Condemned to Night

There will be rain

Normal P.O.V

I go into my room, grab my clothes, and go to change in the bathroom while Gustav changes in the bedroom. I chose a tight fitting black dress with my black leather jacket and spikey 2 inch heels. I comb my hair and put on eyeliner then step back to look at my body in the dress. I make sure to avoid looking at my face. You are not going out in that dress! My god, you look like a stuffed turkey! Why did you even buy that dress! If you eat one thing it will break open! My voice made me feel terrible, but I decided to try it and be bold. I walk out of the bathroom. Gustav is wearing black skinny jeans, a young guns T-shirt, with a black and blue plaid shirt unbuttoned over it, and convers. He looks amazing, all the girls will be drooling over him. That thought made the jealousy in my rage. Why would he want to be with you when he could be with anyone of those pretty girls at the club? The voice pipes up, enraging me further. I take a deep breath to calm down. “Gustav, you look amazing.” I say walking out of the bathroom.

“I look amazing? Have you taken a look in the mirror lately? You look absolutely stunning, my love.” He responds, making my heart pound in my chest as he gets closer to me. “I’m really going to have to look out that no one steals you from me tonight.” He says hugging me and kissing my head.

“Are you ready to go birthday boy?” Fraser says through the door.

“Yup! We are ready!” Gustav calls back and we walk out to the tour bus together holding hands.

Gustav seems really excited to be going out with all his friends. Me and him sit in the back of the bus and talk on our way there, we talk about the clubs back in England, where he first started to perform when he was younger (Apparently him and Fraser started out performing in a strip club when they were 14! They had to share a dressing room with the strippers!), and I decided to ask him another question. “Gustav, what is your middle name?” I ask.

“My full name is Gustav Tomas Skjerdal Wood. My middle name is quite a mouthful.” He says. “Okay, now I need to know, what is your middle name?”

“My full name is Alyssa Vitani Kat. I really like your middle name, it’s so unique! I love unique names.” I say shyly. He smiles at me and brings me into a hug. The bus stops and we all file out to the club called The Gasworks. The sign for the club was big and had the name done into metal which burned brightly with fire all the time. The look of happiness on Gustav’s face was not something he could hide.

“We haven’t been to a club in over 2 months! This is amazing!” He says smiling. We go in, show our ID’s and find a big table in the corner. John and Fraser go over to the bar to get our drinks. They come back with a tray that has beers and plenty of shot on it. And so out night begins.

After less than a half hour all the drinks on the tray are gone and John has to go up to get more. Ben is drunkly dancing with some hot girls on the dance floor. Fraser is quietly talking to a girl who came to sit by him. John has a girl literally following him everywhere, and Simon and Ash are drunkenly making out on the middle of the dance floor. Gustav and I are hardly even tipsy.

“Alyssa, would you like to come dance with me?” He asks politely. I nod and grab his hand leading him to the edge of the dance floor. Everyone is grinding hardcore so we just kind of awkwardly stand there for a minute. He smiles his cocky, cute half smile before bending down to kiss my lips. It must be the alcohol making me a horny little slut, but I make the kiss harder, turning it into a make out, but he doesn’t seem to mind at all. We stand there kissing harder and harder, our lips furiously moving against each other. Gustav’s tongue snakes out and licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance into my mouth, I gladly grant him this. Our lips continue to move against each other as our tongues battle for dominance. I hold the back of his head with one hand, playing with his hair, with the other I grab his lower back scratching at his back. He had his one hand holding my hip and the other wrapped tightly around my back bringing my body to his, holding me tightly against him.

That’s a good little hoe, see? I told you he only wanted you for sex! Now be a good little bitch and suck his dick in the back alley like every other whore! The voice is terrible to me but right now I don’t care, its just me and Gustav. After a while we break the kiss, breathing hard. We smile at each other and I turn around. I’m a little nervous since I have never grinded with someone, so I’m not really sure how but as I turn around Gustav helps me out by grabbing my hips and moving me to him. I start moving in time with the music and Gustav wraps his arms around me, moving with me. We do this for about 5 songs, every once in a while I will turn back and give him a kiss. After the 5th song he bends down and says in my ear, “I’ll go get us some drinks, ok? Will you be ok here for a minute?” He asks.

I nod, “I’ll be fine, hun.” I kiss him once before he walks off. This night was amazing, I was honestly flustered with how much I liked him! I don’t think I have ever liked someone like this before. Out of the corner of my eye I see a man coming towards me, he must be in his early 30’s, I try ignoring him, maybe he will leave me alone, but he comes up to me anyway.

“Hey, baby, how about you ditch that skinny toothpick and come with a real man?” He says into my ear, one on his hands moves my hair and the other cups my ass, I jump away from him and slap his hand away in disgust. This makes him angry. The look on his face tells me I should not have done that. He roughly grabs me around the waist and covers my mouth. “Say one thing and you will have a hard time saying anything for a while.” He says into my ear. I’m terrified, What if I get raped, or killed? I struggle against his hold, trying to get someone to notice me, but everyone is either too drunk or don’t even notice me. In one last desperate attempt I see John in the crowd drinking. I bite my attacker’s hand, he releases my mouth just long enough for me to shriek out “John!” before he slaps me and covers my now bleeding mouth again. He drags me to the stairs that lead up to the private rooms. I can’t tell what is going to happen to me or if John even heard me. This could be my end…