Condemned to Night

I'll keep reaching till i get what's mine

John’s P.O.V.

This really was a pretty great night, I usually like to drink in smaller groups but this was fun. It was really funny that all these girls keep following me, I mean I don’t think I’m attractive at all, but apparently Wisconsin girls did. One of them is kind of cute, she’s very petite with black hair but she was really into grinding. I have never really grinded much so I tried for a bit but apologized at how bad I was. She smiled and said it was ok. We talked for a while, once I looked up to check on the other guys, Fraser was getting pretty much a lap dance from one of the many girls surrounding him, he was having a good time, I could tell. Simon and Ash were still making out (don’t they ever come up for air?). Ben was grinding a grip raising his beer in the air. Gus was talking to Alyssa, then walked away to get drinks I assume.

I like Alyssa, she is really nice and I know she is what Gus has been looking for so I’m happy for them. I go back to talking to my girl, I discreetly bring up Young Guns just to see if she knew who we were.

“I knew it!” She shouts out, “I knew you were John, I just couldn’t believe it! I didn’t want to offend you if you weren’t you, so I didn’t say anything.” She says nervously. “I really love your band, and your really cute…” She trails off. I smile at her, she is so cute.

We talked for about a minute more then I hear my name, it was quiet but loud at the same time. I look up at one to find the source, if they were even talking to me. I look over to where Alyssa was because it sounded like her. She was gone so I quickly scan the room, thankfully I’m really tall so I can see a lot. I look towards the stairs to see Alyssa struggling in the arms of a large man, one hand covering her mouth. I didn’t even think anymore I ran though the room of people, pushing people aside urgently, I make my way to the bar where Gus just got the two drinks for him and Alyssa.

“Gus! Alyssa, was taken! A man took her upstairs! She yelled out to me and I saw him dragging her with his hand over her mouth!” I explain in a huge rush. Gus’s eye get wide, his jaw opens in a gasp as he drops both drinks, they shatter and he starts running for the stairs. I’m close behind him, making out way to the stairs.

Normal P.O.V.

I try everything to get away, I don’t know a lot about self-defense but I try sitting down, that doesn’t work so I try struggling more but that just gets me a slap on the head. My mouth is bleeding where I bit my cheek when the man slapped me. Eventually I just stop and become a deadweight for the guy, not struggling, just hanging there limp, it at least slows him down a bit.

We get up to the room and he picks me up and slams me on to the pile of pillows in the corner. “Now that’s a good little whore, you just stay there and don’t struggle, it will just make it worse for you.” He says opening his jacket and showing off the deadly glint of a knife. I begin crying, what do I do? If I try running, he will catch me and kill me! He gets down on top of me, pinning my arms down with his hands and pinning my legs with his. He begins licking and kissing down my neck, biting hard. I scream but he smashes his lips against mine, I turn away. To this he puts both my skinny arms in one hand and grabs my face, forcing me to kiss him, I don’t know what to do so I try biting him. “Oh, I like the feisty!” he says sickeningly. He sits up slightly and reaches into his jacket, he pulls out the knife and I shriek. The cold metal of the knife touches where the top of my dress is as he starts cutting away at the material. So I’m not going to die just yet, but somehow I wish I would as I lay there naked and he undoes his pants. I know what is coming next. He touches me, he grabs my boobs and touches my down low. I try one more time to scream. I scream loudly and he starts choking me.

I hear the door burst open and suddenly the man’s weight is off of me. I curl up into the corner trying to protect myself. I don’t know what is happening, I hear the man grunt loudly and look up to see Gustav have a choke hold on him against the wall, he shouts something at the man but I can’t hear him. I see John run into the room and look at me. He says something I can’t hear, then Gustav must have shouted an order at him for he looks over at him and nods. He runs over to me and I flinch away, I’m not sure why though. He slows down and puts his hands up to show he won’t hurt me then come over, taking off his jacket, he puts my arm though the sleeves. I can’t move. It’s like I’m paralyzed. John zips up the jacket and picks me up. Slowly, I reach my arm over his shoulder to hold on as he runs down the stairs.

John’s P.O.V.

Gustav is quite a bit ahead of me as we sprint our way up the stairs, there are about 10 rooms, but there is not enough time to check them all. We look at each other for a long moment then hear a scream. Gus runs full force to the room, I trail behind, struggling to breath. When I get to the room, I cant even think for a second, Alyssa is naked and bloodied in the corner all huddled up. Gus has a man pinned to the wall in a choke hold.

“What the fuck!” I yell not able to stop myself.

“John! Get Alyssa the fuck out of here!” Gus orders to me quickly. I nod and run over to Alyssa. She flinches away from me in fear. I feel terrible about that and move slower to her, holding my hand sup in surrender. I quickly strip off my jacket and offer it to her, when she doesn’t move I gently take her arm and put it through the sleeve, I do the same for the other arm and quickly pull up the zipper to cover most of the exposed parts of her.

I pick her up in my arms, her small body shaking, tears fall soundlessly down her face. I run down the hall with her and slowly her hand comes up and wraps around my shoulder. I hardly know this girl, but as she does this a soundless tear runs down my face.

When I get down to the main floor, I hide her face in my chest, sparing her the humiliation. Fraser just happened to see me come running down the stairs with her. He gets up from his pile of girls and runs to me.

“John! What the fuck happened?!” He asks all signs he was drunk were gone instantly.

“I will tell you on the bus, get Simon, Ben, and Ash.” I say, he hesitates for a minute. “Now!” I snap at him. I feel bad, but we don’t have time. He runs off and I take her to the bus. She starts coming out of shock as we get outside and the night air touches her. As we get to the bus, she starts sobbing uncontrollably. We go to sit on the couch, I hold her in my arm, shushing her, and telling her it will be ok, but she keeps crying. I hold her there in my arms until everyone gets there.

Gustav’s P.O.V.

As soon as John had told me what was happening, I dropped my drinks, I couldn’t think of anything else but that news story this morning about the rapist. I run for the stairs, John is behind me, there to back me up. When we get to the top of the stairs, there is a long hall with about 10 rooms. I don’t have time for this! As soon as I thought that, I hear Alyssa scream. I take off for the room at the end of the hall and break the door down with my foot.

I take in the scene, A man with his pants around his knees was kneeling over my Alyssa, naked, he was choking her, a knife was on the floor and Alyssa was bloodied. I didn’t even think, I grabbed the man around the neck, throwing him against a wall, his head make a loud crack with the force I hit him with

“What the fuck is wrong with you!” I scream at the man who is smiling a disgusting smile at me. I slam his head again to the wall. John runs in looking shocked. I look at my poor Alyssa and yell to John, “John! Get Alyssa the fuck out of here!” he nods and I go back to the man. As soon as Alyssa is gone from the room I slam the man to the floor, punching his face full force. No one wants to fuck with me when I’m mad. The man has a bloody nose but grabs my leg pulling me to the back hits hard but I avoid hitting my head, the guy jumps on top of me, his pants around his ankles.

“If I can’t have the girl, I guess I’ll have you!” he says sickeningly. No way in hell I will ever let this man touch me! While he is sitting on my writhing body, he reaches over for something. I forgot about the knife! He brings the sharp knife around, just barely hitting my above the eye, but it was enough, my eye is soon covered in blood running down my face, as the man goes to try to unbutton my pants, I hit the pressure point I know about in his arm. He drops the knife, and it land inches from my face I punch the guy square in the nose. He staggers backwards and I kick him. I think he is unconscious. I grab out my phone and call 911.

“What is your emergency?” Someone answers.

“The club rapist just tried to rape my girlfriend and tried to kill me. He is in one of the rooms in the top of The Gasworks.” I reply.

“What is your name sir?” They ask. I really don’t want to be tied to this so I end the call, take out my phone’s battery, and smash it on the ground. I run down the stairs, blood still running down my face. I need to see Alyssa. I need to know she is ok.