Status: In progress but looking for feedback. The Prologue has been trimmed! More chapters coming soon :)

Always Anyways...

Dangerous Trip

The following morning, Lord Kenrick kept his word. He strode in with a folded bundle in his arms. "My Princess...." he stopped long enough to bow before me. "I have just come from your brother's side and have been granted permission for us to travel into port town's market. The scouts have been seeing no signs of disruption and all has been quiet. The weather seems fair and I believe we need to seize this opportunity that we have." I nodded in agreement with all that he said, listening for more. Lord Kenrick continued, "I believe the safest way for us to travel is with you dressed under the cloak of the local sisterhood of nuns. There will be 4 of us that travel with you as your protection, but not wearing the colors of the Prince or the Lord, only plain clothes. And most importantly, we will travel on horseback, and without your carriage. It will provide us the fastest and most agile way there and back. I apologize for not asking you for permission sooner, but since you brought your thoroughbred horse, I had hoped this would be agreeable." I smiled to him, "You seem to know my mind quite well Lord Kenrick, those terms are completely acceptable." He smiled back at me and passed the cloak to me. It was a simple cloak with a large red Gothic cross sown on the back. My gown was already suitable to cover my disguise as a nun, I needed only to remove my royal sash. My men removed any colours that would connect them to nobility and soon we were all mounted.

As I was sitting atop my horse, I could see someone rushing through the camp. To my surprise it was Lord Gannon. I quickly looked toward Lord Kenrick who was adjusting the saddle of his horse. "STOP! Stop!!" Lord Gannon shouted. Lord Kenrick's head quickly popped up as he shifted around his horse, "My Lord?" he questioned. Lord Gannon looked up at me desperately before looking at him, "Cousin, I beg not do this!" Lord Kenrick tilted his head, "Do not do what? Serve my Princess?" Lord Gannon grabbed his tunic, "You know what I are putting her in harm's way. This is a fool's errand!" Lord Kenrick shoved his cousin back hard, "Do not presume to know my methods and know my mind. I serve my Princess, my King's only daughter!" He mounted his horse. Lord Gannon seemed a man possessed and grabbed my reigns, "I cannot watch you put her in harms way like this. She is too important!" Lord Kenrick actually drew his sword, which caused me to gasp. "Remove your hand from her reigns. I am loyal to one and one only, and that is Princess Jane." Lord Gannon looked back at his cousin fearless, "Then let me come....let me serve her." Lord Kenrick did the talking for me, "She does not wish you in her presence as I have told you already. Which I had hoped the blackened eye would continue to remind you!" He said firmly. When I looked down, I did indeed see that Lord Gannon's eye was lightly purple as if he had been punched. Lord Kenrick put away his sword with a sigh, "Cousin, you are not able to ride in your condition. There is no service you can provide here. Now remove your hands from the lady's horse." Lord Gannon looked up at me desperately, but I could not bear the look in his eye and turned my face away. At that, I felt him loosen the reigns. Lord Kenrick kicked his horse, and we rode through the camp. I felt my heart ache a little and I peeked back at Lord Gannon behind me. His head hung sadly as he disappeared into the maze of tents.

I tried not to think of this, because it put me in such an impossible situation. Despite his intentions, despite his feelings, there was no world we could be together. If I brought another scandal to my father's throne, I would indeed be sent away. So far away that I would be forgotten by all. This was my chance, my chance to prove to my father that my heart is pure and that I want the best for my Kingdom. If only Lord Gannon had not married....but there is no room in my life for thinking this way. The ride into town was simple and easy. The market was open and I had plenty of time to purchase what my Lady was searching for. I worried however that my purchases did not reflect my disguise, but there was nothing that could be done about that. I moved easily through the market, and soon my last coin was handed over for my final basket of fruits. The horses were carefully packed, and soon we we heading back toward the ridge, and my brother's war camp.

It was late afternoon and as my small group rounded a corner of rocks heading toward the cliff, suddenly two riders were standing before us in the road. Lord Kenrick struggled to stop his horse in time, "Move!! Give yield on the road!" he ordered commandingly. The two riders just remained there, "No" came the simple reply. My horse danced beneath me, tossing his head nervously. I peeked around my hood to see behind me, and I saw more riders appearing from around rocks. It was only a second later that I heard the soft zing of swords being drawn, "Yield the road, or I will draw!" Lord Kenrick commanded again. The rider responded, "Give us the girl." Lord Kenrick scoffed him, "She is a servant of God and has no value to you." The rider shifted once in his saddle, "No servant of god rides a horse of that caliber. Nor has new leather boots." I felt my heart race as my eye started to count how many men had appeared from behind rocks and trees, there were ten if my mind was steady enough. Ten to my knight's close quarters with no armour, these were bad odds. I gripped my reigns tightly because there was only one chance that I would have....that Lord Tiernan indeed gifted me with a well bred horse from a stock of champion runners.

My eyes shifted to Lord Kenrick, my loyal, fierce and unwavering Lord Kenrick. How he promised his life and the life of his men in my service. Could I watch them be struck down and die for such a foolish cause. Lord Gannon was right, I was on a fool's errand and now I risked the lives of my brother's most loyal men for the sake of delights for my Lady. I could not bear the pressure of this and no longer waited. I shifted my weight forward as my heels kicked with purpose. My horse knew exactly what to do, and kicked off with all his strength surging forward. His instant speed and size was enough for us to push through the men in front of us and race off. I heard nothing but shouting and chaos behind me, but I knew that Lord Kenrick would make the most of the distraction. I continued to urge my horse and he was more then happy to finally be allowed to run at full speed. There was a grove of trees ahead of us, and I guided him in. It took all my focus to weave him through the trees and shift when he would jump. I have ridden a long time, and I did not falter. Yet I started to hear sounds behind me, and I knew that some of the men had given chase. I would have to keep moving long enough to give my knights time to catch up. I knew I was the deer and I needed to use all my mind to keep from the wolves.

I pushed my horse to his limits but I was seeing glimpses of shadows surrounding me. The men clearly knew this land better then I and I was doing nothing but trapping myself between them. Still, I kept moving until from above me, a horse leapt down and was suddenly alongside me. He reached for my reigns, but my horse bucked his head. I did my best to urge him faster, but the trees prevented any further speed. Finally another horse was alongside me, and there was another set of hands on my reigns. I struggled to free them, but it was no use. Soon my horse had no choice but to slow to a stop, and I felt myself being yanked off his back. I struggled and screamed against my captor, but he held me tightly and soon covered my mouth with his large gloved hand. "Quit that you wench!" He snarled in my ear. My hands reached up and strained to remove his hand from my mouth, because I felt as if I did not have enough air.

The other rider came over, "Stupid bitch..." he grumbled and pulled down my hood, "Nun? HA! She is no nun!!" He cackled and the man who had me in his grasp spun me around, "Indeed not....she is a Lady." I could not see his face, but I searched for his eyes beneath his hood, "Let me go!" I demanded. He shook me a little, "No...but I do have an idea. A very enjoyable idea." I struggled again to get free, but was only met with a hard strike to the face. Before I could even cry in pain, I heard the one rider call out, "Hay! Look what...." and his voice twisted into a gurgle before I heard him drop. The man who was holding me quickly turned around, "What are you..." but his sentence was never finished as a sword plunged deep into his stomach before being twisted and removed. His grip lessened and finally he dropped to the ground also. I quickly looked up at the figure who was holding the sword. He was not one of my knights so I struggled to back away from him. He quickly pulled down his hood as he reached out for me with his free hand. I froze in shock as it was Taggart who quickly pulled me close against him, "Princess...." he said breathless as his eyes continued to shift through the trees. "Do not make a sound, there was one more man behind you." I have never felt such relief in my life and my hand ran around his neck as I buried my face in his shoulder. He held me fiercely for only a brief moment before setting me back on my own feet, "Do not move." he ordered before dashing into the trees. I suddenly felt so alone and vulnerable. I spun around over and over, trying to see which direction Taggart went, for he almost seemed like a dreamed angel. My mind once again could not understand what happened in such a quick few moments.

But echoing through the trees, I heard the moaning of a wounded man before it all fell quiet. There was silence again and a moment later, out stepped Taggart, his sword dripping with blood. I paused for a moment before I ran to him. He dropped his sword and caught me with both arms, "You are safe for are safe." He whispered in my ear. "You came! You came!!" I whispered back as my voice broke with emotion. "I like a challenge." He said simply. "Get back on your horse, we must ride." I looked up into his face, "But my men....I cannot abandon my men!" He shook his head, "They are knights, you are a Princess. I am sworn to protect you not them." I shook my head, pushing him back by the chest, "! I want you to help my men. Please!!" He did not even answer as he took me by the waist and lifted me up on my horse, "We are riding to the safety of your brother's camp. Nothing more." I reached out to him, " are sworn to serve me!!" He glared back, "No, I am sworn to protect you. And I will above all." He took my reigns and immediately started to lead me back toward my brother's camp.