Status: In progress but looking for feedback. The Prologue has been trimmed! More chapters coming soon :)

Always Anyways...

Facing Alaric

The first two days of traveling were quiet, peaceful and boring. Lord Kenrick rode ever at the side of my traveling carriage while I rode alone inside. Behind me was the funeral wagon, carrying the men to be buried upon our return. I would always check that the wagon was traveling well with little issue. It was of the utmost importance that Gannon be returned and laid to rest in his proper and honourable place. There seemed to be much on Lord Kenrick's mind, as he was quieter then other times. But he was no less protective or attentive to my needs, for he seems to have an unnatural ability to meet my needs before I could even ask. I began to marvel at how well he knew my mind and wondered how it had come to be so.

It was our third night of travel, and sleep seemed to evade me. Lord Kenrick was resting at the fireside, his feet propped up against a spare chair as the fire burned brightly between us. I was mesmerized by the dancing flames when I heard shouting coming from outside the tent. There was rustling and ruckus that followed, and Lord Kenrick was quick to be on his feet. He looked over seriously at me, “I will see what issues are about the camp.” I nodded to him and watched earnestly for his return. However I had my answer much quicker, for now I could hear the shouting clearly. “BRING ME THE PRINCESS!!” A voice boomed ever louder. “Bring me Lady JANE!! MY JANE!! JANE come here!! Come to me JANE!!” I shuttered at the voice, and the dark commands it called for. The shouting was just as quickly silenced before Lord Kenrick appeared back in the tent. “Prince Alaric...seems he is in a foul humour tonight.” I blinked back at him with wide eyes, “Why does he call for me?” Lord Kenrick shook his head, “It is of no concern my Princess, the men will see him silenced again.” I tilted my head, “Tell me my Lord. Why does he call for me so?” Kenrick hesitated in his answer this time and I continued with my questions, “Has he called for me before? Does he always call for me?” I pushed. Lord Kenrick sighed, folding his arms tightly. “I have been told that he demands your presence daily.” I stood up now, “Why? What does he wish to speak with me about?” Lord Kenrick looked down and clearly did not want to give me such news. “Kenrick, I insist that you tell me. If you are to be my Privy Councillor, I must be able to trust you in all matters, even with news such as this. And you must trust that I would not ask for something I could not bear.” Kenrick's eyes finally looked back at mine, and I could tell it pained him to tell me. Yet he did anyway, “He has claimed that you are betrothed, and he demands to speak with his future wife.” This did not entirely shock me, “For what reason?” I asked further. Lord Kenrick shook his head, “He has never said why.” Lord Kenrick took a step closer and quickly continued, “There is no reason you ever need to speak to that man again. Your Father will see to these issues.” I pondered this moment quietly in my thoughts before I looked back up at him, “I wish to speak to Prince Alaric, see to him and his quarters.” Lord Kenrick gritted his teeth dismayed, “Please my Princess...this will only upset you.” I shook my head, “He did see that I was protected and his men did not harm me. Those who tried were severely punished. Do I not owe him the same courtesy?” Lord Kenrick threw his hands wide, “He deserves no courtesy from you! He held you prisoner against your will!!” I spoke plainly which I have not done before with Lord Kenrick, “He could have raped me. He could have beat me and hurt me. But he did not. All was within his power.” Kenrick squeezed his eyes closed as if he could not bear this thought. “Because he maintained a shred of honour, does not mean that man is worthy of your time.” I walked over and spun my cloak around my shoulders. “I wish to speak with him. Please take me Lord Kenrick.” I could tell how strongly he did not wish to do this, but he also did not find the will to refuse me. Instead he reached for his hunting dagger, tucking it in his belt before pulling his own cloak over his shoulders. Poking his head out of the tent, he growled at the nearby men, “Form up...the Princess wishes to see the prisoner.” Men gathered around my tent, and soon I was being escorted to his prison wagon.

Prince Alaric was sitting chained inside a small wagon, with bars surrounding it. The floor was simple wood and he was given no blankets or anything to warm him except his own cloak. His face was covered with bruises, both old and new, and his clothing was still dirty and stained from battle. When he saw my small entourage approach, he straightened up. As he eyed my skirts in the middle of the men, he stood slowly. “There is my bride!! Princess Jane....come to me!” He called and there was a pleased smirk on his face. I walked up to his cage, but stopped about 5 feet away surrounded by my guards. “Greetings Prince Alaric. Is there a reason you have called for me tonight?” He pressed against the bars, leering down at me, “I have called for you every night, my future bride. Yet you have not come. You have not come to see that I was cared for and well.” I kept my chin high, “I have been unwell myself, and my royal healers were insistent in their demands.” Alaric roared with laughter, “You were well the last time I held you tight in my lap. No doubt they ensured that my seed was not planted firmly in your belly!!” No one joined in his laughter and I could feel Kenrick boiling with anger at his insulting words. But I had endured this talk for months and it did not phase me. “There was no seed in my belly, as you well know. For I am not yet your bride.” He slammed the bars and lunged out a hand to snatch at me, but I was outside of his reach. Despite that fact, my men surged forward and shoved him back down inside the wagon.

As he landed hard, he snarled, “Is this your treatment of a noble Prince??” I tilted my head, “Was I treated any differently when I scrubbed your floors and served your men like a tavern whore?!” I retorted back. He once again laughed, enjoying my rough language as he straightened up into a sitting position. “Indeed not, yet those men were punished.” I could not disagree with his logic and he gazed at me amused for a moment, “Look how strong and confident you are surrounded by your knights. I cannot help but notice that one is missing...” He feigned looking closely at all my knights, “Indeed....the one who came to claim you for your Father. Lord Gannon was it?? Your lover?? Is he resting tonight?” He mocked me clearly knowing the truth. I bit my tongue and forced myself not to show emotion at his cruelty. “My Lord Gannon was killed by your men, as he rescued me from your prison!” Alaric's face twisted with dark pleasure, “Why how terrible...Did I not promise you he would never be in your bed again? Didn't I?? I always keep MY word Princess.” I did not react and forced myself to stay still in the face of his mockery. Alaric looked down at his chains, “Do tell me you managed to escape a locked room? Is the good Taggart one of your men now??” I lied for Taggart's sake because I would have done anything to protect him from Alaric's fury. “The manor was burning, and he unlocked the door to save your bride from a horrible death of burning alive. Would you have expected him to do any less?” Alaric leaned forward again, “I would have expected him to bring you to my side!” I stepped close this time, lowering my voice angrily, “He tried, but Lord Gannon's men outnumbered him. The last I saw he was bleeding to death in some stairway.”

I could not be sure if Alaric believed my lie, but this time he leaned his head against the bars, “You gave me your word Princess that we were to be united as one. Are you a liar just as your piss-ant of a brother??” I met his eyes firmly, “I am bound by my father and his wishes. If he wishes us married, it will be so.” Alaric rattled his chains, “Are these to be a wedding gift, Jane??” He growled. I shook my head, “I can do nothing for you if my father finds you untrustworthy.” Alaric quickly tried to reach for me once more, and I was lucky to be just beyond his finger tips. When he failed again, this time he threw his remaining plate of stew at me. It splattered against my skirts and landed at my feet, causing my men to react as if he had thrown a dagger. Kenrick pulled my back by the waist and the other men lined in front of me, pointing swords at him. Lord Kenrick spoke loudly, “You attempt to harm Princess Jane again, and your hands will be removed, followed closely by your tongue.” Alaric bared his teeth at Kenrick, “Release my bride, come into this cage and speak those words again.” Kenrick snorted, “She does not belong to you, and I will make it my mission to see that she never does.” Prince Alaric glared at him coldly, “I will remember your face Knight, and one day I will search for it on the battlefield.” Kenrick barked loudly, “We are done here, leave him with no fire tonight. Perhaps the cold will remind him of his manners.” The men slowly withdrew and Kenrick murmured into my ear, “Walk away from him Jane, this will accomplish nothing.” I nodded and turned around, walking back to my tent. Alaric was brave enough to shout one last time, “One day I will show you what it is like to have a real lover in your bed Jane!!!” Kenrick's whole body tensed and I saw him look at one of the knights, and nod purposefully. The man was quick to break off from the group. I looked up at Kenrick who seethed with anger, “Kenrick, please. Please do not punish him.” Kenrick would not look at me or even answer me. So I spoke again, louder this time. “Kenrick Please!!” Finally he responded, “It would not harm him to learn some humility.” I tilted my head, “Humility at the end of a fist or a sword? Kenrick, no!” He lifted his chin defiantly, “It is not my fault that your men find his words insulting to your honour and unworthy to be spoken.” I could have demanded that Lord Kenrick do nothing. I could have seen that another knight carried out my orders against Kenrick's command. But it would accomplish nothing, and in fact tarnish Kenrick's reputation with me.

I was quiet until we reached the tent and once we were alone inside, I turned around stepping close to Lord Kenrick. He nearly bumped into me and looked down into my eyes, “Princess?” I looked back up at him, “I know this is the way of men, but it is my wish that he is not harmed enough that it would require a healer.” Kenrick face remained cold, “It will not.” I nodded. It occurred to me that as I once reassured Taggart, I felt that Lord Kenrick deserved to know the truth as well with our new arrangement. “I know he spoke ill of your cousin's memory. And while my heart loved Gannon, I was never in his bed. I was not his lover as Alaric claimed. He would have never tarnished my honour as I would have never done the same to him.” Kenrick's lips were pursed tight, “Not from his lack of trying Jane. He was wrong, he was wrong to lie to you. I told him everyday that he dishonoured you by what he did. He betrayed his Princess and his kingdom with his lies.” I shook my head, “Do not hold such anger against him in your heart. His words were a lie of omission, he never spoke untruth to me. When you forced him, he admitted his position.” Kenrick shook his head, “It should never have been forced. I warned him, he was my best friend and like a big brother. I warned him not to take this charge with false ideas in his head. But he did not listen. I knew how earnest his feelings were, and I knew how many years he pined for you in silence. The past cannot be recaptured! But for you he had an unfaltering weakness and he could not stop himself.” I smiled sadly at him, “Lord Gannon was not a perfect man, nor am I a perfect woman. But he was a good man, and loved me from a genuine place. Love can blind at times.” Kenrick shook his head, “He was such a fool!! Such a fool!! So careless and his mind could see only you. It made him reckless!” I looked down, “Then I am sorry. I am sorry I brought out the worst in an otherwise good man.” Kenrick flinched when he realized how his words affected me. “I am sorry Jane, I...I did not mean it that way. It was a fault of him, not of you.” I smiled sadly again, “I too was once blinded by love. My despair and loneliness was so powerful that when love was offered, I clung to it desperately. Love made me reckless once too. I understand it...and despite our feelings, I fought against the effect it would have on Gannon's honour. I simply could not allow that to happen again. I had set him on the right path when we left Woosley's camp to return to my Lady Ruth.”

Kenrick sighed deeply and ran his hand over his face, “Jane, I feel I must eternally apologize for the foolishness of Gannon.” I tilted my head, “Then I would be stuck eternally apologizing for being the reason your cousin was taken. What would the two of us ever accomplish then? I understand your pain and your anger at his loss. But do not let it taint the love you felt for him, his death was no less honourable.” Kenrick nodded and sighed deeply, “Your words touch me Jane...and it is a relief that my sorrow is carried by another who loved him just as deeply.” I reached out and touched his chest, “I could say the same.” He looked down at me finally and smiled, laying his hand over my own. “Please rest now. I will see that Prince Alaric does not speak ill of you again and I will let the King know of his claims. Please rest at the fire and I will be back soon.” I nodded and laid back down in my bed of furs. Lord Kenrick lingered a moment before he tucked out.

When I opened my eyes again, Lord Kenrick was sleeping at the fireside as well. I knew I was lucky to have a man such as this so willing to serve at my side. There were moments this eyes were nearly like Gannon's, a warm glowing honey brown, with a smile to match. They were both so fierce in their convictions and steadfast in their duty. Yet Kenrick has a balance to his ways and a foresight that marveled me. Silently in my mind, I thanked both Nicolito and Gannon for sending him to me. I had strong hope that tonight showed how Kenrick would stand at my side, even when I was not entirely right, and fight for me no less honourably. The days would quickly prove this. Each moment and each day, I leaned on him more and more.