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I'm Afraid

Ava couldn't remember the last time she had been to a party. She didn't think she had actually even been to an actually party before. The closest thing to a party she had gotten to was Miranda Letto's freshman year. There were only seven people there and they were all playing seven minutes in heaven. It wasn't exactly her scene.

Tonight would be her first party. It was at Brad Quinzy's house, one of the most popular guys in the school. The only reason she got invited was because it was rumored that she had slept with Zarin. How anyone came up with that was unbelievable. She hadn't even kissed him and she hadn't told anyone about the date except Coralie and she would never tell. Over all she was excited to go and have some fun tonight. She invited Coralie but she was hanging out with her boyfriend, so Ava invited her sister Riley to come.

Riley was freshly graduated just last year. She was a year older than Zarin and three years older than Ava. Although they had a few years on each other Ava and her sister were close. They shared the same interests and enjoyed each others company. Although Riley and Ava looked nothing alike, as they didn't share the same father, they were the closest sisters in town. Riley had long chocolate hair, a small frame but a bit pudgy. She had blue eyes which she got from her father for sure and she had pierced her nose when she was a junior.

Ava got dressed into a black cut out bandaged crop top with a black leather circle skirt and a pair of red velvet lace up chunky boots. She looked in the mirror satisfied with her outfit. She slipped a couple rings on her fingers and left her room. Riley was already waiting in the car, blaring music. Ava hoped in and her sister smiled at her. Riley looked super cute tonight wearing a pair of slashed camo skinny jeans and an off the shoulder cropped black tee.

"You look great." Ava told her sister as she buckled up and they pulled out of the driveway.

"Thanks, you do too."


The party was in full swing as they arrived. The huge house, or mansion, was crawling with people. It seemed as though every square inch of the place had people. They entered through the front door and were soon pushed out to the backyard where there were three fires going. People huddled around each fire, but there were less than were in the house.

"I'm going to go and find my friends. Are you going to be okay?" Riley asked as we stood on the deck.

"Yeah! Go ahead, have fun. Text me when you're leaving?" Ava asked and her sister nodded in approval as she walked back into the house.

Ava wasn't sure if Zarin was here or not, but she hopped to see him tonight. Just as she began to step off the deck she was grabbed and tossed over someones shoulder. She screamed in surprise before she heard the voice that yelled.

"Ava, my new sister! Come have fun tonight!!" Hawkins said, slapping her butt.

"Put me down you drunken idiot!" Ava lightly hit him before he released her.

"I'm going to make sure you have a good time tonight." he told her smiling a goofy smile. He handed her a beer before leading her down to one of the three fires. They sat in lawn chairs and drank their beers. Hawkins continued to give Ava them even though she wasn't one for drinking. After a few minutes of just drinking he spoke, "I'm really sorry for telling everyone about your date."

"You did that? Everyone's calling me a slut, they think I slept with him." Ava replied over the music.

"I'm sorry I didn't know that would happen. From now on I'll keep my mouth shut. Just know I took care of those people. You're one of us now."

"Thanks, really its okay." she smiled at him and drank some of her beer. What did he mean he took care of them? What did he mean by 'one of us'?

"He really likes you, ya know? Told me he didn't take you to Chilly Scoop." Ava shook her head. "That's something special for Zare. That's where he takes all his first dates." How was she suppose to answer to something like that? It gave her butterflies, and it didn't seem like they were going to stop anytime soon. She smiled at him as he stood. "I'm going to go find the kid and bring him over. He'll be excited to see you."

And with that Hawkins ran off into the house. Ava shook her head at him. He was ridiculous but she knew they would be good friends. After all who could possibly not like Hawkins? The girl leaned back in the chair and finished off her second beer. She watched the fire lick the air. White, blue, yellow, orange. She could feel the heat touch her face, her legs. It felt nice as the dark sky drew colder.

Someone had sat next to her a minute ago, and they seemed to be staring a hole through her. So she turned to see Brad freaking Quinzy leaning over the arm of chair staring at her. "Hey Brad, nice party." What could she possibly say to make this less awkward. She hardly ever talked to Brad. Maybe once or twice in class if he didn't do his homework, or needed a pencil. Ava looked him over, he wore his varsity jacket and jeans. His brown hair was messed up compared to its usual perfectness. His green eyes were hungry and glazed. He wanted something but he sure as hell wasn't going to get it.

"Ava, we s-sh-should get outta here." Brad spoke, reaching out to put a hand on her knee.

"I'm actually waiting on someone, sorry."

"Black? He's no good. Look how m-much," he stopped to hiccup. "better I am."

"Brad, you're drunk. Go find someone else." Ava stood to leave but he grabbed her wrist, pulling himself to stand next to her. "Get away." she said sternly, but he just slung a heavy arm around her shoulders. He began to walk practically dragging her with him. She tried to push him away but he'd pull her right back.

"What's going on here?" a familiar deep smooth voice spoke and Ava looked up to see Zarin blocking the path. She pushed Brad's arm off her and took Zarin's hand. He pushed her behind him so she could only see his muscular back.

"Fuck off Black." Brad said throwing his empty beer bottle to the side of him.

"You were hurting Ava."

"We were just having fun. Tell him Ava." Ava tried to peek out from behind Zarin but he pushed her back, protecting her. "Fuck you too, slut. You'll fuck Black but not me?"

"Quinzy you're a pansy bitch, someone with respect wouldn't fuck you." Hawkins stepped up to the side of Zarin. Zarin glowered at him who nodded and backed up.

"I'm her friend, it was meaningless. I'm drunk." Brad told Zarin. Was he to chicken to fight against Zarin? She had heard a few things about him. Someone said it only took one punch for Zarin's enemy to be knocked out.

Ava gripped onto his tee-shirt. She tip-toed and whispered, "Leave him, he's not worth it tonight." Zarin took a hold of her hand and lead her away from Brad and to a fire. They sat on a love seat and she looked up at the beautiful boy. For a second she could see the anger in his eyes, written all over his face, but it soon disappeared as he looked down at her.

"My Lone Star was left alone and look what happened." Zarin chuckled as he placed a hand on her thigh.

"He was drunk and stupid. I'm not always that weak. I just didn't want to hurt him." they laughed at her comment.

"I'm glad you came tonight."

"Me too, even though now everyone will definitely think I'm a slut."

"Hawkins is a dick. I told him not to tell. What'd he do? Told a jealous girl who spread rumors," he shook his head. "Don't worry, I beat him up." Ava laughed and scooted closer to the boy. Zarin wrapped an arm around her shoulders. This made a perfect night. It's exactly where she wanted to be, in the arms of the cutest boy ever. It was silent for a few minutes before Ava's face got to hot so she looked up at the stars the shined in the night sky.

"There's the big dipper." she pointed out the constellation.

"You're up there somewhere." They met each others eyes and Ava's chest began to rise and fall. He leaned in and she let him, closing her eyes and felt his soft pink lips meet hers. They were so soft she didn't possibly want them to ever come off hers. She wrapped here hands in his blonde locks and he pulled her around the waist so their bodies had no space between them.

After a minute or so they parted, out of breath. Ava felt relieved and refreshed but wanted more. Zarin was perfect and she may possibly being falling hard for him.

"Just don't think." his voice was low, almost whispering. "You're mine and that's all that matters for now."

"I'm afraid of this."

"No thinking, just let it crash over you." Ava took a deep breath. "I'll forever be taken by a lone star."