Condemned to Night

Daylight Won't Wait for Me

Gustav’s P.O.V.

It’s a beautiful day today, I wish it was always this sunny back in England. Alyssa and I walk down a path in the woods behind her apartment. Smuckers is having a great time on his walk, stopping to piss like every minute. I sneak a glance at Alyssa. She is a stunning woman. Her hair is a perfect black that goes down to about her waist, shes really skinny and fit, and her eyes… They aren’t ever grey, they are silver and are always shining. The bag she’s carrying looks big and heavy. I offer my hand, “Do you want me to take your bag? It looks really heavy.”

She smiles (Wow she is so amazing when she smiles.) “I got it, we are almost there anyway.”

“There? Where is there? Where are we going?” I ask a bunch of questions.

“Easy does it there! You will see In a minute.” She says laughing at me. I shove her to the side playfully, to which she punches my arm back.

In less than 30 seconds a little bench next to a river comes into view. Alyssa smiles as she sees it. We walk over and she offers me a seat. We tie the dogs to a nearby tree and sit next to each other. Our legs are touching each other. Alyssa slowly lowers her head onto my shoulder and just rests there for a minute. She was so cute. I grab her hand and ask her, “Alyssa, do you believe in love at first sight?”

I look down at her, she smiles and blushes. “Actually I do. Gustav, how many girlfriends have you had?”

I think for a second, I don’t think I should count my 5th grade thing where the girl only liked me because I had the 100 pack of crayons. I run my hand through my hair. “Real ones?” I ask, she nods. “One, it was about 5 years ago and she cheated on me. I guess since then I was just…” I look at her in the eyes, “Looking for the right girl.” I see the shock and wonder in her eyes as the corners of her mouth turn up.

She goes back to resting on my shoulder then suddenly jumps up, startling me. “Oh! Before I forget!” She yells and reaches for her bag. “Happy Birthday Gustav! I didn’t have time to wrap them but I got you these.” She reaches into her bag and pulls out 3 books, The first is Snow Falling on Cedars, the second is The Perks of Being a Wallflower, the third she keeps hidden until I can react to the first two.

“Oh, gosh Alyssa! You did not need to get me anything for my birthday! It’s enough that you remembered and are here with me! I did really want these books though, Thank you!” I blabber on and hug her hard.

“I’m not done yet!” she says with a smile, from behind her back she pulls out a copy of House of Leaves. Shit, I already have this book, but I don’t want to hurt her feelings I think to myself but as I study the book further I notice this is no ordinary copy of House of Leaves, it’s a first edition!

“Oh my god, Alyssa! No way! How the hell did you get your hands on a first edition?!” I freak out slightly (Yes I know I’m a nerd).

“I had been keeping an eye out for it at a local book store and got it when I saw it! I have one more thing for you,” she says, “I’m not really sure why I got it, I just thought It looked really cool and you might like it.” She pulls out a long silver chain with a shiny rock on it. I reach for it and roll it over in my hands.

“This is amazing…” I say and bring her into a large hug.

She chuckles, “Its just a rock on a chain.”

“But its from you, love, that’s what makes it so special.” I say looking straight into her eyes. I pull her into a light kiss, she wraps her arms around my neck deepening the kiss. I miss the feeling of being kissed, or held by someone I care for. I have a hunger for her, but I suppress it, knowing if it was meant to be, it will happen in time, I don’t want to force her. Though I do feel a hunger in her kiss as well. Out of nowhere Taku comes and joins our kiss. We both pull away laughing. “Thank you so much.” I say my honest thanks to her.

“Anything for you, Gustav.” I love how she always says my full name, Not once has she called me “Gus”, The way she says my name just gives me stomach butterflies. We sit there for a bit longer then she gets up, “It’s getting late, we should get back and get ready.” She says grabbing Taku’s leash.

“Ready for what?” I ask confused.

“You will see, hun.” She says and bounds away with Taku.

We get back to the apartment and everyone was waiting there for us. Big grins on their faces.

“Happy birthday Gus! Now go in in some different clothes! We are going to the club!” Fraser says.