Condemned to Night

I sit and scan the frequencies

We get out to my car and start driving. The guys chuckle a little bit when i turn on the radio and their CD is in. to change the focus i say, "If you dont mind me asking, how old are all of you?" i look at them in my rear view mirrior and have a mini heart attack at the fact that my favorite band in the world is in my back seat! i have had alot of pravtice meeting famous people so i know how to keep my cool on the outside. I figured out the hard way that when you freak out they tend to hate you.

Fraser broke through my inner thoughs, "I'm 24" he answers.

"Same." says ben smiling.

" im 25" Simon says. Ash turns back and smiles at him.

" and im 26, someone has to be old enough to look after these idiots." John says chuckling. Hes really cute when he smiles.

"Gustav is 26 , too" Fraser says. " how old are the two of you?"

" im 24" Ash answers.

"And of course im the youngest of the bunch again at 23!" i grumble. they laugh at me. we make small talk untill we get there. i let them off at the front door and go to park in my usual space in the back. i walk around front to see them laughing. I hear the song " She Thinks my Tractor's Sexy" is playing and i understand right away and join in their laughter.

"This song is ridiculous!" Ben says between laughs, "How do you stand this music?"

i laugh and say, " after a few days you really just tune it out. Lets go in! there shouldnt be a wait since its so late." They follow me and Ash inside coming down from their laughing fit. i walk up to my hostess friend and say " table for seven please."

Her jaw drops but she closes it quicckly, she pulls me aside and whispers, "Is that not Young Guns behind you?" she says astonished.

" Yes it is!" i say hardly containing my excitement.

She eyes John up and down and whispers "Damn..." she straights herself out and says, "Follow me to your table!"

We get seated at a table right near the main aisle. We take a look at the drink menu and all order Maragritas and one extra knowing Gustav will want one.

The boys really get a kick out of the menu. Ben ordered the Chicken Critters and Simon ordered Roadkill. Just then my Manager walks up, " How are we all doing today?" she asks happily. we give our goods and awesomes. "Thats great! Hey, Alyssa, we are really short handed and out only busser is in the back helping one of the cooks with an injury, do you think you could bus one table? we have a huge party coming in and no where else to put them. i will pay for half of your meals."

"Sure! I'll be back in just a minute guys, enjoy yourselves!" i say then get up and grab a bus tub. I head over to the table. Jeeze these people left a mess. i start cleaning and the tub is really full when i finish. i should probably make a second trip, but then again ive handled worse. i start walking to the kitchen with my eyes down on the tub and hear footsteps behind me. i try to speed up to get out of their way. in my hurry a small plate fall off my tub, i guess i realized that it fell but didnt really think much of it so i kept going. one more step and i step directly on the plate and start falling. i brace for hitting the ground, eyes shut tight, but i never hit. Someone caught me. my head rested in their lap. i kept my eyes closed as i surveyed the damage to my body. one leg was caught under me, my ankle bent in an unusual direction and hurt but other than that i was fine. the bus tub was in my hands still. i think about who caught me, it couldnt have been anyone from out table, they couldnt have gotten up that fast. besides i heard their gasps and heard them running over calling out if i was ok. slowly i open my eyes and find myself staring into the white-blue eyes of Gustav Wood

Gustav's P.O.V.

Fraser texts me that they are going to a place called Texas Roadhouse somewhere called Waukesha and gives me the address of the place. I'm really upset that i never got to see that girl from the crowd again, i angerly smack the steering wheel in my frustration. She was so perfect and seemed to be into me as well! Now i will never know for sure. I drive the route the GPS gives me to this place. I park way in the back and take up 4 spaces with the giant bus. I walk inside with some really weird country music playing.

"Can i help you?" One of the hostesses kindly asks.

"I'm just looking for my friends, there should be 4 of them." I say

"Ok, well you can walk through and see if you find them." She says with a kind smile.

I nod my thanks, smile and walk through the resuraunt. A girl walks past me with a really full tub of dishes. I swear it was the girl from the concert No way, no way in hell is that the girl, things like that dont just happen, plush she is working so she couldnt have been at the concert. i talk to myself in my head and reason everything out. I walk behind the girl trying to find Fraser, or someone from the band. The girl drops a plate out of her tub but doesn't seem to notice. It's like everything that happens next is in slow motion, the girl steps right on the plate and starts slipping. as fast as i can i run to her and catch her as she falls. She lands on my lap, her eyes shut tight. I'm so glad i caught her, she could have really been hurt! I look at her face, once again strangely familiar, then she opens her eyes and im staring into the silver eyes of the girl from the concert.
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this part about texas roadhouse and the falling on a plate actually happened to me only no one caught me... but my friend thought that a guy i liked there caught me and thought we "fell" in love but no haha