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Wish For It

"Breath A." Cora said as she sat on Ava's bed Indian style. Ava paced back and forth. She was nervous. More nervous than anything in her life. It even beat that time freshman year where she had to get in front of the entire 9th grade class and talk to them about safe driving; which included her telling them about no sexual activities allowed. "You'll be fine boo."

"Maybe I should just cancel. I'll say I got sick or something." Ava sat down only to stand back up a minute later.

"No way Jose. You have to go on this date. This is your chance."

"Okay. I can do this. I CAN do this." Ava stopped her pacing and went to her closet. What was she going to wear? Where were they even going to go. [i/] We're going out to eat. Wear something nice. Nice? She didn't own anything nice. "I have nothing to wear."

"Sit down, I got this." Coralie went over to Ava's closet. She dug into the clothes sifting and pulling until she smile really big and turned to Ava. "I've got it."

Ava quickly put on what Coralie had chosen. A white cropped corset top and a black high-low skirt. Cora chucked a pair of simple black Litas by Jeffrey Campbell that Cora's dad had bought her for her birthday. Ava smiled, pleased with the outcome of the outfit. Cora knew best. Ava straightened her red hair and put on mascara before turning to Cora, eyes wide and hopeful.

"You look beautiful A. He'll be drooling all night." Coralie said and then they hugged. She didn't know where she'd be without her best friend. The doorbell rang and they jumped apart. "Just be yourself." she said before pushing her out of her room. Ava sighed and walked down stairs where her mom and Zarin were chatting about god knows what.

"See you later mom, don't wait up." Ava said as Zarin and her walked out the door. Her mom already warned her that if she did anything with the boy she'd cut dicks.


Zarin was such a gentleman. He opened the car door for her and everything. Who would've thought that this cocky boy was so sweet? Ava glanced over at him as he drove. They had been in the car for at least ten minutes. She studied what he was wearing. A black button up shirt with dark jeans and dress shoes. He looked really nice. Ava always loved when boys dressed up nicely. If it was up to her they would always be dressed up. It just made them that more attractive. Ava glanced to his face, freshly shaven. Eyes, blue than the sea, and starring at her. She blushed deeply and looked away.

It seemed like they had been driving forever. Ava was getting anxious. The sun would be setting in an hour and they seemed to be out in the middle of no where.

"Where are you taking me exactly?" Ava asked looking over at Zarin.

"You'll see." Zarin grinned as he pulled to the side of the road and parked the car. Seriously? Ava was more than confused. They were literally in the middle of no where. Only trees surrounded them. Zarin got out and went around to the trunk. Ava opened her door and stepped out onto the grass. Zarin appeared at her side and smile. "C'mon."

They began walking into the forest. Zarin grabbed Ava's hand as they weaved through the trees and hopped over logs. Soon they emerged into a clearing. It was simple and open. Grass and dandelions, but it was beautiful. Ava looked over to her date and laughed. He had told her to dress nice to come to a field for the night.

"A few years ago I came to a party here. Some guy threw these crazy parties in random places all the time. This place just happened to be one of them. But after one party came another and for a really long while it was party central. After a a year or so people forgot about it and so I took it as my own." Zarin told Ava as he laid down a blanket and set down the basket he was carrying. "I come out here to think some times. Just to clear my head. No one knows about this place anymore, except me. And now you. "

"It's beautiful." Ava said as she glanced at the sky. "Do you take all your first dates here?"

"Actually no. I was serious about only you and me knowing. I usually take all my first dates to Chilly Scoop." Ava smiled at him. It was true. She had seen him in there before with girls. The local ice cream shop was a good place for first dates.

Zarin pulled out a variety of foods to eat. Strawberries, Cantaloupe, Chips, tiny sandwiches and they were all so good.


Once they were done eating and just laying on the soft blanket talking it was dark. Just as the sun disappeared behind the horizon tiny little lights flickered on all around them. They were like the one you use to light your walkway to your door so you can see the side walk as you are entering the house. But there were a lot of them all around them so it lit up the field enough so they could see each over but still have the comfort of the night.

"You are something else." Ava said as she sat up and picked a dandelion.

"Make a wish," he told her and then she blew on the flower making tiny little white seeds fly into the air. "Now believe it."

They later drove back to her house where he walked her to her doorstep. Ava turned towards him and smiled.

"Thanks for tonight. It was great."

"Thanks for tagging along." He wink at her before bending in for a kiss. Ava backed into the door, opening it behind her. Zarin smiled and nodded his head. "Goodnight Ava."
♠ ♠ ♠
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