We Have Lost Our Way


-Fast forward a few weeks-

Over the past few weeks me and clare have been getting along really well, it was really nice to have a girl my age that i was close to. Tonight she was gonna be sleeping over at my house and i was excited but nervous, my dad left uncle Rian and uncle Jack in charge until later tonight. While i was drawing stuff on uncle Rian the door bell wrong and uncle Jack ran and opened the door and it was Clare and her mom.

"Hello!. You must be Clare, and you must be Clares mother" uncle Jack said

"Yes. Im Eva" Clares mom said introducing herself

"Im Jack and thats Rian and im guessing you already know Caitlyn" uncle Jack said introducing him and uncle Rian

"Yes i know Caitlyn. And its nice to meet you guys, are you family?" Eva said

"Were Caitlyns dads best friends but were basically family. We consider ourselves Caitlyns uncles" he said

"Oh. So is Alex not home tonight?" she asked

"He will be later, he just had to go out to do something. He left us in charge until then" he said

"Oh, okay. Well i will see you tomorrow" she said turning to Clare

"Bye mom" Clare said and her mom hugged her and left

"So what should we do ladies?" uncle Rian said putting his arm around my shoulder

"Well i think were gonna go upstairs, you know to show her my room and just to hangout" i said

"You dont wanna hangout with me?" he asked

"Nope. I love you, but nope" i said pushing him away and getting up

"Thats no way to talk to the man that changed your shitty diapers" he said

"Eww your so fucking gross" i said

"Love you to!" he said and we went upstairs to my room

We hungout in my room and talked about school, we talked about how much we hated Heidi which was fucking amazing. We talked about boys we thought were cute, it was so nice to have a girl to talk to. After a while my door flew open and uncle Rian walked in.

"Way to fucking scare us!" i said holding my chest

"Sorry. Get ready" he said

"Why?" i asked

"Were all going roller skating!" he said

"Whos going?" i asked

"Everyone, us three, uncle Jack, your dad and uncle Zack. Come on it'll be so fun!. Were meeting your dad and Zack at the roller rink" he said

"Uhhh...okay" i said and he left the room

"I guess were going rollerskating?" Clare said

"Mhm" i said

We left a few minutes later to go to meet up with dad and uncle Zack. The whole ride uncle Jack and uncle Rian were singing along to the radio, they were so fucking embarrassing. When we got inside my dad and uncle Zack were already there.

"Hey lovelys" uncle Jack said as we walked over to them

"Hey" they said

"Clare!, its nice to see you" my dad said

"Nice to see you to" Clare said

"Alright lets go rollerskating!" he said and we all went to get our skates

Rollerskating was really fun, i just skated with Clare the whole time since im always around my dad and unlces. I kept falling and pulled Clare down with me. After a while i felt someone grab my belt loop.

"What the fuck!?" i said and turned and saw uncle Zack holding onto me

"Hey!" he said

"Why are you holding onto my pants?" i asked

"Because i wanted to come hangout with you" he said

"Oh. Well can you let go?" i asked, people were looking at us weird

"Right" he said and came up next to me

"So why did you come to skate with us?" i asked

"Your dad has no fucking sense of balance. He keeps pulling us all down and its embarrassing" he said and i looked over to them in time to see my dad fall into uncle Rian

"Guess i really am his daughter. Im kinda sucky at skating" i said

"I see. Clare are you good?" he asked

"Yep!" she said

"Skate with me?, i need someone to skate with thats actually good" he said and she looked over at me

"Go ahead" i said and they left me and i went over to my dad

"Theres my baby girl!" dad said skating over to hug me and we fell and i landed on my back

"Ow" i said

"Alex, quit hurting your kid!" uncle Jack said

"Suck my dick Jack" dad said getting up

After we were done skating and we got home me and Clare went back to my room. We painted eachothers nails and stalked people on Facebook, typical girl stuff for sleepovers. Later around midnight while everyone was asleep we went downstairs to make cookies.

"Heres the cookie dough!" i said putting a big container of it on the counter

"Thats a lot of cookie dough" Clare said

"I know. My dads fucking insane" i said

"I wish my parents bought cookie dough like this. If they ever get it they dont get such a big container" she said as i pulled out a cookie tray

"Cookie dough is good though" i said handing her a spoon to help me scoop it out and put on the tray

"I know!" she said

We made the cookies and put them in the oven, they had to cook for like 20 minutes. While they cooked we just sat at the counter and talked. After a while the stove started smoking and the fire alarm went off.

"Fuck!" i said jumping off my stool and going over to the stove

"Did we burn them?" she asked as i opened the oven door

"Yep. Can you stand on that chair and just hit the button to shut that thing off?" i said and she got up on the chair and turned it off

"I cant believe we let them burn" she said

"I know" i said and my dad and uncle Jack came running in the room

"Whats going on!?. Are you two okay?" my dad said

"Yes were fine. We made cookies and they burned" i said

"You were making cookies at midnight?!, you guys should be sleeping" he said

"Well we wanted cookies" i said

"Im going back to bed" uncle Jack said

"Ughh. Caitlyn, if your gonna make food this late keep a fucking eye on it!. I thought the house was gonna burn down" my dad said leaning against the wall

"Sorry" i said

"Its fine just...clean this all up and go to bed. Im going back to bed since im fucking exhausted" he said

"Alright" i said and he went upstairs

"Shit he was mad" Clare said

"I know" i said
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Ughh sorry this is late, ive just been so caught up in stuff lately. I have a lot of shit happening now and im so stressed out its insane. Next week is my birthday and i'll be doing stuff then and then a few days later i will be going to the house party tour!, im sooooooo excited! :)
Comment! :)

Currently listening to: MCR- You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison