Status: Finished

I Don't Think You'll Ever Wanna Love Me

Chapter Eight

Lia’s POV

I couldn’t let Vic walk away like all my other friends, he was the only best friend I ever had. Well, I SHOULDN’T have let him walk away, anyway.

But I did.

I really wasn’t ready to tell him my secret though, to reveal that I was more imperfect than he had originally thought. I sat around and wallowed in my sorrow all night, but at midnight exactly, I sat bolt upright in bed. I needed to change things before it was too late….so I threw a hoodie on over my leggings and stuffed my feet into old Keds, sliding the window open and climbing out into the rainy night, headed for Vic’s house.

I was soaked by the time I walked the short distance to his house, but Vic was worth it.
His bedroom was in the corner of the house like mine, with a window facing the backyard. I crept right up to it, fear gripping me when I realized the light was off. What if I didn’t get the chance to talk to him ? Then I’d have risked getting sick again for no reason, and things would still be all wrong. I squinted, looking into the bedroom for any signs of movement.

Vic sat cross-legged on his bed, his back to me. I took my chance before my courage ran out, and knocked softly on the window. He jumped, the whipped around to face me. His eyes locked with mine, and I thought for sure he was going to ignore me or storm over to me and demand I get the hell away. But instead, his expression softened, and he rushed to the window. “Lia !” He whisper-yelled. He grabbed my waist and lifted me through the window, cradling me in his arms. Once I was inside, he didn’t let me go, just held me tight. He sat me on his bed without a word, then left the room. He re-emerged quickly, throwing a towel my way, then bustling through his drawers. He handed me a big sweatshirt of his and led me to the bathroom where I could change. I towel dried my hair quickly and slipped the shirt on, running over my speech in my mind. I entered his room pantless and awkward, fumbling over my words. “Vic, I really am sorry. I’m sorry for being a bad friend, but I just can’t tell you what’s been going on, okay ? Don’t be mad, please. It’s better if you don’t know…But I can’t go through it if I don’t have you. I need you, okay Vic ? I need you. Is that what you wanted to hear ? Hear me confess my pathetic feelings for you when we’ve only known each other for a little over a month ? Well, I really can’t stand to lose you and you mean a lot to me. Please forgive me.” I stared down at my feet, afraid of what he would respond. ‘Lia, I’m sorry. This is my fault, you shouldn’t have to tell me what’s wrong if you don’t want to. I just…I care about you a lot too, and I kind of went crazy after we kissed. You didn’t say anything about it and I didn’t want to freak you out by telling you that I felt something…But I did. I have feelings for you Lia, and I can’t hide them anymore. I got so upset because I hadn’t seen or heard from you in two days and I missed you and it hurt me and then I thought you didn’t want me back and I just…”

Neither of us knew what to say, so I stood there picking at a thread on my sleeve. My bare legs made me shiver, and Vic noticed. He motioned toward the bed, and I walked slowly over to it, choosing to sit on the edge. He shuffled over to me in his plaid pajama pants and oversized band shirt, looking like he wanted to say something but didn’t know how. His hand ghosted on my cheek, and I leaned into it. He brushed softly along my cheekbone and then my jawline, finger sliding under my chin. He tilted it slightly upward to meet his lips, then lingered for a moment. I looked into his deep brown irises, and he leaned achingly slow into the kiss.

The kiss was so soft, so gentle, that it gave me chills. He was so delicate with me, lips moving with mine in such a way that I felt like I was floating. He pulled away, biting my lip softly. I smiled and pulled him to the front of the bed, burrowing underneath the covers. He joined me, cuddling close and burying his face in my hair. I leaned my head up to kiss him this time, going from his lips, to his jaw, to his neck and then along his collar bone. He brushed my wet locks out of my face, “Lia, you’re so damn beautiful.” I blushed, and he gave me a quick kiss once more. “I can get used to this whole sharing beds thing,” I said honestly. “You aren’t the only one,” Vic said, chuckling softly. He sighed then, sounding sad suddenly. “Lia.”

“I have a secret too.”

“Always tell someone how you feel, because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye, and regret can last for a lifetime.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ugh I feel like this chapter sucks. Anyway, do you guys think the story is moving too slow, or too fast ?