Condemned to Night

I've Not the Guts

We pull into the driveway and get out. We watch as Gustav parks the bus, taking up like 3 spaces of the parking lot. As soon as the car stopped the back door flew open and Fraser, John and Ben all jump out, holding their noses.

“Si farted! Dear lord that was terrible.” Ben says laughing.

“Guilty as charged!” Simon says smiling and taking his time getting out. Gustav comes around from the other side of the bus.

“My God Simon, that was awful!” we laugh as Gustav wipes the tears out to his eyes. We head inside to be greeted by my dogs, Taku and Smuckers. The boys play with them for a while, Fraser seems to be the most happy with Smuckers. Everyone slowly makes their way to the living room while I go into the kitchen to grab some vodka, soda, and order a pizza.

“You guys want to play a game?” I call from the kitchen.

“Sure! What is it?” John answers.

“Ok so we are going to play Call of Duty, every time you get shot, you take a drink, every time you get knifed you take a shot. It’s a really fun game to play while drinking.” I explain. They all look pretty happy about the game.

“We never get to plat Call of Duty on the road! This will be awesome!” Si says excitedly.

“This night will be perfect as long as I get my pizza!” Fraser says jokingly.

I laugh. “Its on the way, I just ordered it!”

Fraser falls back onto the couch with a ‘Whoop!’ John jumps directly on top of him. Fraser lets out a little girly shriek as Simon and Ash join John. Ben takes the bean bag on the floor, comfortably laying on it.

I plop down on the big chair in the corner. Gustav walks in after using the bathroom and sees the mess of people on the couch and ben comfortably laying on the bean bag. He looks confused for a minute and not sure where to go, then he looks at me in my big chair in the corner. I smile at him as he walks over, but my heart is pounding out of my chest as he makes his way over to me.

“Mind if I squish in next to you? The couch is just a bit full.” He says smiling. We both look at the couch and laugh as Fraser tries to squirm his way out from the bottom.

“I don’t mind if you don’t mind the tight squeeze!” I say.

“I don’t.” He says with a wink. He squishes next to me. We struggle for a minute trying to get at least a little comfortable. After each attempt failed we gave up. “Umm… would you mind sitting on my lap? I would offer to sit on yours, but I may crush you.” He laughs nervously and blushes.

“Sure.” I say surprised and dying inside slightly, there is no way I’m going to pass this up! “Let me know if I’m hurting you.” I get up and let him get himself comfortable before I go and sit on him. His lap is really comfy. There is no way in hell that he is fat, but he has a lot of muscle which makes him very comfortable to sit on. He adjust me slightly.

“Ah, much better.” He sighs and relaxes. I’m in my happy little dazed world when the doorbell rings. Ben gets up to get the door and decides to mess with the pizza guy. With the mess of people on the couch in full view of the door, ben strips his shirt off and opens the door so the guy can only see his top half. The look on the kid’s face was priceless, he couldn’t be more than 16 years old and he looked kind of geeky too so it just added to the fun. Ben pays him, gives him a tip, winks and says “keep the change.” Then closes the door. We all erupt in laughter. Ben smiles and puts the pizzas on the table. Fraser finally struggles his way out of the pile and grabs a piece of pizza.
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kinda a dull chaper, has some humor, but i wanted to the next chaper with this one but it would have been waaaaay too long.