Darkness of the Heart

-Chapter One- The Beginning

"Hey, Riku, what's wrong?" Sora asked the silver haired young man.
Riku didn't answer at first and looked into the ocean of darkness.
"RIKU!" Sora said loudly.

Riku roused himself from his stupor and looked at Sora.

"........Can you feel it?" he asked.

"Feel what?" Sora asked, looking completely confused.

"That, " Riku said and pointed off in the distance.

Just off shore, there was a huge black shadow coming closer with every passing second. The shadow looked like a gigantic human, only this "human" had a heart shaped hole in its stomach and a wild mane of hair obscuring every feature of its face, except for the eyes, which were a glowing, piercing yellow.

"Oh..... that......" sora said as he made his signature Kingdom Key materialize.
Riku called for his Way to the Dawn and got ready for a fight.
After the fight, Sora flopped down on the beach, exausted.

"God!!!! How many times have we done that, Riku?" Sora asked his friend.

Riku didn't answer.

"Riku?" Sora asked again. Again, no answer.

Sora looked around and noticed his surroundings. He was on the Destiny Islands and Riku was nowhere to be found.

"Riku!" Sora called frantically as he ran around the Island looking for his lost friend.

"Riku..." Sora said as he sat down on the peir where the boats were tethered and started crying.