay attention to a baby sister. Not my Nicolito, he would see me everyday, no matter what.

Before he left, he pulled a small box from his bag. "I brought you something. And I want you to wear it, each and every day." I nodded obediently as I took the box from his hand. I slowly opened it and found a ornately jeweled family crest, on a delicate and sparkling gold chain. I ran my fingers over it gently. "Oh is beautiful." Nicolous nodded, "I had it made for you before I came. Since you can't wear your crown here. I need to remind you. I want you to wear it as remembrance you that you are indeed noble, you are of a royal house, and there is nothing less of you. You are worth far more then you ever give yourself credit for." He carefully pulled it out of the box and put it around my neck carefully, "Every day, no matter what. Promise me Janie." I nodded again, as I tucked it beneath the neckline of my bodice, "I promise Nicolito." He kissed my forehead, "Now no tears, but I must ride. I have another long day ahead of me. But I will see you soon. I hope the next time I do see you, you might be wearing something colourful."

He stood up and his servant saw him prepared for the day's ride. " are a Princess!" I ran over and hugged him tightly, "I will miss you more then I can say. Seeing you is like coming home again." He kissed the top of my head. "I know. It was the same for me." It was then I started to cry and he leaned down, carefully wiping away my tears, "Strong face now. Like father always said." I nodded and pulled my emotions in, like a good royal. I walked down with him and watched as he mounted his steed. "I will see you soon my dearest sister. Know you are not far from my thoughts!" He blew me a kiss and kicked his horse hard. I watched him ride through the gates until I could see him no longer.