Sequel: Lookin' For Trouble

Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back


The next few days were hell. 8Hours a day in the hot California desert sun. Running, flipping tires, lifting things. It was tough... "I think she's ready to learn how to fire a ray gun, Ghoul." He turned to me "Let the target practice commence!" Yay. They stick me in some protective gear and handed me what they called a ray gun. Ghoul came right next to me" Like this." He aimed at the target in front of us and shot. "Pew!" the light beam that shot from the gun went straight into the center of the target. "Whoa!" I smiled at him and copied. I held it firmly and pulled the trigger. The beam traveled right to the middle. I looked at Ghoul then the others. Their mouths gapping open. "I-I just.." "Yeah..." Dr. Death came up to Fun Ghoul and I. "She's ready." Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jet-Star with his arms crossed, pouting. I simply shook it off. I was going to be a Killjoy! Maybe then Ghoul would like me. I really want him... He's perfect. Maybe too perfect. What am I going to do? Poison broke my train of thought by tapping me on the shoulder. "Hey, you okay?" "Yeah... Can I let you in on a little secret?" A huge smile appeared on his face. "Of course." "Okay. Well, here's the thing. I really like Fun Ghoul." His face immediately changed from excited to something like jealousy. "Yeah, so?" He folded his arms over his chest. "Could you help me et with him?" He looked hurt that I seemed to be missing something. "Why? I thought you had a thing with my brother." "Kobra? No, he's too... out there for me." "Well, I can't help you with Ghoul?" "Why not?" He huffed. "I just cant okay. Drop it." He stomped away. Does Poison like Ghoul too? Holy shit. I ran over to Ghoul. "Is Poison gay?" I whispered. He stopped, taken back by the question. "Yeah... Why?" Should I tell him what I think? No cause then I'l have to bring up the reason I have the suspicion. "No reason. I was just asking. " He looked confused. "Okay then. Come with me. " He grabbed my hand sending a tingle down my spine and the butterflies whirl around in my stomach. I think something awesome could happen between us. I heard stomping behind us. I turned slightly to see Poison storm passed us. "What's his problem?" Ghoul asked. I just shrugged. We dropped it and continued back to the building hand-in-hand.

Frank's POV

Oh my... From the second I laid my eyes on her, I knew she was the one. What am I going to do about Gerard? I know he still likes me... It was one kiss and I was drunk. I think he hates her because we have a thing going on... Gosh... This is going to get complicated. How do I keep my best friend and have the girl of my dreams? I don't want to pick. I need to talk to Gerard. "Hey, ba- Aiyanna. Talk to Dr. Death for a second. I need to talk to Poison." She still doesn't know our real names. I caught up to Gerard "Hey!" He wouldn't stop. "Gee!" He stopped and whirled around . "What?!" There was anger and jealousy in his voice. "Hey, we need to talk." "About?" He stood arms crossed with his left knee bent and his right hip out. God the sass seeps from this man. "Us." I saw the pain in his eyes. "There's nothing to say about that." He started to turn away. I grabbed his shoulder. "Gerard, what do you want from me?" He looked straight into my eyes, his own tearing up. "Nothing, Frank. I don't want anything from you." He brushed off my hand and walked away his face in his hands. "I'm sorry." I looked at my feet. I've already lost my best friend.... I need to talk to Dr. Death.

Aiyanna's POV

"You now need a Killjoy outfit and name." Dr. Death said wheeling over to two doors. He swung them both open, revealing everything from accessories to holsters. "Whoa..." I stepped into the fairly decent sized room. "You seem rather similar to Ghoul, so I was thinking a female version of his outfit." He pulled out a yellow shirt with black stripes on the sleeves, that went to about mid-arm, a dark green skirt, thigh-high white socks, a rather cute protective vest, and black combat boots. "Here, put this on." He tossed me the articles of clothing. I found my way to a bathroom and quickly changed into the "Killjoy outfit". When I came out Ghoul, Kobra, Jet-Star, and Poison were all standing next to Dr. Death. They all stared at me. "Whoa." Kobra almost whispered. Poison chimed in with "Why is it so similar to Ghoul's?" "I figured that her and Ghoul seemed to be pretty similar and it seemed fitting." Dr. Death answered back. I saw Ghoul blush. "For the finishing touch." He handed me two ray guns with thigh holsters. I strapped them on. I liked how this outfit looked. "Now for a name." Dr. Death stated. "Your initials are A R right?" "Yes, sir" He stopped and though for a moment... He snapped his fingers as if a light bulb magically came on. "Adrenaline Revolver" I smiled and nodded. "Perfect."
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Oh and by the way... This is just the first story in a series of either 4 or 5 stories. My friend and I are collaborating on this project. I have the first and second. She is writing the third story and we may co-write the fourth or ill get the fourth and we'll co-write the 5th. We haven't decided yet! Be excited! We are!

(Chapter title credit to You Me At Six)