Status: In progress but looking for feedback. The Prologue has been trimmed! More chapters coming soon :)

Always Anyways...

Arrival of Aryness

On Sunday morning, I visited Gannon's crypt alone for the first time. It felt strange to be there without Kenrick. It did not matter if Captain Evandar or Captain Gregor could hear me but I sank to my knees and wept. I felt weak and small, caving under the pressures that surrounded me alone. I begged Gannon to watch over each one from the afterlife, to protect them, keep them safe and send each one home. I begged that he guarded them as well as he once guarded me and to not leave me behind in this realm forsaken. I curled my hand around his stone form and pleaded with ever fiber of my soul, and I became lost in my loneliness. I heard the church bells toll, but I could not find my strength to rise. As the last of the bells faded into the hills, a form darkened the doorway, “My Lady, I beg your forgiveness. Our instructions are to see you back to your chambers by the end of the bells.” I lifted my tear stained face from Gannon's side to see Captain Evandar standing there. He humbly lowered his eyes, in respect for my grief. “For your own protection my Lady.” he murmured more. I blinked at him, trying to gain control of my breath, “Lord Kenrick told you so, did he not?” Captain Evandar nodded, “Aye my Lady, there were a great many things he told us on your behalf. I served under Lord Gannon, he was a good commander.” Captain Gregor's gruff voice filtered in, “People are coming...its time to go.” Captain Evandar nodded to him, “My Lady...please...” He walked over, offering out his hand to help me rise. I took his offer and wobbly stood to my own feet. “Evandar....” came the warning from Captain Gregor. As soon as my form slipped out from the doors of the crypt, they closed it behind me tight. Both men were now looking in one direction and I could see a small group, mostly of women but also some men, walking from the church toward the graveyard. Captain Evandar spoke first, “They are going to see us regardless, but we can circle around and avoid them.” Gregor grunted, “Take the lead.” Evandar nodded, motioning to me. “This way, my Lady. It will be longer, but it should be quiet.” I swallowed my pride and lowered my head as we walked the opposite way out of the graveyard, circling back to the castle walls where there was a small guard post on the south side. There were confused looks when Gregor and Evandar escorted me inside. A disgraced outcast even in my own castle...these thoughts piled onto my growing doubts of my place in this castle at all.

One week turned into two. The second week was growing long, and my hope dwindled each day. Captains Evandar and Gregor never left my side, and served me with every bit of their honour. While they were kind and protective, I was missing the connection that I had with Kenrick. I missed him even more each day when I would sit alone in my office with scrolls piling around my head. However one day, as I was forcing myself to focus on the supply order there was a knock at my office door. When I looked up, Captain Evandar was stepping in, “My Lady, I apologize for the interruption, but there is a messenger here from Lady Madge.” I jumped to my feet, “Please send them in!!” I panicked thinking the worse. However in stepped a thin framed young girl, with a thick leather traveling cloak about her, a small pack on her back and a bow slung around her body. I tilted my head, “I pray you give me the news quickly good lady...” I spoke motioning for Captain Evandar to stay. The girl's eyes were steady as she took in my form for a moment before bowing, “Good Princess, I was sent by Lady Madge herself so that I may apply as your new handmaiden. I am Aryness.” She offered out a small folded parchment, sealed with my Regent seal in thick dark red wax. I carefully took the letter, opening it up myself to see Lord Kenrick's officially written charge, the very one he sent with Marge to offer to the girl she choose as my next handmaiden. I sighed deeply, finally realizing her business, “First, is my Lady Madge well??” The girl chuckled a little, “I can certainly assure you so...for she has been drilling me for the past 4 days on taking care of my new lady!” I blinked at her for a moment and smiled, “Then you must know that Lady Madge is very special to me.” Aryness nodded, “Oh indeed, as much as you are to her my Princess.” I nodded and smiled to Captain Evandar, who seemed to have trouble keeping his eyes from settling on her. “Thank you Captain. I will inform you on my decision once we have talked.” He bowed slightly, “Of course my Lady.” but I noticed a wink at Aryness when he left, which she deftly ignored.

“I must ask, for Madge is very particular, why did she pick you?” Aryness seemed prepared with that answer, “I am from your Lady's family...her nephew's grandchild to be exact. I am able to read letters and figure numbers. I was trained by my father to be a fowler, like he was, and his grandfather before him. But Aunt Madge told me herself that the reason I was chosen because I am quick to learn and tough like my father, with the kindness and sweetness in my eyes from my mother.” Those words sounds as if they came from Madge herself and if every word this girl said was true, I could not deny Madge had found an excellent choice. “A fowler...impressive. And would you not miss this life if you were to come here?” Aryness seemed to contemplate before answering, “I would, but I trust my Aunt. She felt this would be a good place for me, that I would learn a great deal in your service.” I nodded, “While your Aunt is right, did she also inform you that there is reason I wanted someone new from outside the castle? That there are dangers here?” Aryness's face spread back into a smile, which surprised me, “She great detail, but I do not fear those dangers. I am capable of taking care of myself.” Her hands settled on her bow in front of her chest. Her confidence was similar to Madge and impressed me even more. “Aryness, you do realize that a castle is run very differently from working in the forests as a fowler.” She nodded in agreement and continued her explanation, “Aunt Madge has taught me a great deal of this. Yet I say honestly my Lady, that all my life, I have been second guessed because my father had a eldest daughter and not an eldest son. I was laughed at for carrying a bow and not a bowl. Despite how many birds I delivered, I was disregarded because I had skirts instead of leather pants. Instead of questing for a husband, I begged my parents to find someone to teach me letters and numbers. I have been the one who reads your letters aloud to my Aunt. And if I may speak so boldly, my Princess, my Aunt has spoken of you non-stop so I feel I know you much more then you may feel you know me.”

Again I was impressed with her answer and I took in the girl a little more. She had a delicate face with a sharp nose and high cheek bones. Her skin has been darkened from the sun, but there are still noticeable freckles on her face. Despite the long braid down her back, I could tell she had thick blond hair that no doubt fell in wide curls. Her dress was simple but sturdy and well cared for, with thick strong boots on her feet. I noticed at the edges of her wrist that there must be bracers under her sleeves for the leather was peeking out. If it were not for her common appearance, she might pass for a noble and be highly sought after for her beauty and strength. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Her eyes carefully scanned the room before looking back at me, awaiting me to make the next move.

I finally nodded, “Aryness, I am so very pleased to have you here. For my days have become very lonely.” It surprised me when the honesty slipped from my lips, but the girl took it in stride. She lifted the bow from around her shoulders and set down her pack, sliding her cloak off and folding it on top. “Then I am prepared to help you and serve you in anyway I can, my Lady. What should I do?” She further stepped into the room ready for my instructions. I was surprised by her eagerness, and for not wanting to settle in or possibly have more time with the young Captain outside first. Before I could recover from her request, she folded her hands simply in front of her, “Have you eaten breakfast this morning, my Lady? My Aunt was very particular that you be encouraged to eat.” I sheepishly looked down for the first time, “I did not...” The girl nodded, “May I have one of your guards show me the way to the kitchens? I am a quick learner...I know exactly which head chef I am to speak to.” Again, the girl did not cease in impressing me, “Of course my Lady.” Aryness paused for a moment, “Please call me Aryness.” I shook my head, “I cannot. For as my handmaiden, you are bestowed a title. It is in name only, but the honor is nonetheless the same. Anyone who speaks to you should call you Lady Aryness, for to disrespect you is to disrespect me. Of course when we are in private, we can still speak more personally.” I could tell that was not something Madge had prepared her for, but the girl swallowed her shock and nodded, “I am honoured my Lady, thank you.” I nodded to her in return, “As I am honoured to have you in my court, my Lady.” Aryness smiled softly, her head carrying a little higher with a new title resting on her shoulders. I had a suspicion this great grand-niece was well beloved by Madge. This was indeed an honour for her and her family. If she did choose to marry, she would have the chance to have a much better match.

I called for Sir Evandar and he quickly appeared. “Lady Aryness is to be my new handmaiden. Please see that she is shown her new room and then given a tour of the castle so that she may perform her duties to the best of her abilities.” He nodded to me, “As you wish my Lady....and what do you wish me to do with this?” He held up a quiver, nearly stuffed full of arrows. I could only assume by how the girl looked hungrily at the quiver that he took it from Aryness before she entered. Yet she did not speak for it, remaining quiet. If this girl was sent by Madge, then I must trust her completely and I could not deny that I wanted her to be happy while here. “If those are from my Lady, please return them to her care. For even I know that arrows are made personally by their archer and are nearly more valuable than the bow itself.” Evandar tried to argue with me concerned for my safety, but I continued to refuse him. This time when his eyes settled on Aryness, they had a colder look inside them. But he finally relented and handed the dark brown quiver over to her. “Thank you good Captain.” Aryness smiled, but this time there was no smile returned by him. He lead her out and I could only wonder how their conversation would continue from there. I went back to my work, feeling the day brighter already with Aryness' arrival.