Darkness of the Heart

Chapter Two Revelation

~1 Week has passed since the dissappearance of Riku~

As Sora sat on the pier, thinking about the past events, he noticed a bottle floating in the water near him. He went to it and picked it up. Sora noticed a letter inside it, with King Mickey's Seal on it. Less than enthusiastically, he opeed the bottle and pulled out the letter.
It read:

I need to see you at the castle as soon as possible, I have some important information for you. It's about Riku.


Sora re-read the letter three times to make sure he had understood what it had said. Info on Riku? and from the King himself no less!

"I have to go and meet him then," Sora said as he smiled for the first time in a week, "I'll take Kairi with me too, she'll want to know what has been going on..."

Sora ran back to the pier and Jumped up in the air once and did an Arial Dodge to gain more height, then went fluidly into a Glide and went all the way back to the main island he called home.
"Kairi!" Sora yelled loudly, "Kairi, come here, I need to talk to you!"

Sora had made it back to his former girlfriends house and started tossing rocks at her window to get her attention.

"What is it you ass?!" Kairi yelled angrily, remembering how Sora had locked his heart to her after Riku had dissappeard, "Finally ready to talk, or are you here to whine again?!"

Sora looked shocked, he had never seen Kairi this angry before. It wasn't something he wanted to see at all.

"No, I just found a message from the King! He says he's got some info about Riku!"
Sora yelled happily.

At the mention of finding Riku, Kairi stopped looking angry for just a second, then placed her angry mask back on in the same instant.

"That's all fine, well, and good for you, Sora, but what about me? Huh? What about finding where I lived before coming here? I remember you telling me that you'd help!" Kairi said huffily from her bedroom window.

Sora looked taken aback at Kairi's sudden change of demeanor and said,"Why don't we look for Riku, then the three of us can find your home, together, ok?"

Kairi looked down at Sora with a strange look in her eye. What was it.... was it.. longing?

"Fine," she relented, thinking that Sora was always like this, stubborn to the point that it got him into trouble, "I'll go, to find Riku."

Sora looked happier than ever at this news and said, "Then we'd better get packed!!" And he ran to his house to get started, leaving Kairi to shake her head in ammusement, looking at the back of his spikey brown hair as he went.