Status: In progress but looking for feedback. The Prologue has been trimmed! More chapters coming soon :)

Always Anyways...

The War Camp

I have never properly seen a war camp, much less been inside one. I have seen my father's men camping from afar, with their pointed tents dotting the landscape, and tiny men moving about with fires lighting the way like candles. But to be surrounded by it is something else entirely. I can only described it as controlled chaos!

Our carriage was greeted with a regiment of armed soldiers that guided us into the camp proper and through one of the main thoroughfares. As I peeked out the window timidly, I saw many a soldiers eyes turning to see what this carriage from the King might bring. I had a feeling they would be disappointed to see skirts stepping out. My carriage went as far as there was room, but then it stopped and Lord Kenrick himself escorted me out of the carriage. Behind him were stern looking royal knights that I have never seen before. I heard one of them ask, "Who is this then?? We were expecting the Princess Jane, not her handmaiden." Lord Kenrick held my hand a little tighter, "This is the Princess you bring us to Prince Woosley." The knight recovered quickly, bowing before me, "Apologizes my Princess" but I remained silent. He lead us through a maze of tents, until a larger, broad tent was in front of us, heavily guarded. Our guide whispered to the soldier at the doorway before the tent flap was opened for us.

Lord Kenrick stepped inside first, with my own guards surrounding me as we walked inside. It was clearly a war tent, as there was armour everywhere, and tables covered in old thick maps. Several captains and generals were standing around discussing war strategy as my small party entered their midst. My skirts surely brought the most attention as many turned and nodded respectfully at a woman in their presence. But with my hood up it was impossible to know exactly who I was, dressed in my usual black. My brother stood up from his chair as we walked toward him and Lord Kenrick bowed deeply, "My Prince, I am the escort for the Princess Jane. We have arrived safely and without incident." My brother has grown older in years, as his ever present beard is now peppered with grey. He nodded to Lord Kenrick and walked toward me, carefully pushing down my hood, " is good to see you well my sister" He kissed me stiffly on both cheek, and I returned the gesture. "Thank you for giving me safe harbour here, and safe passage to complete my duties." I could see his lips purse at the mention of that. "Where is your crown?" He said running his hand over the top of my head. I blinked up at him simply, "I am not allowed to wear it in Lord Tiernan's castle." Woosley snorts, "Father should have send you to a nunnery to live in peace, this is below you." He mumbled more to himself before turning to one of his captains, "Get her a royal sash, I don't want some fool knight mistaking her for a nurse maid!" The captain saluted and rushed off to another part of the tent. "Jane, this is no place for a woman and my men need to remain focused at their tasks at hand. You will respect my authority here." I lowered my head to him, "Yes brother." He continued, "There will be no flights of fancy, no royal whims, no riding around unescorted and most certainly no entertaining any supposed 'suitors', is that understood?" I nodded again as a dutiful younger sister, "Yes brother." He nodded pleased with that, "I will do what I can to make you comfortable, but I cannot make you a priority. My men are busy and need me focused. I am sure you understand." I nodded again, "Of course brother." He smiled a rare smile at me, "Good girl" he murmured by kissing my head, "Now off with you, get some rest and see that your men get you food and are protected through the night. I leave you in their capable hands." Lord Kenrick and the rest of the men saluted my brother, to which he saluted back. As I was being escorted out of the tent, I caught a face in the crowd of men, Lord Gannon. It was clear his eyes have been watching my every movement. When our eyes met he smiled warmly at me bowing slightly and I was truly glad to see him. I returned the smile before pulling my hood back up and stepping out of the tent.

Lord Kenrick led me to an empty captain's tent that was nestled nicely in the middle of the camp. He felt it was easy to protect and well hidden among so many others. My men brought in my meager belongings, and were kind enough to start a fire in the middle fire pit to get out the chill. We were barely settled when a young paige boy timidly ducked his head into the tent. My men drew on him but he quickly spoke, "I serve Lord Gannon!! My master bid that I bring these items to his Princess so that she might be comfortable and warm in camp." He timidly laid down a bundle of items at my feet. On top was a thick wolven fur cloak that is far warmer then the cloak I brought with me. There were extra fur blankets, as well as some goblets and plates to eat from, and a basket of fresh meet and cheeses. Last but not least, was a royal sash, folded neatly in a pile. Lord Kenrick smiles, "My cousin does now to treat a lady." he chuckles. I blushed a little because it had a very familiar feel to it, and I only barely know Lord Gannon. "It should be I who is showing him such kindness for all he has done, not accepting more of his." I said looking up at Lord Kenrick. He just smiled and shook his head, "I know my cousin, he will hear no such thing. Not even from his Princess." He unfolded the fur cloak and wrapped it around my shoulders, "Try to relax a little. I would like to get some updated reports on the coast." He smiled reassuringly as my other knights stood guard outside giving me some peace. I cannot deny I felt very safe for I laid my head down and drifted off to sleep near the fire.

It was the sound of beating drums that awoke me in the dim light of twilight, followed by the rushing of boots and horses. Lord Kenrick burst into my tent, "No fears my Princess. The men are heading out against a war party. We are safe here." I nodded to him, but could no longer rest. The entire night I sat staring at the fire, hearing no real sounds of war. It wasn't until late and well past midnight, that I heard the sounds of wagons, and the agonies of men. I immediately jumped up, "Are the men returning....are there wounded?" Lord Kenrick ducked out to find my answers only to return quickly, "They are returning, and it seems to be the wounded first." I responded by pushing the cloak off my shoulders, and rolling up my sleeves, "Bring me to the medical tents, I will attend with the nursemaids." Lord Kenrick's eyes widened, "My Princess...I do not believe that is a wise idea." I brushed past him, "Show me the way." Despite his surprise, he did as I asked and lead me to the large medical tent where men were being attended. There were men in all conditions, men with stab wounds, men missing limbs and screaming for their mothers, men with their stomach's wide open, spilling out, and men who were only moment's from death.

They were soldiers and knights alike, so I grabbed a bucket and rag and rushed to the first man who was begging for his god. I knelt at his side and he looked over at me, "Sister....sister say a prayer and send me to heaven." I realized now that he thought me a nun and I begged that god would understand I meant no misrepresentation but only to give his man peace. As I rubbed down his face and began to murmur the Hail Mary, I saw his eyes slowly close and his chest calm. He was gone. Lord Kenrick touched me on my shoulder, "My Princess you should not be here," he urged gently. I whipped my head back at him, "Serve my people....that is your command. Do not disobey me!" I immediately felt guilty for being so harsh, but the situation demanded it. Lord Kenrick nodded obediently and immediately helped carry in more soldiers. I went from bed to bed, and watched more men die in front of me then I had seen in my lifetime. As I was making my rounds, red spottled armour caught my attention and I went over. As I knelt down, I saw that it was Lord Gannon, with a deep puncture wound in the crack of his armour. "My Lord!" I gasped in shock. He wearily looked over at me, "A angel you are my Princess." He tried to lift his hand, but he didn't have the strength. "We must remove your armour, I have to pack that wound before you bleed." He just nodded and did his best to sit up, so that I could unclip his chest plate and then remove his chain mail. Perhaps it was very forward of me, but I ripped off his undershirt so I could clearly see his wound. His bare chest was gleaming with sweat and there was all sorts of grim packed inside his wound. I quickly knew I could not help him more as I was not a real nursemaid. "I will get someone for you. They will have to tend this," I said trying to sound calm, but my voice was far too worried. He curled his hand around mine, "Stay....stay with me..." he murmured as his breaths starting getting more shallow. I looked up into his face now and realized how pale it was, "Lord Gannon....I need to get you help." He smiled weakly as some blood trickled from his mouth. "Don't worry now my precious are are safe...."

I didn't dare leave his side so I turned my head desperately looking for Lord Kenrick. When I couldn't see him through the chaos, I cried out, "LORD KENRICK!!!" Somehow, through the screams of the dying he heard me, and came pushing his way through. When he finally made it to us, I saw his face fall, "Get the doctor....get the nursemaids!!" I nearly shouted at him. Lord Kenrick nodded, and did one better. He scooped up his cousin in his arms and carried him through to the doctors. As a noble knight, he was pushed to the front of the line and I watched him being laid down on a filthy blood stained plank of wood. "We need to get the garbage out and close that wound...bring me a hot metal flat." My hand was still holding onto Lord Gannon and his face turned toward me, "A kiss from an angel? A kiss for good luck?" In the rush of it all, I didn't even hesitate. I gently leaned down, running my hand across his cheek until I pressed my lips softly against his. His lips tasted a mix of dirt, sweat and blood, but he kissed me back with purpose. It was Lord Kenrick who had me by the arm and was pulling me away from his side, "You have to go my have to go!" I held on to his hand until our fingers no longer touched. That's when I noticed a glowing hot poker being brought to Lord Gannon's side. "No...No...NO!!" I started screaming, and Lord Kenrick took my by the waist and placed me down outside the tent just as I heard the mortal screams coming from Lord Gannon. It was the last thing I remember until I woke back up in my tent.