Status: Finished.

More Than Just Baser Instincts.


The piercing eyes… It only unnerved me even more, causing me to shrink against Quince even more as we followed the nameless man right into the lion’s den. Whites were just lying about, their soulless stares set on me and my mate as we walked past them. I tried not to make eye contact.

“Walk through this gate, and it will take you to Gerald VII, his lordship. I’d suggest bowing if you value your heads, traitors.”

I rolled my eyes, and Quince grunted as we continued toward the absolute castle ahead of us. More lions were lying along the path to the looming building, not even moving their heads to watch us—just those eyes. I did not think I had that same stare that they did; I was not lifeless.

Quince held my hand tightly, his body not at all shaking like mine was. These people believed in their superiority, but here I was trembling while Quince was so strong. I smiled and held his hand back, letting him calm me. The main entrance faded quickly, and the grand hall before us was lit only with torches along the walls. These people had their smoke and mirrors, their fur and eyes to hide behind; but they only needed that because they refused to believe in love and purpose.

But all bravery fled from me the second we reached the end of the hall where a large throne was situated and where a woman beside the throne collapsed to her knees, her hands over her mouth and tears spilling down her cheeks. I could clearly see every dark bruise on her pallid skin. She had clearly seen more violence than she had seen the sun.

My mother…

“Gerald, please!” she choked, not once removing her eyes from me. “My baby is happy; let her be happy!”

My heart was tearing itself into tiny pieces, so I moved my gaze to my supposed father; his cold stare was anything but that of a doting man who had missed his daughter.

I backed up, but Quince’s arms caught me the second I ran into his chest. But I was still trembling. This man could beat his mate; he would surely not hesitate to do the same to me!

“Your baby,” the man scoffed with a voice as icy as the colour of his eyes. “What did you name this one, my child that I do not even know?”

“Elaine,” my beautiful mother choked, her voice full of pain and sorrow. “Elaine, why did you come here!”

“Shut up!” my father snapped, turning his harsh glare onto the broken woman who cringed away from him and scrambled to rest at his feet. This was the person who had run away from him? She was surely not the same.

“Your little goon showed up and tried to kidnap me at work,” I muttered, forcing down a protest when Quince released me to force me into standing on my own two feet; I appeared weak, I knew. That had to change, or my words would hold no meaning. “Why am I even here? I don’t belong here.”

“Then where do you belong? You’re my child, Elaine; you cannot deny my blood.”

“You’re my father? How can we be sure? You didn’t raise me! A wonderful woman named Lucille raised me after you stole my mother from me! And I’ve made a nice home for myself, much nicer than here. I’m not staying.”

That wicked smile on that revolting man’s lips made me skin crawl, and I grimaced at the gesture.

“You think you have a choice. That’s very cute.”

“I do have a choice,” I forced out, glancing around. “But first I want to see my sister. I’d like to meet her before I go.”

“She’s busy.”

“With what?”

He glanced down at my mother, surely waiting for her to tell me what she clearly didn’t want to say.

“No,” she choked, shaking her head fervently as she grabbed at his legs. “No! You did this to her! You did this to my baby! You won’t do it again!”

Then I had to look away, absolutely disgusted when that man raised his hand on her. Quince stumbled backward with me before wrapping his arms tightly around me and burying his face in my hair. A deep, tortured breath filled his chest. His exhale was shaky.

My mother turned to me then, her face void of any emotion as her stare turned blank.

“Arianna is with the pride’s doctor,” she said quietly, all defiance beaten from her trembling body.

My body stiffened.

“Why?” Quince whispered, his grip tightening on me. “What’s wrong with her?”

He sounded as scared as I was.

“Christine, show them to the doctor. Leonard told Arianna about Elaine earlier; I’m sure they’d love to see each other. I certainly don’t know how long it’s been,” Gerald growled, shooting a nasty look to my mother before grabbing her wrist and pulling her onto her feet.

She stumbled forward then, made eye contact with me and Quince, and started dragging herself back to the hall from which we had entered this horrible place. Gerald was right behind her, his hand gripping the life out of her shoulder. This man was utterly disgusting.

“Quince, I love you,” I murmured, wrapping my arms around his waist. “I love you so much.”

“Don’t talk like that,” he whispered back, kissing my forehead. “Everything will be fine; I’ll protect you. I always have, and I always will, I swear to you.”

“Enjoy being able to touch her now,” Gerald sneered, glancing back at us with such hate in his eyes. “Soon, she’ll be in the hands of a deserving White male lion.”

“Over my dead body!” Quince spat. He wrapped his arm tightly around my shoulders.

“We’ll see.”

Quince snarled beside me, but I just held him more tightly. How could this heartless man not understand mates? I had only just learned about it, and I was already hopelessly devoted to the man beside me! How could he hurt my mother without batting an eyelash? They had to be mates (I couldn’t think of another reason for her coming back to him!), so this was all so nauseating.

Gerald made my mother push open the door before them, and Quince all but dragged me inside the room as my will began to waver significantly. A man turned to look at me, his expression reminiscent of a corpse, before he returned his eyes to the woman lying in the hospital bed. I still could not get over seeing so many people with my hair and eye-colour.

“Arianna, sweetheart,” the man murmured, pushing sweat-laden hair out of the woman’s face before leaning over the bed and kissing her gently on the cheek. “I think your sister is here. But please be careful; you’re weak.”

I stepped closer, Quince’s hand wrapped around mine as he followed me closely. My breath caught in my throat as I stared at the woman who was my likeness in every single way...

Except for that dead look in her eye and the two cubs in the nooks of her arms.

“Elaine?” she choked, muttering something to the man beside her as he tried to aid her in sitting upright. “That must be you...”

I nodded feverishly, stepping up to the bed and staring at the babies in her arms. They cried and wailed, their silver eyes brimmed with tears. Arianna paid them no mind as she stared at me.

“Mother says you’re my twin… So why do you look different than me?”

I bit on my lip. She could see it, too?

“Arianna, I want you to meet Quince. He’s the only reason I could push myself to come here. I wanted to see you, but I—I was really scared,” I whispered, glancing to the unnamed man sitting at her bedside. “Is this your mate? Arianna, is this my brother-in-law?”

She glanced to the man. “Yes, this is Leonard. I love him very much.” But I did not see the emotion behind her eyes.

“I love you, Arianna,” Leonard said, as dead as her.

“Elaine, I have met the man who will be your mate,” Arianna told me, glancing to Quince. “He is nice.”

Quince’s grip on my hand tightened.
♠ ♠ ♠
With my internship effective as of Monday, my updating schedule should not be so scattered about the week. I'm aiming for.... At least four times per week, probably in the evening. Just an fyi.

And as always, thanks for reading :)