So this is how it ends

So it begins

It was a cold autumn’s morning and Taylor was waiting outside ‘The Venue’ in Baltimore hoping that she could get a ticket to see her idols All Time Low for the first time and probably the last. She finally got to the ticket box to find that the tickets were more expensive than she’d expected and she didn't have enough money, she knew that when the prices got lowered later on she’d be too late because they’d have probably sold out by then. Tay was beginning to lose hope in all she’d ever dreamt of. Her last wish was to see her idols live; she began to take a stroll to the coffee shop which seemed to take forever. On her way to the coffee shop Tay began to think about everything she’d achieved in what seemed so long considering how long she had left, she began to think about how much it would mean to meet the person that had saved her so many times before without even knowing it, yet she knew that as much as she wished for it he wouldn't be able to save her this time. Tay knew it was all too late for her. Completely lost in her thoughts Tay aimlessly wandered into the coffee shop the smell of the freshly roasted coffee beans awoke her from her thoughts and there before her stood Zack, the sight of his muscles made her shiver, she was speechless but she knew she had to say something or she’d hate herself forever even though she knew her forever wasn't very long. Tay knew that just hearings Zacks voice would make her last few months less painful, she ran towards him not thinking about the consequences, completely forgetting where she was, Zacks hot coffee spilt all over Tay but she didn't care a look of confusion appeared on Zacks face, he stammered “ccccan I help you” Tay remembering that
Zack was shy and would be completely freaked out released her grip of the bassist and tried to explain as easily as possible why she’d just ran through the coffee shop and gripped him. As Tay finished explaining to Zack she began to weep Zack held her and tried to cover up the fact that a tear had escaped his eye but Tay had seen she whimpered “Zack you’re crying” He smiled and replied “I know it’s weird seeing a buff man cry”, he laughed and pulled her close and whispered into her ear “let me see what I can do”, Tay began to cry again and murmured back “Thank you Zack” She hugged him again and listened to his instructions, Zack looked at the clock “Tay I have to go or I’m gonna be late for sound check but I’ll see you afterwards to make that dream come true”. Tay followed Zacks instructions and went to wait outside ‘the venue’ until he called her to say where to go next. It was getting late and Tay was getting cold from the frostiness in the cool Baltimore breeze, then the phone rang it was Zack he sounded hyped up he told Tay to go the stage door and that Jack would meet her there because he needed to go to the tour bus for something, she went to the door and heard “so you’re the lovely lady we've heard so much about”, Tay didn't even need to turn round, she knew that cheeky laugh anywhere it was Jack who’d come to fetch her he greeted her with hug and said he was sorry that they we were meeting because of a sad reason, Tay shrugged it off and said “at least I got to meet you before it was too late”, Jack smiled an awkward smile not knowing what to say he’d never been in a situation like this before. Tay tried to break the silence she questioned Jack “where’s Alex?” Jack replied “he‘s on stage at the minute, I think Remembering Sunday just started, do you wanna go to the side of the stage so you can see?” “That would be amazing thank you” Jack smiled and lead the way to the stage. Tay saw Alex as he began to sing the opening words of Remembering Sunday Tay began to break down and fell to the floor, Jack began to get worried “Tay, are you alright?!” he said with a concerned look across his face “yeah “ Tay sniffed ”it’s just that this song has so much meaning for me and it’s the first time I've heard him live and it’s all so much” “oh I see are you sure you’re gonna be okay to meet him Tay?” “yeah I’ll be fine” “alright then well I have to go back on now but Flyzik will look after you until we finish alright” “okay then Jack, go and do us hustlers proud” Jack laughed “don’t you worry about that little lady”. Tay laughed as she watched Jack walk into the distance she spotted Zack who just waved before leaving with Jack to go back on stage. Flyzik asked Tay if she wanted to go back to the green room or if she wanted to stay at the side of the stage and watch the rest of the gig, Tay said that she’d like to stay and watch as long as that was alright, Flyzik said it was fine but that she’d have to watch on her own because he had a couple of things to attend to. The intro of Dear Maria began to play and Tay knew that the gig was ending because Dear Maria was always the last song they played, Tay tried to prepare herself knowing that within the next 5 minutes she would have met Alex. As the guys began to walk off stage Zack smiled at Tay giving her the hint that Alex was on his way and had no idea that she was there. Alex stopped dead; like he’d see a ghost, he was speechless all he could do was stare at Tay, Tay holding his stare burst into tears the guy that had saved her life so many times had just been staring into her eyes she didn't know what to do with herself, Alex ran knowing that any moment she was going to fall to the floor, he was right Tay fainted at the sight of Alex little did she know the surprise she would get when she awakened.
Tay began to wake up, she could hear a gentle whisper “Tay are you waking up?” she sat up like a bolt Tay knew that voice anywhere it was Alex she’d been lay on Alex and she hadn't even known it she began to cry and turned towards him she flung her arms around him. She way speechless, Alex laughed “so I can see your glad to meet me then” Tay giggled “yes a thousand times yes, you don’t even understand how much this means to me” Tay went quiet “Alexxx” Alex had a hint of confusion in his voice “yeahhh” “umm how much have the others told you” Tay stammered, Alex laughed and said “well Zack said that you’re a massive fan, so much so that you didn't care that he spilt his coffee on you and that’s all they told me, why is there something I should know?” Tay replied “Umm yeah I guess so, you see the thing is I’m dying and that’s why I really needed to meet you” “wait what do you mean you’re dying?!” stammered Alex, “I mean they've estimated I have four months left to live” “but Tay you can’t die, I know we've only just met but there’s something about you, I need to get to know you better, you can’t die, I won’t let you!” “Alex! Chill I’m not going anywhere just yet!” “That’s alright then isn't” Tay laughed “ but you see, the thing is Alex, I really needed to meet you because I know it’s all going to end soon but if it wasn't for then it would've ended a long time ago for me if you know what I’m saying” “oh my god Tay I never want you to think like that again I’m going to stick by you and make sure that your last months are the best” Alex began to cry at the thought of losing his new found love in just a few short months.
Tay hugged Alex and told him to try and not think about, they were still in the green room and Alex knew he needed to go outside and meet some of the fans, because he didn't want to disappoint anyone since he knew that Jack, Zack and Rian were already outside so it’d look pretty bad if he didn't show up, Alex asked Flyzik if he’d take Tay out to the tour bus for him so he could go and meet the fans that were anxiously waiting for him.
So Flyzik took Tay back to the tour bus, and tried to make her feel as welcome as possible but with the state the boys had left the bus in, it wasn't all that easy. Tay began to think about how surreal everything seemed; she began to think about how she was just some small town girl was sitting In her idols tour bus, how she’d woken up in the arms of the guy who’d saved her so many times, they guy who’d helped her to put down the blade without even knowing it. Tay began to cry at the thought that if it wasn't for Alex and his lyrics she never would've been able to meet him. As Tay was crying Alex walked in puffy red eyes, she knew he’d been crying too, but why? He’d only just met her. Unless it was meant to be. Tay rang her mum from Alex’s phone and explained where she was and that she didn't know if she’d be coming back other than to collect a few belongings, she knew that this would be tearing her parents to pieces but she tried to make her mum understand why, and that she’d see her again but her last day. Alex went to bed before the others that night, eventually it was only Tay and Jack left up; she smiled a pondering smile and jack being jack wasn't taking anything seriously tried to be all cool “what’s going on up there, you’re thinking something and I can’t work out what it is” “it’s nothing really just why was Alex crying before” “ahh, I knew that was coming, you see the thing is Tay, Alex believes in love at first sight and fate, and with you telling him about he’d saved you, he knew that it had to be you, that you’re the one” “really?!” Tay chuckled “it’s all so surreal so much has happened in one day, I just can’t help but smile” Jack laughed “you really ought to get some sleep, you have a lot to sort out tomorrow” “okay then, thank you Jack, for everything” “don’t worry about it, see you in the morning” .
The next few months seemed to fly by and she knew what the doctors had told her that her approximated death was February but she daren’t tell Alex, it’d break him, as much as she knew it would hurt him she knew she had to leave he couldn't help her this time she had to end it, the bridge in the middle of Baltimore, she could do it there, after all it’s where she always went when she’d had a bad day before why not go there to end all of them bad days of the not so long future and make them all endless dreams that could never come true and the memories, they’d soon fade just like old photographs.
It was a bad thought, and she knew it would hurt so many people but shouldn't they think about her needs too? She way the one that was dying and no matter how much everyone tried to help Alex especially she was still facing it alone no-one could take away the pain or the thoughts. She began writing, probably the last thing she would ever write if she went through with it;
“Dear Alex,
It kills me inside to write this but you have to know, February 15th is the day I’m supposed to die, but I don’t want to have to die in hospital, I want to die in one of my favorite places that mean a lot to me and I know this is hard for you to understand but all I can say is I’m sorry, please don’t try and find me, just forget I ever existed.
Forever yours
Tay x”
As she wrote the final words she broke down and Rian walked in, “Tay what’s that your writing, can I see” “no “ Tay snapped through bloodshot eyes but Rian proceeded to ignore her and took the note from the table “ Tay no you can’t do this he won’t let you” “tough it’s not his decision it’s mine, I can’t take it anymore Rian, I can’t face the thought of the day I’d rather just get rid of it now, there’s no point trying to stop me because I’m gonna die anyway why delay it this time”
She heard a faint cry, Tay had forgotten that Alex was still in his bunk having a power nap, he’d heard everything.
Tay ran to the bridge and was standing on the edge in the distance she could see Alex running, the bridge was nearer and nearer but Alex was getting closer and closer until he caught her, he grabbed her dainty figure refusing to let go, refusing to let her go to the bridge and jump, Alex began to cry “ Tay I just can’t let you do it, not now not ever can’t we have these few last weeks, please?” Tay who was now crying as well whimpered “ Alex no I’m sorry but I have to do this” As Alex cried and fell to the floor Tay removed her necklace it had a picture of them from the first day the met inside the locket she fastened it around Alex’s neck, kissed him on the cheek, and whispered never forget me Alex you’ll see me in your dreams and one day maybe we’ll be reunited again” Tay wandered into the sunset climbed onto the edge of the bridge, spread her arms as though she was already an angel and jumped into the rapid waters that ran below the bridge Alex screamed everything he’d ever wished for was gone within a heartbeat and what had he done, he’d just sat there on the floor crying, he’d watched the love of his life take her last breath, he knew she’d have struggled to breathe when she was drowning, he knew that It must’ve been so hard for her to jump, but he knew that nothing he could’ve done would've saved her, as hard as he wished and wanted to bring her back he couldn't. He picked himself up and realized that now he had to make that phone call, but he couldn't bring himself to tell her parents over the phone he decided it would be better face to face; January 26th was the darkest day for Alex every year after that he never forgave himself, even though he knew it wasn't his fault. He never removed the locket and prayed every night that the person who had changed his life and caused him to write so many songs was safe now. They held the service where they would say their goodbye’s to Tay at the bridge where she jumped and Alex knew that the only he’d be able to say goodbye would be to sing, but he couldn't bring himself to do It at the service, he stayed after everyone had left, knowing that Tay was looking down on him he began to sing the words to lullabies the song that he had written about her after she’d died the fact that she wasn't there frustrated him he wanted to jump too but he knew he couldn't it would hurt so many people and the only thing that kept Alex going every day was the thought that he would be reunited with her one day. The saying was right, that true love never dies, because there wasn't a day pass by where Alex didn't wish Tay was by his side.
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Yeah the whole things in here because i'm too lazy to sit and do chapters :3