Status: This will be reworked.

In Your Dreams, Alex Gaskarth


"I can't believe you," she cried, "why, Alex why?" I tried to grab her hand, tried to explain but she pulled away from me.

"Please just listen to me."

"No, I'm done with you Gaskarth, I'm so done," she sobbed running away from my house and out of my life.

Two years ago today was the day I broke her heart. Two years ago today she ran out of my life, and never spoke to me again. Three years ago today I was the happiest guy on earth, but I screwed that up. I am an idiot, I really am. When Jack first found out he refused to talk to me for a week, Zack and Rian where both pretty mad at me. Zack punched me in the face, I probably deserved it, no I did deserve it.

I screwed up something major in my life, and for what? I screwed up.


My band was pretty big in the underground scene. I had girls screaming for me, and people making homemade band shirts. It was almost fame.

I was sitting behind the big curtain of the homemade stage, set up in some rich girls backyard, thinking. Six months after my mistake I got a new girlfriend. Her name is Tiffany Marie Taylor. She has soft blond hair, and blue eyes. We have been dating for a year and six months. The guys opinion of Tiffany hasn't changed much. They all still think she is whiny and that I could do much better. Tiffany found me backstage and sat next to me.



"It's almost time to go on."

"Alright," I said standing up, I reached my hand out to help her up. Jack ran over to me and pulled me away from Tiffany and he followed Zack and Rian up the stairs to the stage. Cheers filled the air when we walked on. I took my spot at the mic and the guys started playing Coffee Shop Soundtrack.

When the show was over, we enjoyed the rich chick's birthday party for awhile before heading over to our friend, Lizzie's party. Lizzie was actually Zack's girlfriend. She has light brown hair and Carmel eyes. She wore the same thing to every party she had. A white skirt and a light blue tank top, with her silver flats. As soon as Zack found her they disappeared, on the makeshift dance floor, in Lizzie's backyard. I followed Jack into the kitchen where all the alcohol you could imagine was placed on the kitchen table.

Jack poured us both a drink, and Jack walked out to find girls to hit on. I poured myself another drink and let the liquor burn my throat as it slid down into my stomach. When that one was finish I poured myself another, until I was almost completely plastered. I poured one more than went into the living room and sat on the couch.

"I really don't want to be here," I heard from behind me. I turned to see a small brunette being pulled behind a tall, skinny kid with black hair.

"Oh come on, do you want to ruin the only shot I have with Karly?"

"No, I'm just uncomfortable around alcohol you know that Keith," She said pulling away from him.

"I know, just give me ten minutes and I'll take you home," He said disappearing in the crowd leaving her alone. I couldn't place where I seen her before. The alcohol wasn't letting me think. Her familiar Icy blue eyes scanned the room before they landed on me. Her eyes got huge and she ran out the door. I stood up and followed her, for some reason unknown. I blame the alcohol.

She stopped running and turned around.

"What do you want Gaskarth."
♠ ♠ ♠
=D Alex Gaskarth!!

Enjoy more to come soon
