Status: In progress but looking for feedback. The Prologue has been trimmed! More chapters coming soon :)

Always Anyways...

Turn of events

There was no more time for dreams. My mind was clear and level headed in the day as I kept focused on the world around me. Just as the fear would begin to overtake me, Taggart would return and find ways to push the fear away for a short while. Each day I would wonder and worry for my Nicolito. How terrible this must have been for him?! How heavy the burden he carried the last time we saw each other! Now I realize why he looked so seriously into my position at Lord Tiernan's estate, for he knew he would be far and unable to handle any further situations himself. Hence the bounty of men left to tend to me, only the most loyal and noble who would see my every moment protected. Nicolito even left me his best man, his most talented and able man, Taggart, when Taggart could have served him just as powerfully in a strange and unknown court. My brother sacrificed greatly for his kingdom and even more for his baby sister. How I wish I could help him now! How terrible it must be to be forced to marry with a sole purpose in mind! There are no comforts, no reassurances, and he is so far from home. Does his wife give him any kindness? Is she mad or sickly? I force myself to keep the terrible questions of Nicolito close to my heart so that I keep focus.

Each night, as the light drops below my high window, I curl up and wait for my sweet protector. How grateful I am to see his face each night, his quick smile and quiet ways. Once I have eaten, I am never far from his side despite the tiny room. It has been good between us since Lord Gannon's visit. At first, I would sit at his side, resting my head against his thigh. Once he relaxed, he would rub the back of my head soothingly. Only then, when I would close my eyes, was the fear far enough away to sleep. Slowly, we grew closer, almost to a natural state. I found myself curled up on his lap, his arms around me as I rested my head in the crook of his neck. Again the silence and familiar smell would calm the rising fears, and I would drift to sleep. I would remember enough of the sensation each night of being carried to bed, and covered over. However one night, this movement did not stir me, and I slept the night nestled like a child in the arms of Taggart. He awoke in the morning with a start, surprising even himself. Leaning down to my ear, he whispered softly, "Jane....Jane I must go." I tightened my arms around his neck, as he nuzzled my cheek a little and lifted me up, only now placing me on the bed. I slept a few more hours there peacefully, while the fears stayed at bay a little longer.

It was an existence I survived through, growing terrors eased each night by Taggart's presence. However, one night, the light dimmed, then disappeared as did the fire, and Taggart's face never came through my doorway. I did not panic as much as I did worry, and worry deeply. If Taggart was not to return, would he not tell me? I spend part of the night curled up in bed with a chill, and the early morning dawn pacing at the doorway. I was reaching a state of desperation when I heard a deep thump against the door. I ran to it, but the door did not open. The sound of something sliding down was followed by a moaned word that I could not distinguish. I knew that style of moan, it came from a dark place of pain. I saw a shadow under the door, and slowly dropped to my knees, "Taggart?" I murmured through the wood. All was silent and no answer was given. I struggled to reach under the door with the very tips of my fingers, but I could not feel anything. The dark shadow remained, and soon the very faint whiff of sweet blood started to flow under the door as well. I panicked once I was certain of the smell, one that often overpowered me in the medical tents. "Taggart....Taggart I beg you!" I cried against the unwielding wood. I could not even be sure, but something in my heart told me I had the truth.

I would not move from the door, until I heard footsteps, several footsteps and they stopped in front of my door. "Lookie here....the dirty rat tried to crawl back to his hole!" There was disgusting laughter at the comment, and I heard a rough thump against the door, "Back to his hole indeed!!" Another voice grumbled, to which I heard the answer of another moan. "Where's the key you dirty rat.....give it up now!!" I heard someone shout and soon the sound of the lock being opened forced me quickly to my feet. I scrambled back just as the door opened, with three unknown faces staring lecherously in at me. At their feet, was a bloody and beaten body, one that I only barely recognized as Taggart. He was conscious, but only barely. I took another careful step back, until I was nearing the opposite wall. "Well well well....what do we have here?!" The first face asked, quickly scanning my near empty room. "A little Princess in a tower it seems. Well don't worry little Princess, we've come to rescue you." They stepped over the body of Taggart and all three quickly filled my room. I did the best I could to press myself into the corner furthest from them.

My eyes drifted toward Taggart, and I saw him roll slightly onto his side. When the one man took a step toward me, my focus shifted. "Do not come near me!" I growled forcing strength into my voice. "Ooo, is that a command??" He taunted me but as he took another step, suddenly he was jerked back. Everyone looked down to see that Taggart had crawled partway into the room, and grabbed the man by the ankle. He must have used the last of his strength, because he could barely lift his head. When the man spun and kicked him hard in the stomach, he did nothing to block the blow. I heard only a groan of deeper pain, as Taggart coughed out more blood. "STOP!!" I shouted and threw myself down on my knees in front of Taggart's broken body. Taggart's bloody hand opened slightly and I quickly scooped him into my arms, resting his head against my lap. "Do not touch him again!" I commanded from the floor. The men surrounded us, staring down with evil glares. "What if we don't listen??" I glared back at the first man, who seemed the ringleader of this group. "I know Prince Alaric does not sanction these actions. I also know that Prince Alaric must not be overseeing his manor house at this time. But most importantly, I know Prince Alaric's laws, what you catch, you claim. None of you can claim me, for I am claimed by Taggart, and in essence your Prince." I raised an eyebrow challengingly hoping that my bluff would work. The ringleader gritted his teeth, "Aren't we a smart one....well there is another law of Alaric you don't know. All men earn their keep. You work, you fight, you bleed or you do it alone. Seems Taggart here can't keep up on his end of the deal. No food, no wood, no nothing." He smiled slowly, "And Alaric ain't coming back for at least a week." I lifted my chin, "Then I will work for both of us." All the men laughed in my face, "You?! Work??" They rolled with amusement. "There is only one way you can work, and that is on your back." I curled Taggart closer to me, "And the moment your Prince returns, I will demand your manly member removed, followed by your head." I roared back, letting my fear feign as anger. "I will cook, clean and serve your men. I will even cut wood, and from the slop I have been forced to eat, I know that you current cook leaves much to be desired." The men all eyed each other and were both annoyed and amused by my offer. Finally one spoke, "The day is half over, so I would work double as fast, Princess."

I nodded and looked down at Taggart. He was barely keeping his eyes open, and was too tired to even move his lips. I brushed away some of the blood from his face, before I struggled to move him onto my bed. I whispered in his ear as I worked fast, "I will see you well Taggart. You must rest, your wounds are serious." I covered him with my cloak and I felt his fingers curl around mine. "Jane...." he managed to mumble through swollen lips. I leaned down brushing back some of his hair, "Rest and I will be back at night to tend to you properly." I gently kissed his cheek before I followed out after the men, carefully closing the door behind me.