Condemned to Night

I Want to Sleep but I Hear Voices

I wake up in my bed alone. Once again my dreams have tricked me to thinking they were reality. This one was so real… tears come to my eyes, why can nothing good happen to me? When did reality end and the dream begin? Did I even go to the concert? I start to cry. Stop crying you little bitch! The voice in my head spoke up. Only little bitches cry about dreams! I cry harder. This voice has just been putting me down constantly, it was gone for a while I guess its back. I hear the toilet flush and instantly sit up whipping the tears out of my eyes, I don’t want Ash to see me like this. I hate crying in front of people.

“Ash? Why are you using my bathroom?” I call out with amazing voice control for how much I had been crying a second ago. I don’t remember her sleeping in here last night. Was I drunk? Probably, that’s why my perception of reality is off. Just then a men with brown hair walks out of my bathroom in a towel and dripping wet hair. It took me a minute to figure out, it wasn’t a dream at all and Gustav Wood just walked out of my bathroom. I nearly cry from happiness then I realize it… He’s wearing JUST a towel. I turn bright red in embarrassment.

“Hey, I hope you don’t mind I used your shower, you were still asleep so I just slipped out…” His voice trailed off as he noticed my red puffy eyes. “What’s wrong, love? Are you ok?” He asks, concern crossing his face.

I wipe the remaining tears out of my eyes and laugh softly. “Just a nightmare. Go put on some clothes rockstar!” I hit him with a pillow.

He smiles and laughs trying to defend himself from my pillow. “I’ll be back in a second.” He looks away then quickly turns back and kisses my forehead then walks away to get changed. I look after him blushing from the kiss. I can feel it burning into my forehead. I admire his tattoos as he walks away shirtless. I really like the neon bird under his arm and the one on his wrist. I’ll have to ask about it later.

I walk over to my little make-up mirror and notice Gustav’s suitcase on the floor. He must have went out to get it early this morning. I look in the mirror. Wow, you look like shit! Why would anyone ever like you? I agree with my thoughts. (I swear I’m not scitzofrentic, this is just what I really think of myself. I try not to listen to it but you know we all have that little devil on our shoulder.) I look terrible with make-up smeared all over my face. My long black hair is tangled and looks like shit. The only thing that looks ok are my silver eyes. They may not be as amazing as Gustav’s, but they are still my favorite feature of my face. They really stuck out from my tan skin and Black hair.

I turn my little sink on and begin scrubbing away at the old make-up. I wipe my face on a towel and leave black smears all over it. I must not have heard the bathroom door open over the noise of the sink because when I look back in the mirror Gustav is right behind me.

“You look beautiful, Alyssa.” Hearing him say my name send shivers down my body. “Are you cold, love?” He walks closer to me so our bodies are touching. I am naturally extremely cold so feeling his body touch mine is like fire and ice. He melts the ice that has built up inside me. I lean into him and he puts his arms around me resting his cheek on top of my head. I close my eyes. This is more than I could ever ask for.

A knock on the door scares us both shitless. We jump apart from each other, not want to announce it to the world quite yet.

“Come in!” I yell, going back to my make-up mirror and apply eyeliner. I smile to myself as Gus fixes up his suitcase up while humming Metallica.

"Gosh! Alyssa, you're not even dressed yet?" Ash makes one of those weird girl upset noises. "Well me, John, Fraser, Ben, and Si are going out for breakfast theres only enough food in the house for 2 and seeing as you two arent ready yet... Bye!" She yells then runs out closing the door behind her. i hear her giggle as she goes out of the aparment followed by John and Fraser talking to each other, Si drooling after her, and Ben grumbling about his terrible hangover.

We laugh and i finish applying my make-up. Gustav comes up behind me again, holding me from behind. "You know, Alyssa, I feel bad about last night..." He sighs sadly. "I feel like i took advantage of you drinking when i kissed you. i also feel bad because i like you for your looks, love, but i want to know what is underneath that pretty face." He says and kisses my head.

"Why would you feel bad? i wasnt even drunk. i was hardly tipsy. The same goes for you by the way, i want to know all about you, what is under those ice-blue eyes? I'll tell you about me if you tell me about you." I say tracing his fingers with my own.

"Ok, how about we make this into a game? When you have a question, you ask me, but i get to ask one right back. Same goes the other way around. and you have to answer!" he says chuckling lightly.

I turn around and look into his eyes. "Deal!" I stick my hand out to shake, he takes it kisses it.
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JUST SO YOU KNOW, I will be making most of the answers up for Gustav, but i will put as many real answers i know as i can! please comment! tell me how im doing!