Status: Finished

I Don't Think You'll Ever Wanna Love Me

Chapter Sixteen

Vic's breath was hot in my ear as he grinded against me . The friction between our bodies was practically throwing sparks around the room, our passion lighting up my senses . He nipped at my neck, leaving marks for sure. His tongue traced my collarbone, hips still not breaking rhythm. Vic moved faster, and my nails dug into his back, producing a moan from him . God, he was sexy when he said my name like that . I panted breathlessly, caught up in the moment . I caught his mouth with mine, kissing him almost feverishly . My hand moved over his side, causing him to shiver and send a new sensation between both of us . I used the hand to trace his hipbone as it worked back and forth . My back arched, and Vic took the opportunity to tease me now, and then moved his lips to the base of my throat . He kissed along my exposed neck, sucking and biting softly like he was trying to drive me crazy.

"I love you Lia."

When we had finished, Vic left the room to go shower, me slapping his bare ass as he went . His parents went out of town for the last few days of Thanksgiving break, leaving us with the house to ourselves . I don't know why they thought that was a good idea...

We hadn't planned on having sex, it just sort of ... happened . And it was beautiful.

The intimacy was indescribable; it brought us so much closer now that we had 'consummated our love' and what not . It wasn't what I had expected at all; it wasn't awkward and weird, and I didn't feel dirty or different afterward . It also didn't feel weird to me to be having sex after only a couple months of dating . It was Vic, he would never hurt me in a way to make me regret giving my virginity to him. And besides, I had WANTED to do it with him . "Lia !" Vic called from the bathroom . "What ?" "I'm lonely, come join me ?" I hopped out of bed so fast I almost fell .

Vic lathered the shampoo in my hair, massaging it to get it clean . He hummed as he did so, and I used some body wash to scrub him down, laughing as he giggled like a little boy. Suddenly we heard a voice "Vic ?" It was Mike . "Um, I'm in the shower ! " He called back . Then the bathroom door opened, and I screamed . "MIKE GET THE HELL OUT !" Vic screeched . Mike started cracking up, "Bro you said YOU were in the shower, sorry !" The door slammed behind him . I was mortified, and that pretty much ruined the mood . Vic sighed and turned off the water, grabbing us each a towel .

I dressed while Vic changed his bed, then we headed for the living room . He pointed to the couch, "Sit there. I'm going to cook you dinner ." I followed his instructions, watching as he pulled ingredients out of the fridge . He looked amazing; his chest was bare, and he was clad in plaid pajama pants that were hanging low on his hips . His curls were drying, springing up all over in the cutest way . He sang softly as he worked over the stove, stirring here, adding some spice there . He set the table for two, complete with flowers and a candle in the middle . "Voila !" Vic said, motioning tothe table . He directed me to my seat, " Enjoy, mi amor ." It looked delicious- chicken seared in a pan, noodles with parsley and butter, and steamed broccoli . He smiled at me over the table, and I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him . "You're the best, Vic."

After dinner, Vic and I ended up tangled together on the couch .I sat on his lap, our legs intertwined as we watched a movie . That didn't last long, as he started softly kissing the back of my neck . He moved down, then moved my shirt off my shoulder to kiss there . I turned to kiss his lips, my tongue roaming the mouth that I knew so well . We kissed lazily and lounged around most of the night, until finally we dozed off together .

I was staying the night with Vic because I had lied and told my dad I was staying with a (girl) friend from school . My mom knew the truth about me being with Vic though, but I had told her Vic would be lonely being in the house all alone . She didn't bring up the point that he has Mike . My mom and I were a lot more open now, and I told her everything, so she knew that Vic snuck over a lot and such . I suspected that she had an idea that we wouldn't just be keeping each other company tonight either . I was lucky to have a cool mom like that . Sometimes though, I couldn't help but wonder if it was a perk of me being sick . Maybe she let things go more than she should given my 'quality of life.' But I'll take what I can get .

Someone was shaking me awake . "Babe, wake up. Babe !" I opened my eyes groggily. "What ?" I whined. " You're bleeding." My hand went to my nose, which of course, was gushing blood . I hopped up and stumbled to the bathroom, with Vic in close pursuit . I pushed a wad of tissues to my nose, sighing . I made y way back to the couch, somehow ending up on the floor in the process . "Lia, are you okay ?" Vic knelt beside me . I groaned, "Yeah, just light headed . Blood loss I think ." "Should we take you tothe hospital then ?!" He sounded worried . "No," I mumbled . " "It's just a nosebleed." Vic picked me up and carried me to the couch, watching over me until I fell into a slumber once again .

*no end quote until I'm back on my computer again !*
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Um, so here you go ! You guys will probably think this is terrible and hate me... Anyway, I typed this out completely on my mobile so if there's a lot of mistakes that's why . Well, I tried . Sorry my authors notes are always long too idk