Status: Active

The Gifted Star

The Coming Dawn

The lengthening shadows of the Great Forest started to overtake Estella’s position on the rock she sat on. The knee length dark green cloak she wore offered little cushion to the hard surface and spilled over onto the grass. The white cotton tunic, brown tights, and knee-high leather boots she wore, were exposed as a gentle wind brushed back the reminder of the cloak. In most places around Oision she knew it would be considered ‘scandalous’ or ‘inappropriate’ to even own such an outfit; wearing it was disgraceful. Estella could still see he mother’s face when she had discovered that her daughter had brought such an outfit, which now brought out a smile. The money Estella had used had been of her own making, but in the eyes of the older woman it was money to be spent on a wedding and a few future children. However, with her hair tied back in a tight braid and boyish clothing, at a distance she could pass off as a boy. She had heard the tales telling the fate of women travelers on the open road, and she was determined not to let the same happen to her.

A snort from beside her interrupted Estella’s disturbing thoughts and brought her back to her present situation. Remus, a large chocolate Andalusian, shook his mane as his master looked at him. A small smirk broke out on her face as she regarded her horse. Over the years the two had grown up together and had depended on each other. In time when life would get too stressful, Estella remembered riding across the open fields on the back of her trusty stead until all of her troubles became dust in the wind. At a young age Remus had been on the point of death, but Estella spent the dark cold nights in the stable to nurse the young colt back to health. It was a special relationship that she was glad to have at a moment she felt so alone.

The thoughts of the friendship conjured the horrible image of a single note that now lay on the neatly made bed in her room. The quill pen had frozen in her fingers and droplets of ink stained the blank vellum page. How could one explain what had happened? She could always have made up an excuse and say that there was too much pressure with school and marrying Tom? The thought of it had curled her lip in disgust. She would be blaming her problems and leaving on those who loved her. Nonetheless, she knew she could not have just left without a word or explanation. The tip of the pen had scratched in a few words as if it had a will of its own ‘I’m sorry. This is something I must do on my own. I’m so sorry.’ Three simple sentences that now made Estella want to tear out her hair and ride immediately back to the comfort of home. It was still early, maybe it wasn't too late?

Bristly hair swatted Estella in the face, forcibly shoving the depressing memory out her mind. She tugged the horse’s tail playfully. “Remus, don’t be such rascal!” She said, laughing as he hit her face again with his tail. The sky was starting to gain small streaks of color and the sun had begun to peak its bright head over the tallest hill. Birds sang their praises to another day that promised to be brilliant. Estella let out an exasperated breath as she counted the minutes that her travelling companion was late. Her leather boots made a constant tapping noise on the rock surface as waited impatiently. With Daniels mysterious last comment to her she could not hold back the curiosity that engulfed her.

Dawn had now reached its full glory. Pink and orange combined to create an uncommon beautiful blend of color. The songs of the birds filled the air to praise the morning glory, and the nearby forest gained volume as the animals woke up to search for their breakfast. A soft breeze ruffled the leaves of the trees of the Great Forest, creating a symphony of whistling and crackling. Estella closed her eyes as the first rays of sun hit her face and, for one moment, everything felt like it would work out for the best.

The peace was cut short as she felt the touch of a hand on her shoulder. Estella jumped off the rock with a shriek and spun around to face the intruder. She raised her fists in a reaction of self-defense. The fists quickly dropped to her sides as her eyes starred into a pair of familiar ones.
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Oh man... So I actually have a valid excuse for why this chapter has come so late. I am currently living in a different country for the next year and the last two months have been chaotic. With work, traveling, and also writing a blog about my adventures, I have not had that much time to write. Sorry :(

I have a lot of ideas for this story and for upcoming chapters, so I'm going to try and write more often. Thank you reading, though. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. :D