Condemned to Night

Entertained but not Concerned

The bus was absolutely amazing! There was carpeting on the floor, a flat screen TV, a medium size kitchen, a bathroom in the back, and 6 bunks with curtains. “This place is amazing!!! Can I sit in one of the bunks?” I say really excited. The guys laugh at me.

“Trust me this place gets old fast! You can try the top one on the left, no one sleeps there.” Fraser says smiling, he really has the cutest smile I have ever seen.

I scramble my way up to the top bunk and close the curtain. It’s so cozy up here! I stick my head out the curtain, “Can I live here forever?!” I say. They look up and laugh with me.

It takes 10 minutes to get to the game and in no time we are parked and getting a little grill going in the parking lot. I’m still in the bed getting ready to come down. Only me and Gustav were on the bus still. He stands on his toes so he is eye level with me in the bunk he very lightly kisses my lips. Its like static electricity goes through my body whenever he touches me and when he kisses me I swear my hear stops.

“What is your favorite animal?” He asks me through a smile.

“A wolf, or a lemur. They are so cute and look jacked up on coffee.” I say, “What is your favorite book?”

“House of Leaves. That book is so screwed up but beautifully written. Did you know it took him 10 years to write it?” He says, I had heard from people on Tumblr that Gustav was really smart, kind of the fact of the day kind of person, and it was true. He really is amazing.

“I love that book! I just finished it, most beautiful piece of literature I have ever read! But it confused me quite a bit.”

“Yah, its one of those books you need to read a few times.” He says, its really nice talking to him about this! Its funny, I am on the Young Guns tour bus, in one of their bunks, while Gustav Wood was talking to me about books! Wow, I’m a nerd!

“Here give me your hand, I’ll help you down form there.” I put out my hand and start climbing down, with my clumsiness I fall as I’m coming down. Gustav catches me and sets me down. “You’re very clumsy, you know that?” he laughs.

“Yah I know I am.” I joke and we walk outside. The burgers were already cooking and the boys were chugging beer like Wisconsin men would. Fraser tosses a beer to Gustav and one to me. He catches his then reaches out and grabs mine before I even realize what happened! Both Fraser and Gustav start laughing at the look on my face.

The cook out was really fun. We played with a baseball that I had brought along, playing catch, John and Fraser were seeing how hard they could throw it at each other when one throw went haywire and hit Ben in the face.

“Ow! What the fuck, man?” Ben called over to John who had turned away. Ben rubs his cheek where the ball hit. There was a red mark where it hit and there would definitely be a bruise.

John turns back towards Ben, a sheepish look on his face. “Bean, I’m really sorry, it was truly and accident.” He walks over to Ben, rubbing his neck nervously. Ben jumps up on his back but has little effect on him since Ben is so small and John is so big. Ben doesn’t give up though! He clings on to Johns back for a while, while john just went about his business, eating and throwing the baseball. Eventually Ben climbs down. “I hope you learned your lesson!” He jokes.

We finish our tailgate and head in to the game. It was funny looking at the Guy’s faces in reaction to how big Miller Park is. We find our seats after we grab a few beers. The game starts and everyone seems to be having a great time. They cheer for the Brewers with me and Ash, even though they hardly know anything about baseball! During the game they all got hot dogs. I got one and pretended to eat it but I really just threw it away. It was a good game, The Brewers won 9-8 so it was really exciting. We leave but not before we got a bobble Head player for the tour bus.

Gustav seems kind of down, and I know why, he thinks everyone forgot his birthday. Ash had planned something with Fraser, John, Ben, and Simon while they went out to breakfast. Tonight they were going to take him to the biggest club in Milwaukee. I had plans of my own for him. As soon as we got back to the apartment I said I had to run some errands and went to get Gustav 3 books. When I got to the store I found the book House of leaves (First edition, I had been keeping an eye on this book for quite a while.), The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and Snow Falling on Cedars. On my way to the check out, I walked past these amazing necklaces for guys. I picked out one with a long chain and a rough, shiny rock. I don’t really know why I decided to get it, it just looked really cool. I check out and head back home.

When I get into the apartment everyone was playing Call of Duty. I needed to figure out a plan to get Gustav alone without being too obvious. “Hey does anyone want to take the dogs for a walk with me? They need some time outside.” I say looking at Gustav to indicate I really just meant him.

“I’ll go, I need some fresh air anyway.” He says.

“I would love to go, but… the game.” Fraser says.

“It’s fine Fraser, maybe another time you can come with!” I say then grab the dog leashes. The dogs go crazy. I hook up Smuckers and hand the leash to Gustav, then hook up Taku. On our way out I grab my bag that his Gustav’s gifts in it.