Status: Writers Block

The Tour Where I Re-Met You


God I couldn't get Alex off of my mind since we left LA, the old Alex, My Alex and the Alex in the bus doesn't help with this what so ever she acts and looks so much like her its not even funny.
Her lips, her eyes, her ears, god even her laugh seems to be the same as my Alex.

"Maxie I need your help" I heard Alex say

"well in on tour with the boys...and I kinda had a little to much to drink last night" I heard her pause then she continued "and I ended up with Ricky and Chris is pissed like always and he might call Ang and im going to have to tell him and Ricky and her...what do i do"

I couldn't listen any more this woman knew us all and she wasn't telling anyone what the hell is this shit I bet her name isn't even Alex, I bet she only took this job to party and get drunk geez and I thought this girl reminded me of my Alex, she was nothing like her my Alex. My Alex wouldn't lie, she would have never done something just to get something out of it I can't believe I stood up for this girl.

"WHAT THE HELL ALEX!!!!" I turned to see Chris standing there with his hands trapping Alex next to the bus, she smacked his hand away and walked off when I started hearing he phone go off with Escape The Fates song Gorgeous Nightmare.

"that woman" Chris mumbles,

"hey umm Chris I think Alex isn't who she says she is"
Chris turned to me,

"what do you mean Ricky?" he raised one of his drawn on eye brows.

"I don't know really all I know is she said "and I ended up with Ricky and Chris is pissed like always and he might call Ang and im going to have to tell him and Ricky and her...what do i do" then I think she said something else I didn't hear"

He sighed "Ricky she is who she says she is but yes she does know Ang Ive known her for a long time well not really that long but before Ang was out of the band I met her on Twitter first then me and her skyped and so forth she just her and Ang dont get along that well" he walked off.

"oh" I still don't believe it