Sequel: Rendering Flames
Status: Loading...



I sat quietly in the passenger seat as Jaden drove the Jeep towards the town. He hadn't said a word to me yet, even as I came outside to catch up with him. The atmosphere was tense and awkward, making me feel anxious.

The view of the town buildings came into my line of vision and I felt more anxious. How was I suppose to feel safe in an unknown place like this, that I've been warned about, if I couldn't be sure that Jaden would have my back?

Jaden parked the Jeep on the side of the street, many people staring at us but he didn't seem to notice them. I however, felt each pair of eyes burning a hole in me judgmentally. I was obviously easy pickings if they felt like it but everyone kept to themselves.

As I got out of the Jeep, Jaden met me half way around the front of hood. I stepped back as he lingered closer than I expected and started to pick at my nails nervously.

“There are a few things you need to know before we go in,” he started lowly. “First, keep your gun hidden, if someone catches sight of it, it'll be messy. Second, don't not wander, stay close. Third, don't talk to anyone, even if they seem harmless. Got it?”

I nodded, “Yes.”

Without another word, he turned breezily and walked across the street. My shorter legs struggled to keep up with his fast pace, not giving me a chance to mentally prepare myself before we entered a small market. The bell chimed and the cashier looked up at us, instantly turning his gaze suspicious.

“Grab a basket,” he muttered as he slowed down a little. I looked around and saw the basket's he was talking about and picked one up and followed him down an aisle. He started tossing multiple cans of soup into the basket. It quickly weighed my arm down but I didn't complain, not wanting to do something wrong.

I followed him a few aisle down before he turned and found some basic camping supplies. He grabbed flashlights, gasoline, matches, and duct tape. I thought we were done before he started peruse the switch knifes, and bullets cases. I stood by patiently.

“Go down to the end of the aisle and grab two packs of batteries, double A,” he ordered to me, without really glancing towards me.

I set the basket down at his feet, figuring that he could watch it for a few seconds while I got this. I was at the opposite end of the aisle, looking through the batteries like I was told when a shadow came over me.

I looked over to my right and saw a large man standing beside me, staring me down intensely. I briefly glanced over to Jaden, he wasn't paying any attention to me.

“You're new,” the man started, I remained quiet, “we don't like new people around her. They can't be trusted.” My heart went into double time hearing his dark tone. “State your business.”

Much against my gut feeling, I stayed quiet like Jaden had told me. It only made the man step closer into my personal space. I tried to ignore him by picking out the batteries but he grabbed my wrist, yanking me against him.

“Do you feel that,” he asked, looking down to his pocket, “that's a 9mm, ready to put a bullet through your head if don't answer me.”

I gulped, screaming internally for Jaden just to glance over, just for a second. While hoping that Jaden would look over, the man thought it was long enough for him to take action. He pushed me against the shelves, battery packets falling to the ground. He hand me pinned by my wrists but I kneed him in the crotch, his grip slipping off. I twisted his wrist hard and quick, hearing a small pop; doing as Mila taught me. That was when Jaden stood in front of me, his arm outstretched to warn me not to go closer.

The man cursed loudly, drawing the attention of everyone in the store. He grunted as he looked back up to me, not to Jaden. His eyes burn furiously, he looked sick mentally. “Crazy bitch,” he shouted, charging at me. Jaden whipped his gun out, the man practically running into the muzzle.

“Dahlia, get the basket,” he told me, keeping his eyes on the man. I felt frozen but my feet were moving towards the basket without thinking, snatching it up and returning to Jaden. “Keep behind me.”

I was trembling as Jaden turned, keeping his gun aimed at the man who had his hand resting on his 9mm he had warned me about. The store customers and cashier all looked at us, seemly ready to attack if we made any move that I hope Jaden wasn't stupid enough to do. Jaden didn't turn his back as I kept behind him, catching on that we were leaving when he backed closer and closer to the door.

My hand pushed against the door, a rush of air being let in as it cooled the sweat that had formed on the back of my neck. I held onto the basket tightly, ready to run at any word. As the door shut, Jaden turned and grabbed the basket from my hand. He briskly walked to the Jeep, dumping the stuff we had gathered into the back. He tossed the basket back at the store as I leaped into the passenger seat.

He took off, speeding down the road as I let my adrenaline rush die down. He seemed unaffected, which worried me.

“Does that always happen?” I asked, praying to God it didn't.

“No.” He seemed irritated, more than always.

“Oh,” I sighed, wringing my hands together.

“I don't know what you did, but you're not going on trips into town again,” he scolded and I felt defensive instantly.

“What I did? I didn't do anything,” I retorted calmly. My hands gripped each others wrists, still feeling the calloused hands of that man on them.

“So what, he just attacked you for no reason? We've been to that same store dozens of times and not once has there been a problem. Now we can't go back there.” he snapped and I pretended not jump in my seat at the rise of his voice.

“Well, I don't know what to tell you,” I sniffed irritably, “ it wouldn't had happened if you had been paying attention.”

“No, it wouldn't had happened if you had did what I told you to do,” he huffed angrily.

“And I did!” I scoffed, “Whatever, you can blame it on me. But a second later of not saying anything,” I mocked one of his rules back to him, “I would have been dead.”

“Well anyone stupid can tell you, you talk if there's a gun to your head.” He told me like I was suppose to know that.

“I'm not a mind reader, I did exactly what you asked. Had it occurred to you that maybe he was delusional?” Anger pumped through me, I had never been so vocal before. I was spitting out words without thinking, it was an odd feeling.

“Yeah, everyone here is delusional! That's why you stay to yourself and don't go making trouble!” His voice rose an octave, just under a shout.

I just shook my head in bewilderment that he was actually blaming this one me. “Christ, if you hate me so much, why'd you even take me in?” I muttered.

“I'm wondering the same thing,” he snapped, parking the Jeep in front of the house. He slammed the driver door irritably and started gathering what we had taken. I slid out of the passenger seat and stalked off, passing the house. I wasn't in the mood to explain to anyone what had happened, I just wanted to process it alone. Jaden didn't stop me as I rounded the house, walking off into the woods.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope this chapter translates how I want it to. Dahlia is able to find her voice but isn't going to make a habit of it and Jaden still doesn't feel sorry for her like everyone else. She's learning and you'll see her do a lot of that learning around Jaden, he's lucky enough to getting the biting end of the stick on that.

I'll shut up before I ramble on and just tell the whole story.

Here's a notice though: Things will pick up and the story will start webbing together and the next chapter in particular, which I'm not even sure if I want something major to happen yet, will kick start that.

Thanks for the new comment and recs and subscribers!

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Seriously, I literally go and write 20 pages of drafts for this story if I get a new comment. It inspires me so much and I just love comments, they are the best. No pressure though, just my eternal happiness rests on getting a comment or two.

Avec l'amour
