Status: rewriting i think



It had been a week, 7 days, 168 hours, 10080 minutes since you had told me how you really felt. Could I really believe that was the truth? Or was just a lie? I don't know anymore. All I know is that I really don't deserve to be loved.

Juliette quickly grabbed her favourite sweater and ran out the door to his awaiting car. "Hey," She said, breathless. "Hey, Are you ready?" James asked. He was glad to see her again. they had been so busy, they hadn't seen each other in a few days. "Yeah, I guess," Juliette said, sitting in the seat next to him,

"So where are we going?"

"You'll see," James smiled, He knew that she would love it. Her drove away. Almost the whole car ride had been quiet.

"This is like my favourite place in Pittsburgh," James says. "This is it?" They stood in front of an old brick building. "No, c'mon," James leads her to the top of the building. You could almost see the whole Pittsburgh skyline or whatever it was. "What do you think?" "I think-I think it's wonderful,"Juliette smiled. She was so nervous when ever she was around him. It was so quiet that you could hear the wind. "I normally never show people this," James broke the silence. "Never?" "Never." "Um...okay," Juliette didn't know what to say or what to feel. "Then why did you show me?" Juliette was curious. "I just-i just, I don't know, I thought I could trust you, you know," James answered, smiling. Trust. I could trust you. "Oh...Okay, I think I know what you mean," Juliette whispered, sitting on the ledge, swing her legs. James sat beside her, listening to the wind. It seemed so perfect. Like nothing was ever wrong. But it wasn't. Nothing in Juliette's life ever was. He felt Juliette shiver beside him, wrapping his arm around her. Juliette looked up surprised, by his actions. Her eyes were glassy. She gripped her thin pale scarred wrist, nails digging into her skin. She was nervous. Did he really care about her? They said nothing for the next few minutes. But they didn't have too. Their eyes said it all.

Juliette sighed, "James, you know the things you said before...Were they really true?" "Of course, Juliette, why would I lie to you?" James answered honestly, he kept his eyes on the road, ignoring Juliette's gaze.. "I just thought it-it was to soon for those things, you know?" Juliette whispered, playing with the zipper on her sweater. "Well, that's what I thought too but..." He trailed off. He didn't know what it meant. "but what?" Juliette asked. He didn't know how to finish is sentence. "Love happens when it happens, I guess," He shrugged. Did he love Juliette or was it something else? He kept driving. Minutes passed, no one said a word. Juliette hated the drive home. It was always the hardest. She didn't want to leave James. Juliette had too, she sighed as she left his car. "Bye, James," She smiled, closing the door of his car, "See you later." "Yeah, bye Juliette," James said. He drove slowly away, watching Juliette from his rearview mirror. And that sinking feeling starts. Juliette slowly unlocked the door. She walked in, she hadn't noticed that her stepfather was watching her. "Juliette!" Her stepfather yelled, "Who was that boy?" Her stepfather was home. She groaned. It was going to be a long night.
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I'm sorry that this is short and I haven't posted in a while. I had a lot of homework and tests. I hope you understand.

Thanks for subscribing and the comments! I really appreciate it! :)


Oh here's Juliette