Status: Writers Block

The Tour Where I Re-Met You

The Plan

"I say she tells Ricky because we can get her out quicker then he can call Ang" Chris

"I agree with Chris, Max come on he needs to know its her" Craig

"I know he needs to know its her but doing that to him after they have sex is fucked up man and you know it" Max

"hey girl your talking about right here! I thought before we all agreed I not tell him" Alex

"oh shut up Alex and listen to us" Chris

"I dont want to shut up an listen to any of you because every time I do I get into trouble" Alex

"Alex I know this is har..." Craig

"no having sex isnt hard its getting away from this place quicker then Ang can get here, sex is sex always has been, I dont want Ricky to know why I took off because I dont need him and Ang hunting me down" Alex

"geez harsh much" Max

"Alex just believe we can do this, I dont even know the reason you left but these two do and honestly im okay with that but Ricky has to know your still alive" Chris

"I agree with that, come on Alex let the boy know you live!!!" Craig

"Craig shut up, and give me that beer, guys its not that I dont want him to know its just...If you cant get to me I dont know what Ang will do, well I do but..yeah" Alex

"see thats why im worried she could get hurt and she is needed back home with me" Max

"You think I havent thought of that I know if we get to her late it could end bad but there are three of us and one Ang well two people just one Ang" Craig

"Alex Ricky will come to me most likely when he finds out so that means he will have to wake me up, after that I can tell him to call Ang outside because we dont want to wake you up and after that you know how to run I just have to hold him back" Chris

"I dont care she still shouldnt do this she can get hurt and end up in the hospital" Max

"she wont if all of us work together, Ricky doesnt know Chris knows who she is, but after this his trust might not be that great after" Craig

"lord, doesnt matter what I say this is still going to happen so fuck it! might as well get on bored, now Craig pass me the bong you camping whore" Alex

"Alex dont you know you can get hurt b...." Max

"Max I know this but I also know how these two work so after today Ill take off again with you and not turn back and the only way Chris can get ahold of me is though you or Craig" Alex

"sigh...fine I better get on bored because if one of us is off just alittle it could turn worse" Max

"okay so this is happening?" Chris

"yeah it is" Alex

"so its two am now so give time for sex and all that by the time he wakes up we will all be awake so everyone set an alarm" Max

"what time should we set it?" Craig

"ten no matter how much that boy gets wore out he still wakes up at ten thirty" Chris

"Alex where are you going we arent done talking" Craig

"wrong you guys arent I am there is nothing more I can do other then have sex and lay awake till he goes to wake up Chris after that its up to you three" Alex

"Alex...." Max

"just get there when you need to Max after that Ill take off he didnt seem to know that all my stuff is on this but now so just make this count okay" Alex

"okay" Craig

"okay" Chris

"....okay" Max

"bye guys see you in the morning" Alex

door closes

"guys can you please tell me why she left with out a word" Chris

"Max?" Craig

"sigh....fine...she took off about three and a half years ago to hide that she....that she..." Max

"Max just tell me" Chris

"she got pregnant with Rickys daughter while she was engaged to Ang" Max