Status: rewriting i think


The Opposite of Leaving

The cold wind blew as Juliette rang his doorbell. It had been raining. Juliette hated the smell of after the rain. What was she doing? She waited a couple of minutes before he could open his door. Her long hair was messy from the wind. She swept it to the side. Her thin sweater was wrapped around her tightly. Her boots were over worn and her jeans were over washed. Her arms were crossed. There were dried tears in her eyes. He opened it slowly, “Oh, Hello Juliette!”

“Hi James,” Juliette said gripping her other arm with her hand.

“Is something wrong? Do you want to come in or something?” James asked, curiously. Juliette nodded as she stepped into the house.

“James?” She asked slowly, just like peeling off a Band-Aid, “My mother she-she wants us to move.” James stayed silent. He didn’t want her to leave. “She wants us to move back to-to Los Angelos where my Grandmother is." It felt the same as ripping the Band-Aid off. It hurt like hell. She could go back there.

"Los Angelos?" Was that all he could say? Juliette nodded. It became harder and harder to breathe. "That's across the country."

"I don't want to but where else would I stay?" Juliette sighed.

"You-you could stay with me."

"With you? But that-" Juliette stopped midsentence. She couldn't stay with him. What about her mother? But did she really care about her. She was confused.

"It would be okay, Juliette, You wouldn't have to leave," James told her. He meant it this time. She couldn't leave, not yet.

"But I feel like this relationship is moving to quickly though, I don't think it's right for me to stay here, with you," Juliette said looking down at her hands, they were red. They sat on his couch. Juliette sat on the other end of the couch. James looked at her shyly.

"It's okay. You can't leave now, Juliette," James said. Why do the ones that you love the most always leave?

"But James..."

"There's nothing Juliette, really there's nothing," James said, honestly. Juliette bit her nails. She didn't know how she felt. She was conflicted. Should she stay or not?

"Okay, I'll asked my mother. She probably will say yes," Juliette whispered, "I'll call her or something."

Juliette looked at her phone for several minutes after her mother had just hung up. She was shocked or surprised. Her mother had let her stay with James. She was happy. But she would miss her other a lot. She didn't want to make her mother feel loney but at the same time she wanted to stay with James. Juliette unlocked the door of the washroom. She wondered if James had heard the whole conversation. "James?" Juliette called softly, "She s-said yes, I get to stay." James appeared in the hallway smiling. If they come back it's meant to be.

Juliette looked at the alarm clock’s bright red lights. It read 1 am. Juliette couldn’t sleep. She was so tired yet she still couldn’t sleep. She looked onto the other side of the bed. James was sleeping peacefully beside her. She wondered what he was dreaming about. Juliette needed to sleep but she couldn’t. She watched him sleep for several minutes. The house was so quiet. She wondered if she would ever see her mother again. Juliette turned on her phone. She had no new messages. Her mind was filled with many different thoughts. Her stepfather’s words still repeated in her head. Sometimes she wished that she were the one that had died not her stepfather. She always thought like that. Anyway, she was too broken to be fixed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey...Juliette moved in with him! Squeal!! Anyway, I'm not going to be updarting for a while so this might be the last chapter for at least the almost the whole month of July...

This update is sort of short...sorry guys...
