Status: rewriting i think



It's too late to turn back now.

She watched the minutes tick away on the clock. She sat in the seat next to a girl named Veronique or Vero. Juliette thought she was very pretty. Juliette wore a James Neal jersey, jeans and black boots. She was barely listening to Vero's story or whatever she was saying. She was too busy about think about James Neal. Damn him for looking so good. Juliette was slowly falling in love with him. It was painful. Images of him cluttered her brain making it hard to think straight. She fingered the hem of the jersey. It was kind of large for her.

"Juliette! So where are you from?" she asks.


Vero smiles as Juliette says it. "Can you speak French?"

"Oui! Je parle en Français," Juliette says, proudly. She can speak it fluently.

"Me too!" Vero giggles, as Juliette stares at the ice rink. She can tell that the players would come out on to the empty ice soon, filling the arena with loud noises and sounds.

They had won. Juliette cheered. But it wasn't as loud as Vero. Of course, Juliette usually never watched hockey, let alone live. She was lucky. She silently followed Vero and the other girls. She pulled at the oversized jersey's hem. For some reason, Juliette was nervous to see James again. She sighed as they reached the change room.

"Juliette! Stay with me!" Vero said. Juliette stood beside Vero. They were so slow at changing. It felt like years until they came out. Juliette was anxious. She played with her hair. Why was she so nervous?

"Juliette! You came," She heard the deep masculine voice that belonged to James say.

"Yeah, I guess," Juliette blushed.

"That's good!" he said.

"So this is James' girl?" She heard another voice. It sounded French.

"Marc?" Vero wrapped her thin arms around the tall man.

"No...She's not my girl. She just a friend," he said. Juliette felt something break inside. She could've sworn it was her heart. Did she really have feelings for him? Juliette nodded anyway. She didn't want anyone to know.

"Do you want to get drinks with the guys?"

She had agreed. That's was why she was sitting next to James in his car. He was driving, keeping his eyes on the road. Were they really just friends? Had he meant it? Or were they more than friends? She stared out the window. She was so confused. Did she really have feelings for him? She wanted to scream. She played with the jersey the whole way there, not saying a word. The whole car ride was silent. She took off the jersey. And stuffed it in her purse. She wasn't going to wear the oversized jersey. Anyway, Juliette had a sweater underneath. Juliette followed James into the bar. It seemed more like a club. It was loud, noisy and flashy. It took a while for her eyes to adjust. She felt so uncomfortable.

"Juliette!" Vero squeal. Was she always this excited?

"Hey," Juliette stuttered.

"Do you want a drink?" in the corner of her eye, she saw James walk away to his friends.

"S-sure," Juliette said. Juliette asked for a shot of vodka. Throughout the night, Juliette kept a steady flow of alcohol. By the time it was eleven o'clock. Juliette was way past drunk. If that was even possible. Her head spun. Her eyes were watering. She couldn't control herself. She wanted another drink. She watched as Vero and the rest of the girls went to dance. She was actually pretty good. Juliette sat on her stool. The only people who were left at the table were Sidney and James. She ran her hands through her hair. She could tell it was a mess.

"'re Juliette?" Sidney spoke first, interrupting the strange prolonged silence.

"Um...yeah," Juliette slurred. She probably was the most drunk at the table. "And you're Sidney Crosby," Juliette slurred.

"Yeah," he said, he was looking down at his drink. James stayed silent.

"Sidney?" she heard a guy call. He had a French accent. Juliette tried to remember his name. She thought it was Kris. She was right.

"Kris? What's up?"

"I think you should take your girlfriend home," Kris stated, he sound the least bit drunk. Sidney Crosby had a girlfriend? It seemed like everyone was in love except for her.

"Why? What happened?"

"She's had to much to drink, just go," Kris said sitting down across from me and James.

"Bye Sidney," James said quickly before he left to find his not so sober girlfriend. She went to grab another drink, when she felt a large hand on her back.

"I think you should stop now," James said, sounding like an adult scolding a child. Juliette whipped around.

"What?" she sounded surprised.

"I said you should stop," he told her again.

This time she understood. She pouted. "You can't always tell me what to do."

"Juliette," he sound quite serious. "But James!" "C'mon I'll drive you home," he said, getting out of his seat. Juliette looked over at Kris. He wasn't paying any attention to them. He was busy making out with his girlfriend. Juliette wanted to puke. And not just because of the alcohol.

"Fine," She sighed. She followed James out. She was in a drunk daze. She remembered. "I-I can't go home, no, not yet," She cried.

"Why? What's wrong?" James looked concerned.

"My-my stepfather....he's he's going to hurt me," she said without thinking first. She watched as James' jaw clenched. Was he upset?

"What-wait what do you mean he's going to hurt you?"

"Can-can I stay with you?" she knew she sounded so desperate. But what could she do? It was either this or get hurt.

"Sure, I guess, I have a guest room," James said, starting his car.

She looked up into his charming eyes, "Thank you," she tried to smile. It came out like a forced grin. "I just-I just want you to be happy," She saw him smile a little bit.

"Okay, James," she said as she watched street after street go by, "Oh...Juliette? There's something I need to tell you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh. I wonder what he has to tell her!

Sorry cliff-hanger ;)
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