A Kiss at Home Plate

I Bite My Tongue So You Don't Hear Me

Nick sighed as he watched Austin kiss Alyssa. Every time Austin chose to hang out with her instead of Nick it felt like a punch in the stomach. Nick didn’t have anything against Alyssa. In fact, he considered her a pretty good friend. The problem was that Austin is supposed to be his best friend. Ever since they started dating, Austin had been spending less time with Nick. That, in itself, wouldn’t be too much of a problem. Nick doesn’t own Austin, after all. Nick doesn’t feel the need to be with Austin all the time. The part that has the potential to ruin their relationship are the twinges of jealousy Nick feels whenever Austin is with Alyssa.
Austin kissed Alyssa one more time before turning around and getting into the driver’s seat of his car. Nick was waiting in the passenger seat. They were about to leave the school to go to their baseball game. As much as Nick was looking forward to the game, seeing Austin and Alyssa together bummed him out. Nick sighed again and ran his hands through his hair, wondering why he was so jealous.
“You okay, Nick?” Austin asked. Nick refused to look at him.
“Yeah I’m fine. I’m just nervous about the game.” Nick lied. There was no way he was going to tell Austin what was going through his mind, but he knew Austin could tell he was lying.
“You’re not nervous about the game.” He stated simply. Nick finally looked over and met Austin’s blue eyes. He saw the concern in Austin’s eyes and it took a few seconds for him to answer Austin.
“I just… I guess I’m feeling kinda lonely.” Nick blurted out before he could stop himself. Austin’s eyebrows shot up and he stared at Nick. “I mean…you and Hunter have girlfriends…and I just… I don’t know….”
“You told me last week you don’t want a girlfriend.” Austin said, confused. Secretly, Austin was glad Nick didn’t want a girlfriend. Austin knew he was being selfish and hypocritical, but Nick was his best friend. He didn’t quite understand why he felt so possessive of Nick, but he tried not to question it.
“I don’t want a girlfriend. I just… never mind. Just forget it.” Nick huffed. Austin didn’t move for a minute, just sat and stared at Nick. Nick refused to meet his eyes, staring out the window.
“Fine, but we’re gonna talk about this at some point.” Austin grumbled. He started his car and pulled out of his parking lot, driving five miles down the road to the baseball field. It was silent in the car, both of the boys angry. When they got to the field and Austin parked, Nick hopped out of the car and slammed the door. He trudged into the dugout and sat down to put his cleats on. Everyone could tell something was wrong but no one said anything. The team’s stat keeper, who is also the coach’s daughter, Kira, watched Nick for a minute before walking over and sitting down next to Nick.
“What’s wrong, puppy?” She called him by the nickname she gave him. She said he was adorable like a puppy and has called him puppy ever since.
“Nothing, Kira.” He mumbled. She noticed him glance over at Austin and a knowing look came over her face.
“Oh, trouble with the boyfriend.” She nodded sympathetically. Nick’s head snapped towards her and his eyes widened.
“What?” He asked, panicked. “What are you talking about?”
“Puppy, I see how you look at each other. If a guy looked at me the way you two look at each other I would marry him.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Nick wasn’t worried that she thinks he’s gay, he’s worried that she’ll say something to Austin. While Austin had never given Nick a reason to think he didn’t like gay people, Nick wasn’t sure how he would react. Nick wasn’t even gay, he was bisexual. He had never told anyone before.
“Wait… you haven’t told him?” Kira was confused. “He should know.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Nick played dumb.
“The fact that you’re in love with him!” Kira huffed. Nick shushed her before looking around to make sure no one heard. “Seriously, Nick, I’ve been waiting for three months for you two to just kiss already.”
“How do you even know?” Nick asked. “I’ve never told anyone. I just realized it myself.”
“Do you know how much time I spend on the internet? I have an eye for gay relationships.”
“I’m not gay. I’m bisexual.” Kira started to reply but Nick nudged her to let her know some of the other players were walking into the dugout. She gave him a meaningful look when he stood up and walked to stand by the dugout fence. Nick sat down on one of the buckets to wait for their coach to show up and tell them what he wanted them to do. Austin walked over to Nick and sat down on the bucket next to him.
“What were you and Kira talking about?” Austin couldn’t keep the jealousy out of his voice. Kira was like a little sister to him, but he didn’t know how Nick felt about her. He wasn’t sure if the protective feelings were for Kira or for Nick but he had a feeling it was Nick.
“Nothing.” Nick answered casually, not noticing the jealousy. Austin glared at Nick.
“Really? Did I say something to make you mad, Nick?” He questioned.
“No.” Nick answered shortly. Austin stared at the side of Nick’s face for another minute before standing up so fast that he knocked the bucket over.
“Fine. Whatever.” Nick watched him walk away, feeling like crap.
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This isn't my first story, but this is my first non-fanfiction story in a long time. I apologize for the poor writing. It's hard to get their personalities how I want them.