Condemned to Night

We Are at War With Time

Gustav’s POV

Things have gotten better, its like something just clicked, but it’s our last day in America… I can’t believe it. I mean I miss home dearly but… I can’t leave Alyssa. I just don’t even know what to do. We have gotten so close. I mean sure, I have only known her for 3 days, but it feels like a life time. We care for each other greatly and I really cannot bring myself to leave her alone after what happened, but what am I going to do? Leave the band? Hell no, I could never do that to the guys. Should I just extend my stay in America? No… we have shows. Then I dawned on me, why don’t I bring Alyssa back with us?! I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before! I really should talk to the guys first.

I walk out into the living room where everyone is hanging out. “Hey guys, can I talk to you about something? It’s for the band, our uh… manager called.” They all look to each other then to me and walk outside with me.

“Gus, what’s up? Is something wrong?” Fraser asks, concern crossing his face.

“Nothing is wrong.” I sigh. “Truth be told, our manager didn’t call. I needed to ask you guys a favor, a huge favor. We will put it to a vote. Would you guys be opposed to Alyssa coming on the road with us? As a merch girl?” I ask. I prepared for the worst reactions, but when I looked at them, they were all nodding. I sigh with relief. “Ok, just to be sure what is everyone’s vote? Fraser?”

“Hell yeah! Alyssa is awesome, I wouldn’t want to see you two apart.” He says.

“John?” I ask.

“It’s fine with me, she like a sister now.” He says.

I smile and nod. “Ben?”

“Sure! She’s really nice.” He says.

Now for the last and we are good! “Si?”

“I mean I’m not opposed to it, but… what about Ash? Why do you get your girl and I don’t get mine?” Si says looking at the ground.

“oh, Simon, I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about that… Well let me just ask you, Do you love her? Would you be able to stand being on a bus with her as much as you are with us? Because there is no taking this back.” I say these wise words, proud of myself for not saying something stupid.

He looks up then looks away. “Actually, you’re right, Gus, I don’t think I love her, I don’t think I would be able to handle her that long.” He says with a light chuckle.

“Do you still want her to come along?” I ask.

“No, I don’t think I do. But Alyssa can.” He says.

“Ok, so we are all in agreement! Great!!!” I say a giant grin across my face. I can’t believe this is happening! This is amazing! It’s everything I have ever wanted! All the guys smile back at me and we go inside.

I grin at Alyssa and ask her to come with me to talk. She grins back at me and follows me back to her room.

“What’s up Gustav? You’re smiling like crazy!” She laughs, what a beautiful sound it is.

“Alyssa!” I say and lift her in the air with a great, big hug. She laughs again.

“Gustav! Tell me what’s going on!” She gets out between laughs.

“Oh Alyssa, I was so worried that I would have to leave you here and never see you again, but then I had a thought, what if you came with me?” I say looking into her eyes, they get wide when I finish what I was saying.

“Oh my god, Gustav! Are you saying I get to come back to England with you?” She says with excitement in her voice.

I smirk, “Not only back to England but on tour with us! As our merch girl! I mean if you want.” I add sheepishly.

“If I want?! Hell yeah I want!” She exclaims. “Gustav! I’m going on tour with your band!” She is nearly crying now. We embrace for a long time. She is literally shaking with excitement. “Is it ok with the rest of the guys?” She asks suddenly.

“Yes! They all love you! I know it is kind of rushed, but we leave tomorrow, love, you should pack.” I say smiling at her.

She looks down at the ground, really quiet all of a sudden. I’m afraid I said something wrong. She looks up into my eyes, she looks very beautiful then she says the most beautiful thing I have every heard leave her lips.

“Gustav, I love you.”

My heart nearly stops, it jumps a beat for sure. I make a little choking noise as my jaw drops open. She looks worried like I wasn’t going to say it back, but really I just couldn’t believe she actually said she loves me! She feels the exact same way I feel about her! She is the first person to say that to me and mean it in 7 years…

“Gustav, please say something, I’m really sorry, I screwed up, forget I ever said that! Please, I don’t want to ruin things between us.” She says with tears forming in her eyes. “Shit, Gustav I’m so sor-“ I cut her off by kissing her gently on her lips.

When I break the kiss I hold her face in my hand looking directly into her surprised eyes. “Alyssa, you didn’t screw anything up, I was just thinking about how much I love you.” Her face lights up. “No one has said that to me in years and hearing it from someone I feel the exact same way about, well it kind of shocked me. I love you, too, Alyssa.” I say. She jumps at my wrapping her arms tightly around my neck, her lips locked tight against mine. I wrap my arms around her tiny waits pulling her tight to me. The feeling of her bones so prominent under her skin really worried me, but I did not want to ruin this moment. “Now, get packed, my love, we leave for England tomorrow.” I say smiling at her.