Condemned to Night

Ive seen down the end of the road

This was it! I wait for this concert for years and now it’s finally here! Young Guns is my favorite band and their music has saved my life more than once. Whenever I need a pick me up I listen to Young Guns and everything seems better. They are my security blanket. I have loved them since I first heard In the Night on the radio while I was in England. I have gotten more than half of my friends to fall in love with them and my best friend, Ashley (Ash), has fallen almost as hard as I have. (Almost)

Back in March I saw Young Guns was finally coming to Milwaukee. I have wanted to see them for years but I either couldn’t afford it or they didn’t come near enough to me. Now is finally my time to see them! This concert means the world to me. It’s one thing to hear them, but to see them live? It’s near perfect! It’s my dream to be friends with them, but what can I expect? They are famous after all. I got them all tickets to see the local baseball team (The Brewers) tomorrow. I mean if they can go it would be amazing, but if not it was worth a shot!

Anyways, Ash and I have been standing outside The Rave since 4:30 to ensure we get front row. I'm getting really tired of standing so I go to lean against the door but right as I settle there, the door bursts open and hits my head. I stumble forward and land on my knees. I grab at my head in pain.

"Oh gosh! I’m so sorry! I must have taken a wrong turn, this place is massive!" A cute British voice says from behind me. "Here let me help you up." to strong hands grab my arms and hoist me up effortlessly.

I brush myself off and say to Ash, "thanks for your help!" she doesn’t respond. I look up at her and see her eyes are nearly popping out of her head and her mouth is flopped open. I turn around to thank whoever helped me up and find myself looking into the eyes of Fraser!

"I’m so sorry!" he says again. Smiling a shy smile.

"It’s fine!" I say. "Are you Fraser?" I ask idiotically

He chuckles “why yes I am! Are you guys fans? ... Well that was a stupid question! Why else would you be here?" he laughs to himself.

"Hell yah we are fans! We have been sitting out here since 4:30 to make sure we get front row!" I say, Ash just nods like a bobble head doll.

"Damn! It’s great to know we have such amazing fans even here!" he smiles. "Hey could you guys help me out? I’m running really late for final sound check but I can’t find the Eagles Ballroom, this place is really big. Could you direct me?"

"Sure," I say,” just go up those stairs, take a left, go up some more stairs, and there it is!" I reply smiling.

“Thank you, you're a life saver!" he started to turn away, but then he looked back at us. "Would you two want to hang out with us after the show?"

Now my jaw drops open and Ash makes a silly little squeaking noise. “are you serious?!" I ask not believing this could be true.

"Yah!" he responds happily. "You guys seem cool and we need someone, or someones, to celebrate with!" he says smiling again. "Just meet us at the merchandise area. We will have a meet and greet then we can all get out of here. Now I really have to go. I'll see you guys then!" and he disappeared back into the building.

Ash and I stare at each other for a minute in disbelief then we both start screaming. We spend the next half hour talking about what just happened and thinking about what was still ahead!

Fraser's P.O.V.

Shit! This place was way too bloody huge! John's going to kill me if I miss sound check! I am wandering aimlessly around The Rave but just cannot find my way to the Eagle's Ballroom. Worse yet, no one is bloody here to help me! I stumble around checking each door for a way.

Soon I stumble out a door into sunlight. Shit!

I hear a thud as someone falls to the ground. They must have been leaning against the door when I burst through. "Oh, Gosh! I'm so sorry! I must have taken a wrong turn! This place is massive!" I apologize. I feel terrible, I didn't mean to hurt her. "Here let me help you up." I reach over and lift her up quickly.

Her friend is just staring at me like I just had an alien pop out of my head. The girl brushes herself off "Thank for your help!" she says to her friend and looks at her expression. She turns to look at me and I flash back to what Gus had been saying when we tried to set him up on dates "I like a girl with light eyes, black hair, who has as much inner beauty as she has on the outside. And a sense of humor is good too" this girl is exactly what he had been looking for. I quickly realize that I am staring. "I’m so sorry!" I say again, smiling nervously.

"It's fine!" She says in a very petite voice. "Are you Fraser?" she asks cautiously.

I laugh at her question. "Why, yes I am! Are you guys fans?" I ask the mentally slap myself. "Well that was a stupid question! Why else would you be here?" I say stupidly, wow I really hope I don’t blow this for Gus.

"Hell yah we are fans! We have been sitting out here since 4:30 to make sure we get front row!" She says, her friend just nods mutely.

"Damn! It’s great to know we have such amazing fans even here!" I say smiling, I try to turn on the charm a bit. "Hey could you guys help me out? I’m running really late for final sound check but I can’t find the Eagles Ballroom, this place is really big. Could you direct me?"

"Sure," She says. “just go up those stairs, take a left, go up some more stairs, and there it is!"

I mentally make a note of that. “Thank you, you're a life saver!" I say, turning away, but then I realize this could be my last chance to get her and Gus to meet up. I turn back to her and say quickly before I could chicken out, "Would you two want to hang out with us after the show?"

Her jaw drops. "Are you serious?!"

"Yah!" I respond happily. She seems to be into the idea! "You guys seem cool and we need someone, or someones, to celebrate with!" I say smiling again. "Just meet us at the merchandise area. We will have a meet and greet then we can all get out of here. Now I really have to go. I'll see you guys then!" I turn back to the building and hurry in before John really does kill me!
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ok so my computer decided to delete this whole thing twice right as i was finishing typing it so i was kinda getting fed up. I went back and redid like this whole thing, fixing everthing and adding stuffs :) please comment!