Status: Currently writing chapter 3.


Chapter 1.

Amelia's P.O.V.- 
I take a deep breath before I walk into the doors of Rose Connor High School. As always, the halls are crowded and loud. I walk down the hallway to my locker, nearly getting knocked over by 2 football players who didn't even notice. I sigh in annoyance as I get to my locker. I stuff my new books and etc. in it then I shut it, nearly having an heart attack when I see my best friend Ella. "Oh my gosh, Ella you scared me!" I lightly and playfully smack her arm. "That was the plan. So, have you seen Mr. Hottie 1 and Mr. Hottie 2?" She asks me. Mr. Hottie 1 is Wesley Stryder, who goes by Wes. Mr. Hottie 2 is Christopher Demmings, who goes by Chris. 
I roll my eyes. Ella notices and smirks. "Oh don't act like you don't find them extremely attractive." My other best friend Melanie, who goes by Mel, comes up to us. "Don't find who attractive?" She asks, curious. "Lia here, as always, is denying the hotness of the football star hotties Wes Stryder and Chris Demmings." Ella replies. Mel shakes her head at me. "You know it's true." Mel tells me patting my head. Even though Mel finds them both quite hot, she has a cute little crush on my twin brother Andrew. It's adorable really. She blushes at his name and at the sight of him.
The 2 minute bell rings, signaling we only have 2 minutes left. Ella, Mel, and I say our goodbyes and I rush off to language arts with Mr. Kraus. Much to my luck, I run into somebody. Quite hard, actually. "Oh, I'm really sorry." I hear a smooth voice say. He picks up my book and notebook then hands them to me as I stand up. I then realize it's Wes Stryder. He stares into my eyes. "Woah, you're really beautiful...wait did I just say that out loud?" He says, his eyes widening and a blush creeping onto his cheeks. I giggle.
Wait, did I just giggle at him!? "Um, pretty much." I smile at him as we both walk into language arts. I sit in the 3rd row as he sits behind me. Mr. Kraus looks up from his papers and smiles at us. "Welcome back everyone and welcome to sophomore year." He greets us. "For the next couple of days, we'll be working on a partner project. Your assignment will be to get to know this person. You wil need to know enough about them to write 5 paragraphs of facts on them. But, I'll be pairing you." Everyone groans at that.
He calls out a couple names then gets to mine. "Amelia Williams and Wesley Stryder." My eyes widen as he calls out Wes's name. Everyone moves to sit next to their partner and Wes sits next to me. "Hey partner." He says so cheesily that I can't help but giggle. "Hey." I say back. "We'll be working on this in class for 3 days, then you'll 2 days to finish it outside of class." Hmm, seems fair but that means it might require me to hang out with Mr. Popular outside of school. 
 "Okay, lets start with the basics. Full name, age, place and date of birth?" Wes asks me. "Um, sure. My full name is Amelia Scarlett Williams, but you can call me Lia. I'm 16 years old, born on July 19th 1996, and I was born here in Huntington Beach, California. You?" Wes actually seems interested in what I said about myself. "Wesley James Stryder is my full name, but I go by Wes. I'm 16 years old as well, I was born on October 21st, and I was born here as well." I nod and write that down in my notes.
A piece of my hair falls from behind my ear to in front on my face. Wes then suddenly pulls it back to behind my ear. I look up at him blushing. He gulps, "Oh, um, sorry. Couldn't help myself.." He tries to explain himself. I giggle. "It's fine, don't worry about it." I reassure him and he smiles softly at me. Well, this is weird. Could I be falling for Mr. Popular?

"WHAT!?" Ella nearly spits her Coca-Cola out. "He called you beautiful then brushed a piece of your hair back!?" Mel asks, once again. I nod, taking a sip of my Sprite. "You're so lucky! He was so flirting! Did you flirt back?" Ella say so fast I can hardly understand her, but I do. Just before I reply, my brother sits down next to me. I see Mel instantly blush and she furiously tries to stop. Drew is so oblivious that he doesn't notice Mel having a blush attack.
"Sup sis? Sup sis's best friends?" Drew greets us, obviously trying to be funny but it's not working out to well. "Oh haha, very funny." Ella replies to him, shaking her head. Mel just does a simple wave. She suddenly becomes interested in something behind me. "Um, Wes & Chris are coming towards us." She manages to say. I turn around quickly and yep, they are. "Why would they talk to us? They're popular." Drew asks to no one in particular. Ella scowls at him but replies, "Well, you are on the football team as well. You tried out a week ago before school started."
"Yeah, but I'm not popular." He fires back. Ella just rolls her eyes and continues to stare at Chris. "Hey Amelia." Wes greets me as he sits on the other side of me and Chris sits next to Ella. "Um, hey. You can call me Lia." He nods then notices my confusion. "What?" Wes replies as he bites into his cheeseburger. "Not to sound rude or anything, but why are you guys sitting here?" I ask.
Chris replies before Wes can. "Well, we know Dylan. And not only that, Wes here has a little crush on you." He says in a teasing voice. Wes's face begins to blush. "No! We're sitting here because yeah, we know Dylan, and you seem pretty cool. So does your friends um.." He trails off, not knowing Ella or Mel's names. "I'm Ella." She says with a little wave. "I'm Melanie, but you can call me Mel." Mel greets them. Both Chris & Wes nod.
"So Williams, did you go to the football tryouts last week?" Chris asks him, apparently using our last name. Must be a sport thing I guess. "Um, yeah. I got accepted. You?" Drew replies. "Yeah, Chris and I are in too." Wes replies for both him & Chris. I eat a few more of my chips and take some more sips of my Sprite. Wes looks over at me as my brother, 2 best friends, and Chris began to have a converstation. He smiles at me and I smile back. Yup, I'm falling for Wesley Stryder.
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Hope you like it so far!