Condemned to Night

And I'll Raise my Glass!

“Ok so who’s making the drinks?” I ask.

The boys all look at each other and simultaneously say, “John!” John smiles and gets up knowing what his job is.

“John makes the best drinks.” Simon says peeling his eyes away from Ash for only a moment.

John yells from that kitchen, “And don’t you forget it!”

“Hey Ash you wana set up Call of Duty?” I say, enjoying my seat too much to get up.

“Fiiiiine.” She groans and gets up. She has to un knot some wires and as soon she finishes Simon gets up, runs over and tackles her. They both get up laughing. Gustav sighs and jokes, “I’m in a band with a bunch of idiots.” I laugh, looking at each member. Si is in the ground with Ash wrestling over who gets the remote, Ben is air drumming over on the bean bag, Fraser is attempting to eat his pizza with both dogs trying to steal it. Quite a bunch this is!

John comes back in with drinks. “Yay!” Ben cheers, grabbing one. John passes them around to everyone. “These are always the best!”

“Oh, You flatter me! Here Alyssa, let me give you a Kiss on the Lips.” John says smiling and winking. I feel Gustav tense up and I look at him. His eyes are wide, staring at John and his jaw is set. “Oh calm down Gus!” John laughs. “It’s the name of the drink!” Gustav relaxes again and laughs nervously blushing. I giggle at his jealousy and take one of the drinks.

“Go on, take a drink!” Ben urges. I take a sip and I am amazed! It’s so fruity and tastes like an expensive drink you can only get in Mexico! “John! This is great. You, sir, are a skilled drink maker!” he smiles his thanks then nearly up ends his cup.

“Heads up!” calls Ash as a controller flies at me and Gustav. We struggle no to spill our drinks as the controller hits us. “Whoopsy, sorry! We don’t have enough controllers so we are all going to have to share.” John and Fraser share one, Si and Ash get one, Ben gets his own, and Gustav and I share one.

“You can go first” Gustav says with a smile.

“Watch and learn boys, im about to kick ass at this game!” I joke.

After the first round I have taken 5 sips of my drink and 2 shots. Ben finished his drink and had 3 shots, 2 of which were caused by Fraser. Simon took a shot. Fraser is still completely sober. We all switch controllers. Gustav tries to play awkwardly with his arms to the side, but it doesn’t work well.

He grunts “This isn’t working well.” He pulls his arm back behind me and wraps his arm around me. “Do you mind?” He asks with a nervous laugh. I smile at how cute and awkward he is.

“Its fine,” I smile,” I don’t mind.

I lean back into his shoulder. I look at him to make sure its ok. He looks back at me with those white-blue eyes. I nearly melt, but hold his gaze, not daring to look away. We stay like that for a minute so I decide to take the risk, I can always blame it on being drunk even though im not, so I lean towards him slightly. The risk is worth it because he leans in as well, turning his head slightly to the side. My breathing goes all shaky, I close my eyes and finally after what seems like forever, I feel his breath on my lips. They just barely brush when drunken Ben yells out, “Yeah! Gustav! Get Some!!!!!” We quickly pull away from each other, bright red from embarrassment.

"Bean! That was mean!" Simon scolds. John just shakes his head. Fraser smile apologetically at us. Ash is just flipping shit right now. I laugh nervously looking at everyone staring at us. they see how uncomfortable we are and turn back to the game. I look at Gustav, he is smiling a very sad smile at me.

“I’m really sorry Alyssa.” He says in a sad quiet voice, not even able to keep up his sad smile.

I look at him confused. “For what? Kissing me?” He nods, not looking me in the eye. “Don’t be sorry! I didn’t mind at all! I actually really, really liked it…” I trail off, saying the last part quietly. As I say this I see the corners of his mouth twitch up slightly into an almost happy smile.

“I,” he clears his throat and blushes, “I liked it too…” as soon as he said this I realized the whole room had gone silent, looking at us. Gustav clears his throat, “Well let’s not just sit around! Lets play!” Ben is all for it, I sigh and roll my eyes at him. They begin playing, Ben is terrible as usual, he takes 3 more shots before I cut him off, he’s a terrible light weight. Gustav takes 5 shots and 3 sips. John takes 3 shots and a sip. Ash is really bad at this game and takes 6 shots and 5 sips.

We keep playing for a few more rounds without the drinking rules. Ben is completely wasted. John knows how to handle himself so even after all of his drinks he’s just tipsy. He really helps take care of Ben. Ash and Simon were both drunk, but still civilized at least. Gustav is just like me, a heavy weight champ, after 7 shot he is still completely functional, walking straight lines and all. I took the same and my vision is just a little blurry. Fraser had 8 shots but since he ate so much food he’s not too bad.

“I think its about time we went to bed.” I look at the clock and see it’s already 3:30 AM.

“Where will we each sleep?” Fraser asks.

“We have 3 bed and the couch. John and Fraser, do you two mind sharing a bed?” I ask.

“It’s cool, we are used to it. John says then pokes Fraser in the stomach. “You better not puke on me.” Fraser laughs and they walk into the bedroom I pointed them to.

“Me and Simonnnn will sharre a roooom.” Ash drunkenly slurs. Simon puts his arm around her and they both stumble drunkenly to the room.

I look to Ben who has passed out on the couch. “Leave him there, he will be fine.” Gustav’s voice rings out behind me startling me, I had forgotten he was still there. He was right behind me, his voice sent shivers down my spine, now I realize just how close he is standing behind me. I can feel the warmth radiating off of his body. At some point during the night he had taken off denim vest leaving him only in a thin tank top resting loosely on his strong shoulder. I get a wave of dizziness from the drinks and lack of sleep, I stumble slightly to the side. Gustav is right there to catch me again. He is much taller than me so my head rests against his chest when I fall into him. He puts his arms around me to steady me. “would you mind if I shared a room with you? There’s nowhere else to go besides the van. I promise to be a perfect gentleman.” He says a laugh rumbles through his chest. His accent makes me absolutely melt.

“Its fine with me.” You can hear the smile in my voice. I turn around to look at him, I gaze into his eyes for a moment. I start to walk towards my room, grabbing his hand to lead him. “My room-“ He pulls me back to him, with the hand I’m not holding he gently grabs my chin, lifting my face so I am mere inches from his face. My breathing turns shallow, its like his eyes are staring into my soul, knowing everything about be in a single gaze. Slowly he turns his head slightly to the side, bending down he kisses me. It starts out really soft, as if it was a question, but as I melt into the kiss he grows more confident. My heart is throbbing painfully, it feels like it might pop out of my chest. The kiss was in no way a make-out, it was sweet and caring. I put my arms around him and play with the back of his hair. He puts his hand on the back of my head so I have no way out, not that I’d want one.

His lips are warm and fit perfectly against mine. I want this to never end, and it seems like it did but even then, when he released my head, it was over too soon. Slowly he pulled back and opened his eyes. He smiles a cute cocky half smile at me. I’m breathless and like dying.

“So where was your room again?” He asks with a chuckle and a wink. I punch him in the arm playfully.

We go over to my room and shut the door so the dogs don’t come in. “I need to change quick, I’ll go in the bathroom,” I say, “you can make yourself at home.” I go into the bathroom and quickly put on my tank top and shorts that I sleep in. I look at myself in the mirror and see what I usually see, a whore looking back at me. I hate what I have become. This is my first time actually looking at myself in like a month without just using my make-up mirror to just see my eyes. I scowl and look away quickly from my reflection, having the urge to break the mirror so I never have to see myself again. I walk out of the bathroom, trying to calm down, then I see Gustav already in bed. I smile, I cant stay upset when I see that face. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I wish he would sleep more, those marks under his eyes look really dark lately.

I get in bed with him but it’s a tight fit since I have a really small bed. I have to snuggle right up next to him, but he really doesn’t seem to mind. He puts his arm around me and we stay like that all night.
♠ ♠ ♠
a pretty long chapter but its one of my favorites! so just a little update about myself, on wednesday i went to the Young Guns concert and like half my fanfic came true which just freaked me out! i saw Fraser, John and Ben before the concert, Fraser gave me the cutest smile ever! then Gustav looked directly at me during winter kiss and winked at me. after the concert i went and i met Gustav, (Btw i asked and he does perfer Gustav over Gus) We sat there and talked for a half our about books and stuff, i gave him my drawings that i did for them and he gave me a hug!!! He gives the best hugs ever like big bear hugs! he gave me 2 and then said me and my friend could come hang out with him and the rest of the band by the bar, but sadly we had to leave :( i cried 4 times that night! Beansie wouldn't like that very much! (don't ask)